
Is it possible to have a ficus in a pot?

If we bear in mind that the vast majority of ficus species are trees that become very large, more than one may think that it is unfeasible to keep them in a pot throughout their lives. I thought so myself… until one day I realized that I already had a collection of four different types: […]

Indoor alocasia care | Gardening On

Image – Flickr/Jnzl’s Photos Alocasia is a plant that receives different names: one is the one we have just mentioned, but there are others such as elephant ear or marquise that may sound more familiar to you. In any case, We are talking about a series of plants of the genus Alocasia, which usually have […]

Dimorphoteca that can | Gardening On

In summer we like to have plants because they are in full swing, especially the flower ones. Between them, one very similar to daisies is the dimorfoteca. Like the first ones, the potted dimorfoteca is the most common in this season. However, it has a series of more special care than if it were planted […]

How To Care For Potted Passion Fruit Plant

Passion fruit, also known as passion fruit, passiflora edulis or granadilla, is a tropical plant whose oval-shaped fruit has many nutritional and medicinal properties. Both its seeds and its pulp can be used, generally in juices or desserts. Its consumption endows us with high amounts of vitamins A and C. Many people wonder how to […]

Where does the heart of palm grow in Spain?

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Olaf Tausch // Heart of palm in the Sierra de Tramuntana (Mallorca). The palmetto is one of the two palm trees native to Spain, along with the Canary palm tree. But unlike this one, it has a lower size, more than a single stem (false trunk), and fan-shaped leaves. Why? Because it […]

How to reproduce sansevieria | Gardening On

Do you have a sansevieria at home and would you like to get more plants out of it? If yours is big, or it has broken, you could do it, but how to reproduce a sansevieria? Is it easy or difficult? Next we are going to give you several ideas so you know how to […]

10 Temperate Forest Plants | Gardening On

In forests we find many different plants: trees, shrubs, ferns and herbs that struggle every day to capture the amount of light, and to absorb the water and nutrients they need to survive. Therefore, if you are one of those who enjoys going on excursions to these places and would like to know the names […]

Euonymus japonicus care in the pot

If you have a Euonymus japonicus in a pot, you will know that it is a plant that can become a hedge. However, do you know what care it needs? Aesthetically it is a very beautiful plant, especially for its green color. But To ensure that it grows healthy in a pot and above all […]

Philodendron: care | Gardening On

The philodendron is a tropical plant, which also has an exotic appearance thanks to its beautiful leaves. This is very interesting, since it is precisely what makes it so widely used for interior decoration; now let me tell you that having it on the patio or balcony during the summer months can be an option […]

Thornless blackberry care: the best tips

Until now, we have associated blackberries more with forests. Since blackberries can be grown in the garden, more and more people are choosing to find a place for them. Blackberry fruit is not only very tasty, but also has many unique healing properties. Furthermore, cultivate thornless blackberry It’s not difficult at all, and even beginning […]

Trachycarpus fortunei: care | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Vera Buhl The Trachycarpus fortunei It is one of the species of palm trees that is most resistant to cold, and which also supports heat well.which is why it is grown both in tropical and subtropical gardens, as well as in temperate ones. Although its growth rate is slower than that of […]

10 types of eucalyptus | Gardening On

Eucalyptus trees have a very bad reputation in some countries, such as Spain, where they have been used as reforestation trees for years with catastrophic results. But I am one of those who think that it is a mistake, and also a very serious one, to demonize a plant for the use (in this case, […]

10 climbing plants with fragrant flowers

Strolling through the garden, leaning out on the balcony, or resting on the patio or terrace is a wonderful experience when you have climbing plants with fragrant flowers. Whether they are jasmine, clematis, dipladenias or wisteria, for example, these shrubs they are amazing all the time, but especially when their flower buds openbecause it is […]

Calathea warscewiczii | Gardening On

If you are interested in calatheas, you will know that within these there are many different ones, that they have unique characteristics and that make them true jewels in themselves. One of them is the Calathea warscewiczii, which is quite different from what you usually know. But How is the Calathea warscewiczii? What care do […]

How to prune the dracaena?

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang The drácena, or dracaena, is a plant that we usually have at home, either inside or at the entrance. In those places where there are no frosts or they are so weak that it is practically impossible for it to snow, we even dare to plant it […]

Abelia floribunda: care | Gardening On

One of the best known shrubs for the garden and that offer a multicolor vision is the Abelia floribunda. Its care is quite easy and in return it offers you an almost magical image. But What are the care of the abelia floribunda? What it’s like? If you haven’t heard of it, or want to […]

What is the difference between lavender and lavender?

Is there a difference between lavender and lavender? The popular names given to plants can help us identify them, but they also serve to confuse us, as is the case with these two types of aromatic plants. And it is that when they are not in flower, it is very easy to think that they […]

10 exotic indoor plants: the most beautiful

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang If you are a lover of exotic plants, you may often go to nurseries in search of the rarest, that is, those that are not seen every day. Some, depending on their resistance to cold, are to have in the garden, but there are many others that […]

How is the flower of the elephant ear?

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Elephant ear is a plant that has large leaves, which is why it is one of the most popular both indoors and outdoors. Its growth rate is quite fastsince it produces several new leaves a year and, in addition, it is getting taller and wider thanks to its long […]

Can you have a bougainvillea in a pot?

Bougainvillea is a climbing shrub that produces so many flowers that it creates a spectacle of color during spring and summer. It can reach 6-8 meters in height, so it is used to cover pergolas and ceilings. But did you know that its growth can easily be controlled by regular pruning? It is a plant […]

Everything you need to know about Dipladenia (and more)

Image – Flickr / Stefano The Diploading it is a very beautiful plant. It has trumpet-shaped flowers, which by the way are very similar to those of the Adenium obese o Desert Roses, and leaves of a spectacular bright green color. It is spectacular, yes, but also very delicate. How many times have you bought […]

+10 types of joy plant or impatiens

The alegría plant that they sell most often looks like a fragile herb, with numerous flowers that, although small, are very brightly colored and very cheerful. But the genus to which it belongs, Impatiens, is made up of about a thousand different species, distributed mostly throughout the tropical climate regions of the world. Naming them […]

Cordyline fruticosa: care | Gardening On

Image – Flickr / barloventomagico How do you take care of the Cordyline fruticosa? This is a plant with beautiful leaves, green, pink or reddish depending on the variety or cultivar, and with equally beautiful flowers. So it looks great anywhere you want to put it, but it is important that your needs are knownsince […]

Why does my palm tree have yellow leaves?

The color of the palm leaves is green. It may be more or less clear, but if they are healthy, it will be clearly seen that they are so. There are only a few exceptions, such as Chambeyronia macrocarpa for example, which takes out its new red leaf, or the variegated forms of some species, […]

How to take care of the money plant

Image – Wikimedia / Forest and Kim Starr The money plant, also called the dollar plant, is a decorative element that is not usually missing in any home. Due to its small size and hanging branches, it is perfect to have in pots wide with a depth not exceeding 20cm. But to look good you […]

Calathea triostar

Image source Calathea triostar: There is no doubt that Calatheas are one of the most striking purifying plants. Due to its leaves, and the color of these, it is almost impossible to resist them. And one of the best known and appreciated is the Calathea triostar. Also called Calathea Stromanthe, it is a beauty […]

Blue banana, all about an exotic plant with vanilla-scented fruits

Image – Wikimedia / Forest and Kim Starr Who has never eaten a banana? But surely it must have been yellow or green, right? These are the ones that are sold in European supermarkets and greengrocers. However, in other parts of the world, it is also possible to find blue bananas. And although it is […]

Is it possible to grow papaya in Spain?

Papaya is an exotic fruit that in Spain is usually imported from other countries, since the climate that we have here in most of the territory is not the most favorable for the plant to grow as we would all like. But does that mean that it is NOT possible to grow it in our […]

10 types of caladium: the most beautiful

Are you one of those who enjoy seeing plants that have colored leaves? You are not the only one! There are some that are so beautiful that it is difficult to ignore them. One of them is the caladium. There are so many varieties, and especially cultivars, that it’s nice to see them. But for […]

What is the name of the olive tree flower?

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Nephronus In the Mediterranean region we find an evergreen tree that can live approximately 500-600 years, and whose flowering is highly anticipated, because after it the ripening of the olives that we like so much occurs. For this reason, it is interesting to know more about this part of the plant, since […]

Maranta leuconeura: care | Gardening On

Image source Maranta leuconera: care: Floresyplantas Within the genus of marantas, the maranta leuconera is one of the best known and appreciated for its leaves with green and red tones. Its care is very simple, but it is true that you need to know a little in depth what the needs to cover are to […]

When is the laurel pruned

One of the very, very slow growing trees is the laurel. It is considered a tree that you plant but you do not see grow and, according to the saying, it grows so slowly that the person who plants it cannot see it in its splendor. But that does not mean that you do not […]

Dichondra repens: care | Gardening On

If you are looking for one of the plants that are easier to care for and that can serve as an alternative to grassthen we have a winner. The care of the Dichondra repens makes this plant a wise choice both decoratively and functionally in gardens. But, to really look good, the important thing is […]

10 trees with red flowers: the most beautiful

Red is a color that humans -like other animals, like many birds- are attracted to. That’s why, a garden or patio with red flowering trees is eye catchingand it can be really precious if the plant that we have acquired is suitable for the space in which it is located. But of course, sometimes when […]

Why do magnolia leaves fall off?

Image – Wikimedia Commons/Fernando Losada Rodriguez Although the magnolia or magnolia is a type of widely cultivated plant, doubts sometimes arise as to why its leaves fall off. It may be that one day we see it well, and the next day it begins to lose its foliage, first little by little, and then faster […]

Strelitzia augusta: care | Gardening On

If we had to name some of the most beautiful plants of the vegetable kingdom, without a doubt the Strelitzia augusta would be in it. Also known as bird of paradise, it gives one of the most showy flowers you have ever seen. And best of all, Strelitzia augusta and its care are not difficult […]

Eucalyptus gunnii: care | Gardening On

Surely you have heard of Eucalyptus gunnii. Its care is quite easy to comply with and more and more people want it in their garden due to its characteristics, including the “bluish” appearance of its leaves. Do you want to have a Eucalyptus gunnii but you don’t know what it needs to be happy? Do […]

Taxus baccata fastigiata: characteristics, care and much more

The Taxus baccata fastigiata It is a slow-growing conifer known in Spain as yew, a tree that can be found isolated, forming hedges and as a horticultural specimen. Its wood was highly valued in ancient times for its exceptional qualities, and was used first for the manufacture of bows and later for cabinetmaking and marquetry. […]

Incense plant: care | Gardening On

At Easter, one of the characteristic smells of that time is, without a doubt, incense. What you may not know is that the frankincense plant exists. Its care is so simple that anyone, no matter how little hand they have with plants, can take care of it properly. Do you want to have an incense […]

Care of carnivorous plants indoors

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Lemon Can carnivorous plants be kept at home? The answer is yes, but it is important that the basic needs of this type of plant being are taken into account. And it is that, for example, we must think that if they are carnivorous it is because they feed on […]

Potted lilac care | Gardening On

Lilacs are trees that, due to their beautiful flowering and their growth, which can be easily controlled, invite us to wonder if there is the possibility of growing them in pots throughout their lives. And the answer is yes, since with a few small prunings carried out at the end of winter -and not every […]

Can you have a pine in a pot?

The pine is a tree whose roots are very, very strong. They are so strong that they can lift and break the asphalt. So you may think that having one in a pot is nonsense, and you would be right, because if its root system is capable of damaging the road, destroying a pot will […]

Yucca care as an outdoor plant

There are those who take advantage of having an interior patio or a bright room to have a potted garden in which they have planted cacti, succulents and other types of plants typical of arid or semi-arid regions. But what would happen to the cassava if it were left outside all year? This is a […]

Turmeric plant: care | Gardening On

You may not know it, or when you hear the word turmeric the first thing that comes to mind is a food seasoning. But in reality, there is a turmeric plant that is very easy to care for and, in return, you get a beautiful plant. Want to know more about her? If you have […]

Care of climbing plants with potted flower

When you have climbing plants, it is normal that they are placed on walls, fences and similar places. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have flowering climbing plants in pots. In fact, many people opt for this option because they are much more colorful and can also be placed wherever you want. But What care […]

10 trees with little root for all types of gardens

When you have a small garden, or when you want to make more use of the space by putting a greater number of plants, it is essential to choose trees whose root system is not invasivesince otherwise we would end up having many problems and it is likely that we would end up cutting down […]

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