Echeveria pulidonis | Gardening Where

Echeveria pulidonis

Within the echeveria genus, there are more than 154 different varieties, many more even if we count the hybrids. One of the many that exist is the Echeveria puloninis. You know how it is?

Below we are going to leave you a practical guide so that you can physically identify them (and differentiate them from others), as well as the care they need to stay healthy. Go for it?

How is Echeveria puloninis

succulent pulidonis

The Echeveria pulidonis, like many other echeverias, is originally from Mexico. Specifically, this plant has its natural habitat in Jalisco.

It is one of the most beautiful echeverias there is because of the color pattern on its leaves. Although you must arm yourself with patience because it grows very, very slowly.

Physically, It is a rosette, like many echeverias, but the most beautiful are the leaves, fleshy (symbol of being succulent), but somewhat concave and bluish-green in color, although in the part of the edges it has more of a white blue or white green tone. And best of all, a reddish edge forms on the silhouette of the leaves.

These colors (minus red) can change a bit. For example, if you keep it in semi-shade for a long time, it will lose its bluish color and will be more green with those red edges. AND if you put it more in the sun it will have a more intense bluesometimes reaching white, with red edges.

It can easily reach 12 centimeters in diameter and, in terms of height, it does not create a stem, so it always grows at ground level (you won’t have a problem if it grows a lot vertically).

Regarding the flowers, these are also of a different color than the leaves. To begin with, it develops long stems, which can be up to 20 cm. The flowers will sprout from them, yellow in color, but with a red base.

Echeveria puloninis care

direct succulents in the ground

Now that you have a better idea of ​​what Echeveria pulidonis looks like, how about we help you care for it? Here you will have all the needs that this echeveria has. Although We already tell you that it will not give you any kind of problem.

location and temperature

The best place for Echeveria pulidonis is, without a doubt, outdoors. And it is because it needs many hours of direct sun. In fact, this is one of the most needed, reaching 5 to 8 hours. The rest, it is better that it is in semi-shade so that it does not burn (this way you avoid the hottest hours).

That does not mean that you cannot have it indoors. You can, but always next to a window and that gives it the most hours of light. Another option is to put it on a balcony or terrace.

Regarding the temperatures, for it to be very healthy it is best that it be between 16 and 28ºC. But actually it tolerates both cold and heat. As for the drops, can withstand up to -4ºC (if not for many days), and at the other extreme, above 40ºC as well.

In principle, the cold is more problematic (you would have to protect it) than the heat.


The Echeveria pulidonis is not a plant that requires a very special soil. The truth is that it adapts to everything. But if you really want to give it a good mix, try to contain universal substrate, earthworm humus, gravel, perlite and river sand. In this way it will be very light and will serve to drain the water so that it does not accumulate.


This echeveria is one of the ones that retains the most water in its leaves, so you should not water it more than once in a while. In general, you could water every 7-10 days in summer, and every 3-4 weeks in winter. But the best thing is that you do it based on what you need according to your climate, orientation, location, heat, etc. Always water when you notice that the soil is completely and totally dry.

When watering, as it is possible that the rosette occupies the entire pot, you will have to do it from below so that it sucks the water it needs. It is not recommended that water touch the leaves because the only thing that will generate is that mushrooms appear.

Now, did you know that there is a little trick with the Echeveria pulidonis?

If you want it to have a more intense red color, you have to let it get a little thirsty (instead of watering every 7 days, water every 9 days, for example).


various succulent plants

Like the rest of echeverias, it is not a plant that you have to fertilize. In fact, it lives very well without it, but if you want to give it a little fertilizer, choose a slow-absorbing one and always half the manufacturer’s dose.

As for when to put it, let it be in the middle of spring.


The pruning of echeverias is based above all on removing the leaves that are dry or that are no longer useful, as well as the floral rod when the flowers have already withered. But You won’t have much else to do with it.

Plagues and diseases

In general, all echeverias are resistant to pests and diseases. Until a certain point. They are affected, but can be treated and have a good prognosis for recovery. But they are not immortal.

That’s why, In the case of pests, you should be careful with mealybugs and mites, especially. In the hottest season, also the red spider. All of them can be easily treated so if you catch it on time you won’t have a problem.

Regarding diseases, the main one will be root rot, due to poor watering or humidity, as well as the proliferation of fungi. To solve it: fungicides and some changes in care.


The propagation of the Echeveria pulidonis is quite easy, since it can be done through three different methods:

by seedsa long process, but that allows you to have several at the same time.

by leaves, where from each leaf that you remove from your echeveria you can grow a new plant. This is very easy to get him to get ahead, and it is the most used method.

By shoots, or suckers, cCutting them when they already have roots, from the mother plant to sow them independently.

With all this information I’m sure you’ll get your Echeveria puloninis ahead. Do you have one at home or would you like?

Echeveria pulidonis | Gardening Where

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