What are the care of the monstera variegata?

The name of “variegated monstera» refers to all those hybrids and cultivars of the Monstera genus that have leaves like this, variegated; that is, green and white, or green and yellow. They are not easy to get, since they are usually only sold by stores specialized in a specific type of plant, such as the exotic ones that are grown indoors because they would not withstand the cold if we had them outside the house. And not only that, but also when they are put up for sale, they usually have a very high price, unless they are very small, in which case they will have a more affordable one.

If we take all this into account, we can get an idea of ​​how important it is to know how to take care of them. And this is where it can surprise us, and a lot, because what you have to do to be healthy is not complicated.

Where to place the monstera variegata: indoors or outdoors?

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a plant that must be protected from low temperaturesbecause if the thermometer drops below 0 degrees and does not have any type of protection, the next day we will not find her dead… or almost. It will have fallen leaves and burned by the cold, and even if it has a green stem, it will be difficult to recover it.

Therefore, unless we live in a place where the climate is tropical, we will have to have it at home. Where? Okay, Ideally, it should be placed in a room with plenty of natural light.and also avoid putting it near those devices that generate air currents.

What substrate for pots should be put?

One of the things that we have to avoid when we intend to acquire plants, regardless of what they are worth, is to plant them in any type of substrate. And it is that, from my own experience, the cheapest bag of earth is not always the best: it may be for those autochthonous species, but not for the rest.

If we only talk about the monstera variegata, It is very important to put one that has the following characteristics: it must be spongy, light and it must quickly absorb water and filter it. For example, I like to use coconut fiber alone or mixed with 20% perlite. But you can put, for example, universal substrate of some brand like fertiberia o Boom Nutrients.

When should the monstera variegata be watered?

Regardless of whether you have a Monstera adansonii f variegataa Monstera delicious ‘Albo Variegata’, or any other, are all plants that do not need to be watered frequently. Its roots have a very hard time when they are in a soil that is flooded, so you have to control the irrigation a little so that this does not happen.

For this, what we will do is water them when the ground is dry. And, of course, to know this, we have to check it, for example with a wooden stick whose length is greater than the height of the pot; In other words: if the pot is four inches high, the stick should be about 15 inches or so to make it easy to handle.

Once we have it, we must introduce it into the ground, and then carefully extract it. Then we just have to see if it’s dry, in which case we’ll water the monstera, or not.

Another topic that we should talk about is how to water. And it is that you have to use rainwater, or failing that, one that can be consumed. Likewise, we will water by wetting the earthnever the plant.

When to fertilize it so that it grows faster?

Image – lyasolisblog.ie

the monstera variegata it grows quite fast, but we can get it to grow a little more if we fertilize it between the spring months and, especially, the summer. As it loves the heat (but not extreme: it should never be left unprotected if the thermometer exceeds 35ºC), we can see that it will be in those weeks when it grows the most. Therefore, it will be during that time when we will have to pay it.

We will use preferably organic fertilizers, such as guano (not mixed with fertilizers), manure, or seaweed compost. Of course, we can also use fertilizers, such as nails or liquids, such as the one that is specific for green plants (for sale here!) or the universal (for sale here!). Now, we do not have to mix them since otherwise we would be left without plants.

Do I have to change the pot?

Monstera variegata needs to be repotted from time to time. We will do it when the roots have run out of space and begin to peek through the holes in the container. And it will be done in mid-spring, when temperatures remain above 18ºC.

The pot will have to be about six or seven centimeters wider and taller than the one you have, and it will also have to have holes in the base. It is important that it is not planted in one without holes, because otherwise it would run a very high risk of dying from excess water.

How to propagate a monstera variegata?

Image – homespursuit.com

All monstera variegata multiply by stem cuttings throughout the spring. The most advisable thing is to wait until they have some aerial roots, since then you only have to cut it and plant it in a pot with, for example, coconut fiber.

But if you’re in a hurry, locate the base of the stem, and see if it has buds (protrusions or little bumps) which is where the roots will come out. Then, make a cut below these buds, and put the stem in a glass of water, which you will have to change every 2-4 days until it emits its roots and you can plant it in a pot.

We hope it will help you to take care of your monstera variegata.

What are the care of the monstera variegata?

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