Month: May 2022

Pests: soil worms

Annual, perennial, bulbous and perennial plants have the virtue of growing throughout the year, although they are not exempt from suffering disorders of the habitat in which they live. Among the most frequent pests and diseases are worms, which can be of various types and affect plants in different ways. It is very difficult to protect plants from […]

Most common problems of indoor plants

Plants are not free from annoying pests even in our homes. And it is that, as much as we want to prevent it, it is common for bugs as undesirable as mealybugs, red spiders, or aphids to make their peculiar act of presence. But, in addition to having to deal with them, they must also adapt to the […]

Christmas wreath with succulents

Christmas time is approaching and it is time to decorate the garden in red and green, take advantage of what nature gives us for the occasion. But you can also use some of your plants to decorate the rest of the house. Let’s see this new idea, a Christmas garland made with succulents . To make it yourself you only need […]

Recovery of a plant

When we go on vacation , sometimes we have no choice but to leave the care of our beloved plants to an acquaintance, family member, or friend. And, on our return, two things can happen: that nothing has happened, that is, that they remain safe and sound; or that, on the contrary, they are losing leaves and stems, that […]

What horticultural plants to plant during winter

Although we are in the coldest time of the year, we can already start preparing the seedbeds of some horticultural plants that we are going to need during the season. We wrap ourselves up well so as not to end up with colds, we take the trays that we are going to use, the substrate and of course the […]

Types of fruit tree pruning

Fruit trees have their secrets and that is how you have to know their needs so that they can grow and give us their tasty fruits. Pruning fruit trees requires dedication and knowledge because, depending on the variety, it will be necessary to perform one type of pruning or another. There are four types of pruning of fruit trees and […]

Protect your plants from the cold winter

Do you have plants that you need to  protect from the  cold , recently acquired or tropical? If so, this article is for you. We will show you some methods to avoid, as much as possible, that your most delicate plants notice the cold and can continue growing normally as soon as the sun dresses in spring and its solar […]

How to transplant fruit trees successfully

You have just bought a fruit tree , whose root ball is protected with a bag. Don’t you know how to transplant it into a pot? Don’t worry. It’s very simple to do, and we won’t do any harm to the tree. We show it below. The first thing you will need to do is prepare everything. Go for it. Index […]

The almond tree, a beautiful garden tree

The almond tree , whose scientific name is Prunus dulcis , is a fruit tree whose origin is found in central Asia. It has become naturalized, however, throughout the Mediterranean. It is a tree of medium height, suitable for small gardens , since it does not exceed five meters and, in addition, it supports pruning well, thus being able to control its growth quite […]

What plants can I put under the trees?

A garden full of plants, of different colors and sizes, remind us of jungles or forests. Being able to have a piece of nature at your fingertips is a gift that we should be able to enjoy , since it provides us with numerous benefits and very few (we could say none) drawbacks. If we want to dress up the […]

Tips to grow your own terrarium with plants

As we have seen on previous occasions, we can use anything as a pot : from a tire, aquariums,… everything. But today we will go further. Today we will give you some tips so that you can form your own terrarium in bottles or glass decoration objects . And it is that, if you cannot have a garden or you simply want […]

Cultivation tables to have a garden at home

Today no one has to resign himself to not having a garden at home just because of lack of space. The cultivation tables are always a practical alternative when it comes to having a garden at home to enjoy the unique flavor of organic crops . The first cultivation tables were born in Spain in the 1980s but perhaps due to inexperience […]

Types of cultivation tables

Thinking of buying a grow table for your balcony? Once you start researching the subject, you find a large number of options that vary not only in aesthetics and manufacturing materials but also in the system. Beyond the fact that there are plastic, wood or metal growing tables, the important thing is to know that there […]

How to plant an avocado tree

I love avocado ! That is why I want to grow it at home in order to savor this energetic fruit with so many beneficial properties for the body. Planting an avocado tree is not a difficult task, it all starts with the fruit itself because a large tree can grow from its pit. Index 1 The importance of the seed 2 The […]

Chlorosis: How to prevent and fight it

When a plant is in good health, its leaves have a green color that is nice to see. However, if we see that they begin to turn yellow… it may be a symptom of a serious problem. In terms of plant health, this problem is called chlorosis , which occurs when the plant cannot absorb iron or magnesium adequately through […]

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