Flying lontaroides

Our palms They are a type of plants that always look good, regardless of where they are placed. There are so many species, and all so different, that surely there is one (or some) capable of making you fall in love. Who knows if our protagonist will get it today cons.

It belongs to the botanical genus Flying and it is, as we are going to see, an authentic beauty.

Flying loddigesii

Flying loddigesii

These palm trees are native to the Mascarene Islands, where they enjoy a mild climate all year round. The genus comprises only three species: L. loddigesii, L. schaffeltii y L. lontaroides. They have a certain resemblance to the Pritchardia, although their growth is somewhat faster. They reach a height of about 8m, and their beautiful palmate leaves are around 40-50cm wide. They have a single trunk, somewhat widened at the base, with a thickness that does not exceed 25cm in diameter. It is, then, an exceptional plant for all types of gardens.

It will live wonderfully in mild climates, with temperatures above -1ºC. If you live in a somewhat cooler area in winter it is convenient to protect it from the coldfor example, inside the home in a very bright room. Still, if you like to experiment, from experience I can tell you that L. lontaroides it withstands low temperatures somewhat better, but needs some protection.

Flying lontaroides

Flying lontaroides

The care you need are the following:

  • Location: full sun.
  • Land: it is not very demanding, but prefers to grow in those with good drainage.
  • Irrigation: in summer you have to water two to three times a week, and the rest of the year one or two weekly.
  • Fertilizer: it is highly recommended to fertilize throughout the growing period (spring and summer) with a specific fertilizer for palm trees or with liquid natural fertilizers (such as guano or humus).
  • Pests: it is not frequent that it has, but if the environment is very dry, scale insects can affect it, which are eliminated with a specific insecticide or even with a cotton swab moistened with water.

So far the Latania file. Did you know this beautiful palm tree?