How plants grow: Birth and phases

Plants go through various processes to grow.

Plants go through various processes to grow.

The most curious of you may have ever wondered how plants grow How is it possible that a tiny sprout ends up growing a tree several meters high? Although the answer may seem simple, there are many processes and factors that influence this plant development to take place.

So that you can better understand everything that it implies, we are going to explain in this article how plants grow, commenting on all the phases. We will talk about their birth, their growth phases and what they need to develop.

How are plants born?

Vegetables are born from seeds

Vegetables are born from seeds

Before explaining how plants grow, it is important to understand their birth. This phenomenon is known as germination. It is a natural process by which a seed gives a form of life that is initially tiny. This new being is called a seedling and tries to grow to the size it needs to survive.

But let’s take a step back. What exactly is a seed? Well, it is about the reproductive sexual element produced after fertilization, which is a phase that we will discuss later. The main objective is to perpetuate the plant species, but it also fulfills the function of dispersion and expansion through multiplication. Therefore, the birth process of a plant begins when the seed is in a suitable medium for it to grow. It should be said that once the birth, or germination process, has begun, it cannot be stopped or reversible without the plant in question dying.

As for the structure of the seed, its interior houses the endosperm. This element provides the energy that evolution requires to the seedling. To start the process it has to absorb water and release a hormone called gibberellic acid. The substance that derives from this process is absorbed by the cells, which thanks to it can begin to form enzymes whose objective is to change the endosperm to convert it into glucose or sugar, which will be the energy base that the plant embryo will need. Once the first leaves have appeared, the plant begins the process of photosynthesis.

How Plants Grow: Phases

In order for a plant to grow, it needs to meet certain environmental requirements.

In order for a plant to grow, it needs to meet certain environmental requirements.

Now that we know how they are born, let’s see how plants grow. As we have already mentioned, if the conditions of the environment in which the seed is found are ideal, it gives life to a new plant. This process begins with the rupture of the seed, giving rise to the root. The entire procedure for the birth and growth of plants can be easily divided into different phases, which we will discuss below to understand how plants grow.


In most plant species pollination must take place for fertilization to occur. This process begins when the pollen falls from the stamens belonging to the flower until it reaches the stigma. found in the pistil of the same or another flower. The pollinating agents that transport pollen from one plant to another are very varied. They can be insects, birds or even the wind. If you want to know more about this process, I recommend that you take a look at our article that explains what is pollination.


Now let’s see what fertilization is. It is the process by which the union of the female and male cells of plants takes place. It begins when the pollen reaches the ovary, which happens thanks to the pollination process. In plant reproduction, this is the most widespread method.

Fertilization of plants takes place after pollination.Plant fertilization takes place after pollination.

Related article:

What is the fertilization of plants?

germination and development

At the beginning of seed growth, it is in a dormant state. Once the germination process, which we have commented at the beginning, has finished, what we initially call a seedling is born. For this to happen, and also for this new living being to continue to develop, each plant species will need different specific conditions in terms of humidity, light and temperature.

This is essential for both the root and the first shoot.

Thus, germination begins by developing the embryo. This initially feeds on the substances that are stored inside. Once it begins to expand, the seed coat breaks down. Thus, the development of plants can be divided into three stages:

  1. Hydration: During this first stage of the plant’s birth, the seed collects moisture until its casing finally breaks, giving rise to the first sprout. It is, therefore, a fundamental process.
  2. Germination: Then germination takes place. In this stage, the necessary metabolic changes occur so that the seedling can develop correctly. During these phases, hydration decreases considerably, often leaving nothing.
  3. Increase: Finally there is the growth of the plant. At this stage the first root, or radicle, appears. Thanks to it, the plant will be able to absorb nutrients and water in order to grow and develop until it reaches the size necessary for its survival.

What do plants need to grow?

Plants need different elements to grow

Plants need different elements to grow

The same as us, Plants also need various elements in order to grow and develop. Let’s see what they are:

  • Light: It is one of its main sources of energy. It is necessary for its development.
  • Water, carbon dioxide and mineral salts: These energy sources are necessary so that various anabolic processes can be initiated by which reserve substances are created.
  • Macronutrients: They are necessary to be able to carry out organogenesis and morphogenesis correctly. Among them are phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium and sulfur.
  • Micronutrients: They are needed to complete other enzymatic reactions that help metabolic functions. Boron, manganese, copper, zinc and iron belong to this group.

Thanks to all these nutrients and other environmental factors, such as humidity and light, plants are able to grow and develop and, ultimately, continue their life cycle.

How plants grow: Birth and phases

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