Guide to buying electric fireplaces

Electrical smokestack

When the cold approaches, there are many who rush to find some ways to keep warm in the houses. Radiators, electric fireplaces, heating. Have you ever considered it?

In this case we are going to focus on electric fireplaces as a solution to keep warm. Do you want to know which are the best on the market? And what should you look for to buy one? Do not hesitate, here are all the details.

Top 1. The best electric fireplace


  • Simulate a real fireplace.
  • Led light with 9 flame color modes.
  • It can be set to 1800W or 900W.


  • It makes noise.
  • You have to be careful with the measurements that the fireplace needs.

Selection of electric fireplaces

Here we leave you other electric fireplaces that may be interesting.

HOMCOM Vertical Electric Fireplace 45x28x54 cm 1000/2000W

With a adjustable power of 1000 or 2000W. Both the temperature and brightness of the LED flame can be adjusted and it features a heating radiator and thermal cut-off device that turns off when it feels overheated.

It is portable and can be taken to any room you want.

HOMCOM Wall Electric Fireplace

It is an electric fireplace low consumption with LED flame effect adjustable to 7 colors. It is made of strong tempered glass and steel. Automatically shuts off to prevent overheating.

MCHaus Ultra Fine Low Noise Electric Fireplace

This fireplace has 12 different colors of flame, plus remote control. It has 3 heating modes and five brightness levels. It is able to put the room from 17 to 28 degrees Celsius.

As for noise, this is less than 40dB.

Klarstein Kaprun – Electric fireplace

This electric fireplace is energy efficient. Have a two-level flame effect and a power of up to 1800W. It has an adjustable timer and is easy to install and use. It even has a remote to control it.

CHEMIN’ARTE – Electric wall-mounted fireplace design for medium living room

It is a fireplace with an ultra-realistic flame effect. Have a power of 10W (if the flames alone) to 2000W and is made of glossy black MDF wood. It has a protection system against overheating.

It is easy to install and is received already assembled.

electric fireplace buying guide

Electric fireplaces have that old-fashioned feel of a wood-burning fireplace, only in this case, it’s more digital than anything else because the embers or wood won’t really be real. But this way they are somewhat safer and also, they heat better.

If you are thinking of buying one, here you We leave some factors that it would not be bad if you took a look before anything else.


The truth is that electric fireplaces You can find them in many materials. They have an electrical system, which is what makes them what they are, but they can use aluminum, iron, wood, brick (or finish similar to this), tempered glass to give them that attention-grabbing look.


Although the main color is black, it does not mean that you cannot find other options on the market. In fact, there may be white, brick, coloredeven in the flames that are seen. Some will even come embedded in the ground itself and it will seem that the flames come out of the ground itself (an incredible visual effect).

Price range

Finally, we have the price. Electric fireplaces are not cheap. But they are also not as expensive as other options to keep the cold at bay.

The price range It goes between 50 and more than 2000 euros that some very gourmets cost.

How much does an electric fireplace cost?

Surely right now you are thinking that an electric fireplace is too expensive, not only to buy it, but in terms of consumption. But really it’s not so.

It all depends on the model you choose but the truth is that there is a formula to know the consumption.

For this, the power of the chimneys must be taken into account. These can go from 900 to 2500W. The most common are 2000W and these have a consumption of 2kW/h.

Now, you have to take into account the price of kW/h to know exactly what the consumption is. And, depending on the rate, which may depend on the time and day, the formula is as follows:

(Fireplace consumption x time of use) x price of kW/h

This will give you what the final expense is.

What is needed to put an electric fireplace?

If you intend to put an electric fireplace in your home, first of all you must make sure that you can really do it. And it is that, one of the biggest mistakes that are made is trying to place it in a place where it does not fit.

So, the basic requirements that you must control of these are:

  • Know where you are going to place it, whether in the middle of a room, hanging, embedded, etc. All this influences your installation.
  • What power does it have or rather, what power do you need for the room where you are going to place it.
  • If you have a connection to the electrical network, that is, a plug where you can put it so that it turns on.
  • That it does not reach direct sunlight or that there is humidity.
  • That there is at least one meter of distance between the front and the back of furniture, curtains, papers… anything that can catch fire.

If you comply with all this then you will not have a problem with the electric fireplace.

Where to buy?

buy electric fireplaces

buy electric fireplaces

Buying an electric fireplace is not difficult since many stores sell it and it will not be a problem for you to find one. But we have analyzed the main stores where people search and this is what you will find.

The Amazon

There is no doubt that Amazon is going to be where you will find the largest number of models of electric fireplaces. That allows you to find very different prices from the cheapest (affordable for the pockets) to those much more expensive.

Brico Depot

With its own category (within Heating and air conditioning), you will find in Bricodepot some models to choose from. Although do not expect many, at least for now. What we can tell you is that They are quite affordable although you will have to review the characteristics of each one to know if they are what you are looking for or not.

Leroy Merlin

At Leroy Merlin you will have a special category for electric fireplaces (within furniture, cabinets and storage/pots and planters). You will have More than 50 items to choose from, differentiating by type of fireplace, colour, heating surface or special functions.

As for their prices, there is something for everyone, from those that are quite cheap to others that are more expensive.

Have you already opted for your electric fireplace?

Guide to buying electric fireplaces

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