5 creepers to decorate the balcony

Jasminum polyanthum

If you have a balcony, you are in luck, since you have the opportunity to have a green corner with which you can show off. And, there are many plants that can be had in pots; not only flowers, but also vines.

Take a look at the 5 that we have selected for you.

Climbing rose


Very brightly colored flowers, an unmistakable aroma, an astonishing joy. The roses They are deciduous or evergreen woody shrubs depending on the variety that have been used for centuries to decorate gardens, patios, terraces … and balconies. They do not require special maintenance; in fact, they only need a lot of light – the more the better – and frequent watering, especially during the summer.

They support up to -7ºC.



The Clematis They are lianas or woody climbing plants depending on the species that are characterized by having very showy flowers, colors that range from white to purple, through pink, orange and can even be bicolor. Its growth rate is fast, so in less than you think you will have a spectacular balcony. Of course, it must give them the sun so that they can develop correctly.

They resist the cold until -3ºC.

Passion flower

Passiflora caerulea

Our Passion flower They are a genus of herbaceous or woody climbing plants whose flowers are very showy. They also grow very quickly, and can be both in full sun and in partial shade. They are one of the most interesting options to have on balconies, since there are also some species that produce edible fruits, such as Passion flower.

The most resistant to cold are P. blue (up to -7ºC), and also the P. edulisalthough it resists somewhat less (up to -3ºC).

vigna caracalla

vigna caracalla

This is a climber whose flowers could remind us of a very important part of our body: the inner ear, more specifically the cochlea. Although they also look a lot like snails, which is why it is known by the name of snails. It is, therefore, a very interesting plant, which stands out a lot.

It grows both in the sun and in semi-shade, but is very sensitive to cold. You can only have it outside if there is no frost.


Jasmine officinale

And we end with jasmine, whose botanical genus is Jasminum. It is a very pretty plant, with small white flowers that give off a very pleasant aroma. It can be had both in full sun and in semi-shade, and also resists the cold until the -4ºCwhich is very interesting, don’t you think?

Which of these vines did you like the most?

5 creepers to decorate the balcony

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