What uses and properties does the cassis fruit have?

the fruit of the cassava

cassis fruit

It is possible that you have never heard of the cassis fruitbut not because it is exotic, but because it is not a usual name by which we refer to the blackcurrant.

That’s right, cassis is actually the black currant, the fruit obtained from the cassissieror what is the same, from the black currant bush (or black sarsaparilla). Do you want to know more about it? So keep reading us.

How is it and what is the origin of the black currant bush

The cassis fruit comes, as we have told you, from the cassissier, the black currant bush. But what you may not know about him is that he is originally from Europe and Asia. It is similar to the red and white currant and it comes in small clusters, as if they were grapes, with dark and smooth skin (its flavor has nothing to do with black grapes, mind you).

And it has a astringent and acid taste, quite acid. Only when it matures a lot can it be said that it acquires a little sweetness (but many times it is so minimal that it is not even noticeable). This means that it is used less than other currants and that only those who really have a predilection for strong flavors are encouraged to eat it.

Do you know why it is called cassis? It is due to its French name. Many, instead of calling it blackcurrant, or black currant, use the French name, cassis, or cassis.

The story of the cassis fruit

As far as is known, the black currant fruit has been known for a long time, although the therapeutic uses, that began to be recorded in the XNUMXth century, when the naturopath Hildegarda de Binge used the fruit to prepare ointments with which she relieved gout. It was as a result of this that it began to be seen as a very useful ingredient for medicinal treatments.

However, not all countries have been well received. For example, in the United States, in the XNUMXth century, they prohibited its cultivation. The reason they alleged is that they could transmit a disease to the pine forests that they have there.

It should be said that after a few years they lifted that ban, although in some states they still maintain it for fear that it is true.

Cassis Fruit Properties

Cassis Fruit Properties

Cassis fruit properties

From what we have discussed before, the cassis fruit has medicinal properties. But what else can we find in the black currant? Specifically:

  • It is a source of vitamin C. In fact, it is one of the most vitamin of this type (even more than orange), and it is recommended to consume it (although we know that, in its original form, it can be too acidic).
  • It has fatty acids, such as tannins, flavonoids and omega-3. So that you not only have the option of consuming fish; you can also enjoy black currant in that aspect. Of course, where this omega 3 is concentrated is actually in the seeds.
  • A lot of calcium, which will help your bones.
  • A source of potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc.
  • Citric acid.
  • Vitamins A and E.
  • A source of antioxidants.
  • Fiber, to regulate intestinal transit.

Blackcurrant Uses

Blackcurrant Uses

Uses of cassis

Due to all the properties that we have seen before, blackcurrant has multiple uses, almost all of them related to medicine. Thus, it is used:

For diuretic effects

This fruit helps to drain the body, or what is the same, it eliminates liquids -and thus accumulated toxic ones-.

This allows prevent fluid retention and, at the same time, it is a relief for the joints of the person.

For antioxidant effects

Before we have told you that due to its properties, and what it contains in its composition, it is a fruit with great antioxidants inside. And this can be used to improve the skin, hearing, sight or digestion.

It can even work against the stress hormone cortisol to lower your concentration.

To curb allergies

And it is that its antiallergic action allows you to prevent allergy, but also treat itinstead of using cortisone (which is common among allergy sufferers).

To take care of your kidney health

Due to the combination of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants that are in this small fruit, it is ideal to prevent kidney diseases.

For example, they can prevent kidney stones from forming, or problems with infections or inflammation.

To treat and prevent anti-inflammatory diseases

For example, liver problems, kidney problems (as above), neurodegenerative problems (Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s…).

this gets it thanks to the anthocyanins of which it is composed as well as fatty acids or gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).

To help with diabetes

According to research conducted by Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, anthocyanins may also influence type 2 diabetes treatments, those that use insulin, helping the body react better this.

for your heart

And it is that by using blackcurrant in your diet you will be lowering cholesterol values, which improves blood circulation and, with it, the heart.

As a brake on vision loss

That’s right, regular consumption of cassis fruit can stop visual degeneration in problems such as glaucomas, diabetic retinopathy or occlusions of retinal veins or arteries.

In this way, a problem is addressed that often has no solution and, however, with the consumption of this fruit it could, perhaps not be solved, but it could stop deterioration.

As an ideal food for the digestive system

Specifically, the consumption of blackcurrant allows you to enjoy all the above benefits, but it also acts on the digestive system due to its antispasmodic and astringent effect (ideal for diarrhea pictures).

How is the cassis fruit consumed?

eat black currant

eat black currant

After seeing the properties and uses of the cassis fruit, it is normal that you are interested in consuming it. But the strong flavor that it has will put you off.

Therefore, normally not consumed naturallyalthough it can be done, but oils, shakes, liqueurs, jams, capsules, vinaigrettes, yogurts, etc. are made. One of the best known forms of presentation in France (and the one they enjoy) is the so-called creme de cassis, a dessert that is very good.

Do you dare to try the cassis fruit?

What uses and properties does the cassis fruit have?

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