Tips for choosing the best location for growing cannabis

Potted marijuana plant

The cannabis plant It is one of the best known in the world. Growing it is not always easy or legal, so before thinking about acquiring its seeds it is very important that we inform ourselves about whether or not we can, since otherwise we could have problems.

If it finally turns out that they let us have one or two plants, it is very important that we know what their needs are, especially those for light. So that they can grow up healthy and strong, We offer you a series of tips so that you know how to choose the best location.

Cannabis plant leaves

Cannabis is an annual herbaceous plant that originates in the Himalayan mountain ranges, where it grows when exposed to the sun. Marijuana seeds can be purchased from multiple stores. Its cultivation is really very simple, but to make the plant look spectacular it is important to always use good quality substrates, with good drainage and that are rich in organic matter. Therefore, if we do not have much experience, it is highly advisable to look for substrates that are already prepared for use, that have perlite, vermiculite or coconut fiber and some type of organic fertilizer. Another option is to make the mixture ourselves, one of the most suitable being the following: 30% black peat + 25% blond peat + 20% perlite + 15% coconut fiber + 10% worm humus.

But it will be useless to choose the best land if we do not place the plant where it should be. And it is that, so that everything goes smoothly we must find a place where it receives a lot of natural light. The question is: where? Inside or outside? Well, the truth is that where we want; Although yes, as the conditions are very different, we are going to see which is the best area depending on the place we have chosen.

Where to place the cannabis plant outside?

Cannabis plants planted in the ground

Cannabis, like all plants, always grows better outdoors. By receiving the most natural light that exists, which comes from the Sun, the leaves can photosynthesize, which is essential for the health of the plant to be good. When we consider growing cannabis in our patio or garden, the ideal would be to place it near a wall or, what is even more advisable, to plant it in the ground where you can have adequate growth and development.

In the first case, the pot that we choose when the seedling has reached a height of 20 centimeters, it must be wide, about 30cm in diameterfor roughly the same depth. Growing quickly, it will come in handy to have plenty of space right from the start. We place it in an area where it can be directly exposed to the sun and where the wind does not give it much.

And in the second case, Before planting it, it is recommended to make a hole in the substrate about 50cm deep and then make a mixture of soil that we have previously extracted with 30% organic vermicompost for example. Thus, it is sure that it will be beautiful in less time than we think.

And inside?

There are probably those who wonder if it can be kept indoors, to which we can answer that yes, as long as you have an indoor grow tentas this way you can control humidity, lighting and ventilation. These cabinets can be found in specialized stores called grow shops, as well as online nurseries.

Still, if we can’t afford that expense right now, We can also grow it without it, if in our home there is a room through whose windows a lot of light enters. Likewise, it is recommended that there are no drafts (neither cold nor warm), since if this is not the case, the tips of the leaves would turn brown and the plant could become weak.

Cannabis leaf detail

Finally, one last piece of advice: cannabis is a plant that doesn’t take up much space; However, it is advisable to keep the specimens separated by a distance of at least 40 centimeters in order for them to have optimal development. In this way, the roots will be able to absorb the amount of nutrients they need, without having to “fight” for them, which will give strength to the plant, which will result in a greater production of leaves and, consequently, the specimen is it will look very, very pretty.

So now you know, if you want to be able to make the most of the season, get off to a good start and place it in full sun.

Tips for choosing the best location for growing cannabis

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