Can you have trees indoors?


The trees They are very decorative plants, so much so that many people want to have one in their homes. However, most species do not live very well, they cannot adapt.

When you choose to have trees indoors it is important to take into account its rusticity and resistance so that we can enjoy it for many years.

Most recommended species

Young tree leaves

The trees, whenever possible, it is preferable that they are outside. You have to know that there are no so-called “indoor trees”; but there are species -such as tropical ones- that must be protected from cold and frost, otherwise they would perish. Now, for a long time we have decorated our homes with them. It is, without a doubt, an excellent alternative when you don’t have a garden.

Having said that, the most recommended species are those that meet some of these characteristics:

  • They have a thin trunk.
  • Its growth rate can be easily controlled by pruning.
  • The leaves are evergreen, that is, they do not fall in autumn.
  • They can remain in a pot for a long time.

Thus, the plants that can decorate your home are: Bonsai from Serissa, Sagerethia and Carmona, palm trees (especially those of the genus Dypsis, Chamaedorea and Howea), tropical trees (such as mango or avocado for example), Ficus, Araucaria.

Sprouted trees indoors


Now that we know the species that best adapt to indoor conditions, why not go ahead and buy seeds? They germinate quite well, since they only need a porous substrate and water. Being plants that prefer not to feel the cold, it is advisable to prepare the seedbeds in spring; although if you don’t want to wait, you can choose to sow them in winter and put them near a heat source.

Once they start to germinate, put them in a very bright room and give them preventive treatments with fungicide so that the fungi cannot harm them.

Do you have trees indoors?

Can you have trees indoors?

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