Potted arugula cultivation | Gardening On

cultivation of the arugula in a pot or in the field

Arugula is one of the plants that are used in many dishes to season. It is one of the plants that people are encouraged to grow since it requires too much care and great results can be obtained. It is usually recommended for those people who are just starting out in this world of the urban garden. The growing arugula in pot It is quite easy and we can take advantage of its leaves to be able to have flowers and its seeds.

We are going to dedicate this article to tell you everything you need to know about growing arugula in a pot.

Key features

Potted arugula cultivation

To take advantage of the cultivation of arugula we must take advantage of its leaves and its flowers. This is how we focus on enjoying the characteristic spicy and somewhat bitter taste that these leaves have. We must emphasize that the cultivation of arugula in a pot outdoors has little care so even those people who are novices can do it.

The leaves of the arugula are used to configure the salad envelopes and in many dishes of the different menus that we find in restaurants. There is usually no availability of arugula seedlings as there may be other similar species such as chard, spinach, etc. This means that to learn about growing arugula in a pot we will need buy seed packets at a florist, garden center, DIY shopping center and some specialized outlets.

With just one envelope we will have for the consumption of a family throughout the year. And it is that it is a fairly inexpensive species. Let’s see what are the different types of arugula seed packets:

  • Depending on the weight of the envelope, it can be between 5 and 10 grams. Normally in these envelopes there are about 3.000 seeds.
  • Depending on the type, they can be standard or ecological. This is also another difference between the types of envelopes they sell. The organic seeds come from the mother plant grown organically.
  • According to the variety. Here we find a smaller catalog since the Rucula eruca sativa is mainly sown, which is more used in salads.

Normally in the envelopes we find the necessary information by means of diagrams or pictograms to be able to know the care of the arugula in pot.

Potted arugula cultivation

orchard with arugula

We are going to point out which are the main guidelines for direct sowing of this plant on a pot. Sowing can also be done in planters or directly in the field. We must know that this plant should be outdoors and preferably in a Mediterranean climate. Whether in urban orchards, countryside or our garden, we must plant in the pot during the spring, summer and autumn seasons. The main time of year where we can sow is in spring.

It is sown by placing it in containers in sunny places but protected from strong winds. It is one of the main aspects to take into account. Arugula does not survive well if we are continually placing it in places where strong wind blows. The buildings are usually more exposed to the winds, so we must find a suitable place in the garden for it.

The size of the pot does not have to be very high since the root system of the arugula is not deep. We must use a type of substrate to which we will add 20% field soil over 10% clay or clay-like soil. This will help to keep the nutrients well and that there is good drainage. During the germination period we must guarantee the substrate is completely humid. If you do not have enough water, you will not be able to germinate correctly.

The optimal soil temperature is usually around 15 degrees. If this temperature is maintained over time, it will probably take 10-14 days for it to germinate. Once it has germinated we will use our hands to eliminate any possible grass that germinates around it. You will need a fertilizer that has microelements for it to grow properly. It is also necessary to guarantee sufficient watering to maintain the humidity of the substrate.

A recommendation that is said a lot is not to use fertilizer, it is very rich in nitrogen. This is because, although it favors the development of flowers, we must also maintain the turgor of the plant in order to avoid diseases. It is also interesting to stir the soil a little to increase aeration.

Aspects of growing arugula in a pot

arugula on the balcony

He likes low temperatures. It can be sown in a seedbed or directly in 3 liter pots as minimum capacity. It is necessary to maintain the humidity of the substrate during the germination period (between 8 and 10 days). And after a few weeks you can already cut leaves (always the outer ones) and you can harvest until flowering, when the life cycle of this plant ends.

As with lettuce, the arugula forms new leaves from its center, continuously, until a stem emerges that will grow vertically. Flowers will form on it. This flower stalk will indicate that your Lifecycle It is ending, because from there we will be able to extract its future seeds.

It develops faster in summer than in winter, so if we want to enjoy arugula for as long as possible it is better to plant it in autumn, but, even if you plant it now, there is still a while until the heat arrives and you can enjoy your arugula for a few months. In addition, with the heat, its leaves acquire a bitter taste, so it is better not to get direct sunlight.

If you sow it in hotbed You can have it more controlled until it has enough strength to be transplanted, when the first three leaves begin to emerge after the cotyledons.

If you sow in flower potBe careful not to sow the seeds too close together, since although they will probably all sprout, little by little they will die due to overcrowding. Separate the seeds a few of 15 cm each other.

Regarding irrigationit does not require abundant watering, just check that the substrate remains moist.

As for the cultivation associationsbelongs to the family of cruciferouslike cabbages, radish and turnip, so it is not compatible with them. However, as it is a short cycle plant and tolerates shade well, it can be used to associate with other longer cycle plants such as tomato, pepper or eggplant.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about growing arugula in a pot.

Potted arugula cultivation | Gardening On

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