Uses of tepojal for plants

Tepojal for plants is useful to improve water drainage

The tepojal for plants is useful to improve water drainage

Tepezil or tepojal is a natural, lightweight and low-cost volcanic stone. It can be mixed with other substrates. In plants it can help prevent caking and compaction of the soil, in addition to providing oxygenation to the roots and absorbing excess moisture from the plants. This material can go a long way in rescuing a plant that was about to rot or die. What it does is heal and root plants faster, and keep them cool on hot, dry days during winter.

The benefits of tepojal in plants are diverse, as this natural fertilizer has a high content of nutrients that help improve the growth, flowering and performance of plants. Among the nutrients that the tepojal contains are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for the development of plants. In addition, this natural fertilizer has a high amount of carbon, which gives it a very high fertilizing power. Tepojal is an excellent source of nutrients for plants.

What is tepojal for plants

Depending on where you live they will be called differently in some parts of America and Europe they are known as tepojal and in others they are called pumice stones. La pumice or tepojal is a volcanic rock that forms when magma cools rapidly. It has a smooth white appearance and is used in construction, glass making, and agriculture.

In agriculture it is used as an organic fertilizer that is produced from the decomposition of organic matter. Its chemical components are silica (SiO2), aluminum (Al2O3), iron (Fe2O3) and titan (TiO2). All of these are useful components for plants.

What is the tepojal for plants for

gomez stone

stone gomez

Pumice stone or tepojal is used in agriculture to improve the soil. Its chemical components help keep the soil fertile, increase moisture retention and prevent the growth of weeds. It can improve the drainage of plants like succulents. In the case of plants with a tendency to rot, it helps to heal them quickly. Pumice stone can be used as a compost to absorb rainwater that pools around plants.

To use them correctly first make a hole around the plant with vertical tunnels. The hole must be at least 30 cm. from the base of the plant. Insert the pumice stone into the vertical holes. Pumice stone can also be used in other ways. A layer of tepojal will absorb spilled oil, grease and other toxic liquids. Once the liquid has been absorbed, sweep up and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way.

Advantages of adding pumice stone or tepojal to your garden

  1. Improves the soil: Pumice stone improves the soil by adding nutrients and chemical components to it that help keep it fertile.
  2. Increases moisture retention: retains excess moisture within its porous structure. The pumice stone acts like a sponge and holds water until the plants need it. Then it releases that water steadily onto the ground. Its unique structure can reduce your garden’s watering needs by up to 35%.
  3. Prevents weed growth: Pumice stone prevents weed growth by reducing irrigation and soil moisture.
  4. Provides nutrients: the tepojal provides nutrients to the soil, which helps plants to grow healthy and strong.
  5. Reduce Watering – Pumice stone reduces watering by retaining moisture in the soil. This helps to save water and reduce water consumption in the garden.

How to use the tepojal

Tepojal for plants

Tepojal for plants

If you really want to, you can use the pumice stones, but it will cost you money. Some people use the tepojal as a substrate to produce both plants and vegetables in hydroponic stations (i.e. no land). It is enough to control them from time to time without having to replant the plant when the quality of the soil deteriorates. However, it requires time and, above all, a lot of knowledge.

Therefore, for us, at the amateur level, it is preferable to operate on a smaller scale so as not to have to continually run and fill the pot with water and nutrients.

The following is a rule recommended by experts for using tepojal in agriculture:

  • For a typical soil mix, add 15% pumice.
  • All hardy plants, such as monsteras and calatheas, require 30% pumice (including maranta).
  • For ferns and other water-loving plants, mix a little less than half pumice and half soil.
  • Draining substrates are essential for cacti, succulents, and caudex. The tepojal should then be mixed with anything that does not retain moisture, such as sand.

Uses of tepojal for plants

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