Characteristics, uses and care of Saxifraga granulata

Grown Saxifrage granulata

Within the species that belong to the genus Saxifrage we find some that are widely used for gardening. One of them is the granulated saxifrage. It is known by the common name of white saxifraga. It needs some more sophisticated care if we want to have it in good condition. Therefore, in this article we are going to explain its main characteristics and what aspects you should take into account to take good care of it.

Do you want to know more about the granulated saxifrage?

Key features

Flowers of the Saxifraga granulata

It is an evergreen plant that has a basal rosette composed of soft, hairy leaves. It has a rounded blade and a crenate margin. From the center of the rosette we can see a green, hairy stem growing. It has numerous rather long branches that lead to some leaves. These leaves are smaller in size than those of the rosette with blade.

The leaves culminate in a cluster that has few but large flowers. The flowers are quite attractive so they are very useful in decoration. It is a plant widely used in gardening for decoration. It is essential that the care it needs is met if we want to keep the beauty of the flowers intact.

The stems and roots give it a somewhat sticky touch. The main difference it has with the rest of the plants of the genus Saxifraga is that It is not a rupicolous plant, but we can find it in meadows with scarce soils. They are raised in the mountainous and humid terrain that we have throughout Europe. It is a fairly abundant species in the Alps and the Pyrenees.

It is a herbaceous plant that can reach about 50 cm in height if the care it needs is provided well. It has some properties such as the high content of tannins, resins, glycosides and vitamin C. These characteristics make it have a remarkable diuretic effect if we take them in an infusion. It can also alkalize the urine, which favors the expulsion of urinary stones. This gives it some advantage as a medicinal plant.

Its use is recommended to promote the elimination of urine. This is even more advisable for those who have grit in the urine and kidney colic.

Requirements of the granulated saxifrage

granulated saxifrage

It is a plant that needs a semi-shady location and a cool climate. If we put it in direct sun, it is possible that we can cause some damage to the leaves. The best thing is that it has high lighting but without giving it full sun for a long time. It is a fairly rustic plant, so it is not demanding of the soil. As long as the temperatures are not too high, the plant will be able to survive well.

It must be paid every 15 days using a mineral fertilizer. The fertilizer season is from spring to mid-summer. This fertilizer may have to be added in higher concentration if it has managed to survive a harsher winter.

Thanks to the color of their flowers, they are frequently attacked by the green fly plague. Although this plague can cause it to be easily damaged, the worst enemy of the granulated saxifrage It is the suffocating heat. In summer, it is important that it does not get the least direct sun. One of the symptoms that the plant is suffering from heat is that the rosettes are not in compact mode, but that the leaves have a more elongated appearance.

It can multiply in the spring to autumn time with some higher temperatures. We can do it both by division of the bush and by cuttings at the same time. We can also select some seeds and plant them in spring. It is a somewhat slower method, but it can still be just as effective.

Necessary care

Detail of the Saxifraga granulata

The granulated saxifrage We can have it both in a pot and directly in the garden. Since its ideal location is semi-shade, if we have it indoors in a pot, we will have to put it as close to the window as possible, but without direct sunlight. The pot is advised to fill it with the substrate so that it drains as quickly as possible when we pour the irrigation water. It may be a good idea to mix universal culture with perlite.

If you decide to grow it in the garden, we have already seen that it is not very demanding in terms of the type of soil. We will plant it by making a hole large enough to fit well and fill it with the mixture of the universal growing substrate and perlite.

When it comes to watering, we must bear in mind that it hardly needs watering. In the hottest months it is necessary to water it about 3 times a week. However, in winter, it will not be necessary to water it. If there is no rain, you can water it once every 15 days or even once a month.

The temperature is important to keep above 15 degrees. For its maintenance it is necessary to do a small pruning of dry, diseased or weak leaves so that the rest of the plant can be well. To prune it, you need a scissors that will have to be previously disinfected with alcohol so that the rest are not infected.


Saxifraga granulata plant

To play the granulated saxifrage we have several routes. By seeds or by cuttings. If we decide to reproduce it with seeds, we will have to place them in a glass of water for a whole day. Later, we will make a hole in the ground of about 50x50cm so that it has enough space. We bury it with the mixture of universal culture and peat. All that remains is to wait for it to germinate.

If we do it by cuttings, we will take a piece of the stem to plant it in another pot or space in the garden. The substrate is the same as in the previous case. Do not forget that they are not good at resisting the cold and that if in your area there are temperatures below zero degrees frequently, it is better to sow them and have them protected indoors.

I hope that with these tips you can take care and enjoy the Granulated Saxifrage.

Characteristics, uses and care of Saxifraga granulata

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