
Daisies are flowers that we all know. Its ornamental value is undeniable, so much so that it can be used to decorate a corner of the garden or as a table plant on the terrace. Sun lovers, they don’t need a lot of maintenance to look gorgeous: just keep the substrate slightly damp.

But we are going to discover something very special today. let’s learn what do the daisies mean.

Large daisies

These flowers take me back to my childhood. I remember that I used to love playing “loves me / doesn’t love me” with its petals, and seeing the field covered by them. He especially enjoyed when he saw a bee pollinate them. I do not know why, the characteristic buzz of these insects I have always liked. Time passed and today, how could it be otherwise, I have daisies in the garden. But, What do they mean?

These magnificent flowers have long been associated with the innocence and by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of Spain with the purity. White is also a color that transmits a lot of peace and tranquility. They are the most suitable flowering plants to give to children: they will have a great time taking care of them, while they are acquiring the basic knowledge to maintain a healthy plant being.


But in addition to the classic white daisies, there are other colors:

  • Pink or red: ideal to show your partner or that special person how you feel about her.
  • Yellow: For those loved ones who are not having their best time, the yellow daisies will let them know that they can count on you.
  • Blue: show fidelity to the other person. If you have gone through a rough patch, with this flower your relationship will surely strengthen even more.

Daisies are extraordinary flowers – they settle for very little. If you want to brighten up your particular green paradise by giving it an innocent look, they are your best option.