When and how to plant bamboo step by step

Bamboo is a very fast growing plant

Bamboo is a type of plant that grows very fast. In fact, there are some species that if they have everything they need (sun, heat and humidity) can do so at a rate of one meter per year. But despite this, its cultivation in a garden is very interesting, especially if you want to give it an oriental style.

Although regardless of the design, we need to know when and how to plant bamboo so that you can beautify it without causing us problems.

Things to know about bamboo before planting it

Bamboo is an interesting garden plant

El bamboo is the name given to a series of plants of the grass family. They They are within their own subfamily: Bambusoideae, which is formed by three super-tribes (Arundinarieae, which are bamboos originating in temperate climates; Bambuseae, which are those of tropical climates; and Olyreae, which are herbaceous bamboos). Each of them includes several different genres.

These are rhizomatous plants with stems that can grow up to 25 meters high, with stems up to 30 centimeters thick.; although herbaceous plants rarely exceed one meter in height. These stems can be woody or herbaceous, and even climbers. Therefore, it is very important to know the characteristics of the bamboo that we want to plant, since as we see there are many types.

To this we must add one more thing: having rhizomatous roots; that is even if the stem is cut, the plant will still live and will sprout. And not only that: if not, so that there are no problems, it must be planted as far as possible – at least ten meters away – from where there are pipes.

When to plant bamboo?

If we have a corner in the garden where we want to put a bamboo, then we must know that the most recommended time to plant it is in spring. In those months the temperatures are pleasant, and if it also tends to rain, the plant will undoubtedly feel very comfortable from the first day.

It can also be done in summer, but if you choose to do it in this season it is preferable that you do it in the early or mid, not at the end, since otherwise it would have less time to recover from the transplant, and therefore, it would hardly grow that year.

How to plant bamboo?

Bamboo can be woody or herbaceous

Now that we know when it can be planted, let’s take action. Let’s see step by step how to plant it:

Find the right place

Before we mentioned that they are plants that want sun, and that they also have to be about ten meters from where there are pipes. But there is still more: it is highly advisable that the land is fertile and drains the water quickly.

Bamboo is often thought of as an all-rounder plant, which grows even in the most unexpected places. And this is true in many cases, but it is also true that when the soil is good, rich in organic matter and light, it is much more beautiful and healthy.

Make a big hole

By »big» we mean that If, for example, the pot it is in measures about 20 centimeters in diameter by approximately the same height, the hole should measure more or less twice; that is, 40cm wide by 40cm deep. Even so, if it is of a larger size the better: the more ‘loose’ soil its roots are, the easier it will be for them to resume their growth.

OPTIONAL: If you don’t want your bamboo to spread out too much, now is a perfect time to insert anti-rhizome mesh into the hole (on sale here!). This will prevent your roots from growing longer than necessary.

You can do this step, as they say, without fear. The roots of bamboo are strong, so nothing would happen if some were broken. Therefore, If you see that it is impossible for you to remove the plant from the pot, you can choose to break said container or cut, or if you prefer to untangle, the roots that are outside with clean scissors.

Now, you have to put some dirt in what will be your new home. This land can be that of the garden, or a purchased one, like the universal substrate that they sell here. Add just a little bit, keeping in mind that the bamboo shouldn’t be too high or too low relative to the ground level.

Insert the bamboo into the hole and water

The next and final step is to plant the bamboo. Insert it in the hole, without the pot, and if you see that it is very low, or on the contrary, very high, add or remove soil. Then fill the hole with mulch, or the same garden soil, make a tree grate and water.

It is not necessary that you put a tutor on it, since they are very resistant plants to the wind in general. But if you do not want to take risks, of course you can put one or two, for example of the laminated ones (for sale here!).

And ready. You already have your bamboo planted. Enjoy it.

When and how to plant bamboo step by step

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