If we want to have a garden inside our houseIt is important to know which indoor plant is most suitable for each of the places in our home. Some plants, for example, may require more light than others, so placing it in its proper place will receive adequate light, heat and humidity so that it can develop and grow.

To find the most suitable plant we must have chosen the areas where we want to have our plant and know the characteristics of those places.

  • Plants for shady and cool places: these are the areas of our house where the sun does not enter all day. They are generally darker and cooler. These places can be: cold corridors, interior patios that get little sun, stairs, corner with little light, entrance hall, etc. The best plants for these places, characterized by low light and low temperature, are: Aspidistria (keep it in a pot on the ground), Cintas (plant it in a pot and hang it), Fern, Rib of Adam, Potos, Mother of Pearl and Christmas Cactus (can be hung from the railings of the stairs).

  • Plants for shady and warm places: When the place where we want to put our plant is shady but with higher temperature conditions than the previous category, either due to the presence of heating or for other reasons, we must consider other types of plants such as Sanseviera, Chameodora, Calatea and Alocasia. The places in the house that are characterized by having this type of gloomy conditions but with warm temperatures are: warm corridors, rooms or bedrooms, warm corners, or living room with little light.
  • Plants for sunny places: When the place is sunny, and the temperature conditions are high, we must take into account the following plants: Kalanchoe (it needs warm temperatures during the summer and cool temperatures in the winter), Ananas, Aucuba, Bugambilla, Hibiscus and Poinsettia.