
Multiplication of woody cuttings

Eager to renovate the garden and plant new specimens? If you have several cuttings and you want to reproduce them, pay attention to this post because today we are dealing with one of the many methods of propagation by cuttings . In this case, it is about the reproduction of woody cuttings , that is, those cuttings that are of […]

How to choose trees for bonsai

Bonsai are very special miniature works of art, since unlike the others, this is a work that will never be finished . Although it is difficult to get a tree to live in a tray for its entire life, to flourish and to be healthy, there is one thing we can -and should, especially if we are beginners- […]

How to make a miniature garden

Miniature gardens are a real wonder. They do not take up much space, so they can be used as a centerpiece on the terrace or balcony. In addition, they can be decorated in many different ways, putting a house, different plants, ornamental stones, … in short, as you like. So if you would like to have a small piece […]

16 names of vegetables that cannot be missing in any garden

There are many of us who, as soon as we were given vegetables to try as children, did not like their taste at all. But, despite this, it is important to know that they are very healthy and very beneficial for health , keeping our immune system healthy and ready to defend us from any virus or other […]

Origin of the orange

Do you remember that time your mother or father gave you a fresh orange juice to try for the first time? That flavor that is not bitter but not sweet either, that quenches your thirst as well as water does, and that also feeds you by providing your body with much-needed vitamin C to keep your […]

Everything you need to know about pruning apple trees

Pruning is a technique that is carried out so that sunlight can reach all parts of the tree, so that it can develop and grow much better. In addition, with it you can get the plant to emit lower branches, so it will be much easier for us to collect its fruits once they are ripe. But when and […]

How to germinate apple seeds

The apple tree or apple tree is a very popular plant in orchards: it does not require much maintenance and, furthermore, it is very productive , to the point that a single specimen can produce the amount of fruit necessary for the whole family to grow. you can enjoy its delicious taste. And speaking of enjoying it, surely […]

Everything you need to know about the peanut plant

Peanuts are so good! It has an exquisite sweet taste, ideal to please even the most demanding palates. But why do we have to go buy them when we can grow them ourselves? It is true that it takes more work, but we will gain in health and, incidentally, we will save some money, which is always good. So […]

Everything you need to know to have an organic garden

Over the years and more and more it seems that we are distancing ourselves from the natural. In supermarkets we find processed food, very cheap, but with an artificial flavor. If we want to get fruits and vegetables with their authentic taste, we have to pay twice as much. A little curious, right? But hey, I’m not going to […]

Original recycled pots

Every day we throw many things into the recycling bin that could be useful to us to grow our plants. Objects that, although it seems that we are not going to give them any use, can actually be converted, with a coat of paint and/or a bit of cleaning, into very decorative pots. So why throw away […]

How to get rid of ants on plants

Ants are insects that generally do not affect plants. In fact, they often appear when there is already another pest that is affecting them: aphids. So how can we keep them at bay? Next I am going to tell you how to eliminate ants on plants , and what you can do to prevent them from bothering them again. Index […]

Bell pepper: cultivation, uses and more

The bell pepper , whose scientific name is Capsicum annuum var. annuum , is a herbaceous plant widely cultivated in the temperate and warm regions of the world, and it is not for less: its fruits have a very characteristic flavor, pleasant for many people. In addition, a single plant can produce enough for a family to prepare delicious dishes during […]

The secrets of the pomegranate tree

The pomegranate is one of the deciduous fruit trees most loved by all those who live in hot and dry climates, as it withstands high temperatures and drought without problems. In fact, once established it can survive to fruition on as little as 350 liters of water per year. Its growth rate is quite fast, but it is […]

Types of fertilizer for bonsai

Bonsai are very delicate plants, as beautiful as they are particular, and that is why they require a lot of care to survive. Learning the art of bonsai requires time and knowledge, since several issues must be calibrated in order to preserve the balance of the plant, especially considering that it is a tree that grows in a […]

Tropical trees: the mangosteen

The mangosteen is a tropical tree that provides very good shade and also produces fruits that are edible, with a flavor similar to that of citrus fruits. Its scientific name is Garcinia mangostana , and it grows in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Although, due to its origin, it cannot be grown outdoors in cold climates, it is a […]

How to grow chicory?

Endive is one of those plants that cannot be missing in any garden, nor in patios or balconies. And it is that, due to their size, they can be grown wherever you want: both in the ground and in a pot. So if you thought you couldn’t grow anything on your balcony… you should know that you can prepare […]

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