Wild palmetto (Serenoa repens)

Serenoa repens can be green or bluish

It is estimated that there are more than 3000 species of palm trees: some are very large, such as the Ceroxylon that can exceed 20 meters, but there are others that stay close to the ground, such as our protagonist, the Serenoa repens. In fact, this is ideal to have in small spaces and even in -wide- pots.

Do you want to know her better? Well below you will discover everything about her: characteristics, care, uses … and more.

Origin and characteristics

Serenos repens are ideal palm trees for small gardens

Our protagonist is a palm that is known as Wild Palmito whose scientific name is Serenoa repens. It is native to the Atlantic coast of the southern United States (from Florida to Louisiana and South Carolina) and to Mexico. We can also find it in southern California.

It reaches a height of 3 meters, with a crown composed of fan-shaped green or bluish leaves. These are divided into 15-30 lobes. The flowers are grouped in interfoliar inflorescences and are yellow. The fruit is an irregular ovoid-oblong drupe of black or reddish brown color, 2 cm long, containing an ovoid, smooth and brown seed.

What are their cares?

The inflorescences of Serenoa repens are interfoliar

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:


It is important that you place your Serenoa repens outside, in full sun. In semi-shade it could have a poor development (leaves longer than normal, absent or poor flowering).


It will depend on where it is planted:

  • Flower pot: universal culture substrate mixed with 30% perlite. It is also highly recommended to add 10% organic fertilizer, such as guano.
  • the garden: it can grow in all types of soils, but it will do better in those that have good drainage.


Again, it depends :

  • Flower pot: as in containers it is normal for moisture to lose quickly, you have to water 2-3 times a week in summer and every 6-7 days the rest of the year.
  • the garden: during the first year it will be necessary to water frequently, about 2 times a week, but from the second year the waterings can be increasingly spaced.


The Serenoa repensLike all plants, they need “food” as well as water. Because, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer it must be fertilized with an organic fertilizerin powder if it is in the ground or liquid if it is in a pot.

There are different types of these fertilizers: guano, herbivorous animal manure, compost… The most advisable thing is to go casting one once, and the next a different one; in this way we will ensure that you receive all the nutrients you need.


It multiplies by seeds in spring. The way to proceed is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is remove the “flesh” from the fruit and clean the seed well.
  2. Afterwards, a 10,5cm diameter pot is filled with universal growing medium and watered.
  3. Then, the seed is introduced right in the center, ensuring that it remains about 0,5-1cm below the edge of the pot.
  4. Finally, it is placed outside, in semi-shade.

Thus, will germinate in about a monthbut you can do it earlier (at 2-3 weeks) if that seed is fresh, that is, if it has been collected directly from the palm tree and had been stored for a short time.

Plagues and diseases

Red palm weevil, a potentially deadly pest for palm trees

It is quite resistant, but if the growing conditions are not the most suitable or if it is in an area at risk of a specific pest, it may have the following:

  • Cochineal: it can be cotton wool or limpet type. In any case, we will see that they adhere to the leaves, especially the most tender ones, from where they feed. They can be removed by hand or with a brush soaked in pharmacy rubbing alcohol.
  • Red weevil: it is a weevil that, in its larval stage, feeds on the interior of the trunk, where it burrows galleries. The symptoms are: growth arrest, leaf drop, fibers coming out of the trunk, yellow leaves. It is fought with chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid (one month one, and the next month the other). Learn More.
  • he is the archon: it is a moth that in its larval phase is capable of killing the palm tree in a matter of days. It also digs galleries, but the main symptoms and damages are the appearance of holes in the leaves like a fan, yellowing of the leaves and rapid deterioration of the plant. It is fought with chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid (the same: one month one, and the next month the other).
  • Mushrooms: If overwatered, fungi like Phytopthora can affect you. To avoid it and / or treat it, it must be sprayed with fungicides following the indications specified on the container.


The Serenoa repens withstands temperatures as high as 40ºC -as long as it has water at its disposal- and low temperatures of up to XNUMXºC. -9ºC.

What uses does it have?

Serenoa repens are low palm trees


It’s a palm tree which is very beautiful, both in pot and in the garden. In a pot, you can have it on the patio, on the balcony, on the terrace … wherever; And in the garden, it will look great when planted in groups or rows, or as an isolated specimen.

Medicinal (with medical consent)

The fruits of this plant are used as medicinal in the following cases:

  • Prostatic hyperplasia
  • Tone the bladder
  • Improve urinary flow
  • Decrease urinary frequency
  • Prostate cancer prevention

What did you think of this palm tree? Have you heard of her?

Wild palmetto (Serenoa repens)

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