orchard terraces

garden terraces

In gardening and in orchards, the terraces allow us certain advantages. For instance, does not allow grass and other weeds to enter the place where we have planted. This makes our work easier and allows us to better optimize irrigation water and fertilizer.

There are many types of terraces and multiple ways to make them. Here we are going to show you how to make a basic terrace for our garden or orchard.

Basic characteristics of a terrace

The first thing is the dimensions that our terrace must have in order to optimize the advantages it offers us. More or less has to have a height of 20 cm and a width not more than 1,20 m. If we set it lower, it will not be able to keep our plants and / or pasture crops away from weeds. Likewise, if we make the bed much wider, it will increase the difficulty to be able to work.

How to build a terrace

terraces offer good advantages in orchards

the terraces offer good advantages in the orchards

To build our terrace we have to eliminate the first layer of grass that we have and loosen the soil well. Then we continue placing dry branches and put a layer of manure or organic matter in general (compost also works) that is half decomposed. The next layer that has to go on the terrace must be green. That is, either you have freshly cut grass or pruning leaves, green kitchen waste, etc. The important thing is that everything is very well chopped, cut and very fine.

Then we put a good amount of newspaper or cardboard and another layer of about 3 cm of compost. Finally, we put a layer of padding that can be straw, dry leaves, dry step, etc.

We must bear in mind that with each addition of each layer we have to wet the materials and the plants should be put as close together as possible to help generate a microclimate that provides stability.