Ficus, imposing trees for large gardens

Ficus elastica 'Robusta'

Ficus elastica ‘Robusta’

Sometimes we make the mistake of planting a plant in a place where, when it is an adult, it will have many problems … and it will create them for us. One of the trees that are most often included in the design of both private and public gardens are those of the genus Rubber plant. We also see them, although to a lesser extent, in parks or even on the streets, where they do not take long to raise the pavement.

So I’m going to show you images of these adult plantsgrowing in wide fields, so that you do not fall into that error.

Benjamin fig tree

The Benjamin fig tree It is one of the favorite plants to have indoors, or in a pot on the patio. However, its place must be outside, where it can grow freely, as it grows to a height of 15 meters, with a crown diameter of 8m.

loaded with figs

loaded with figs

loaded with figs

This species, better known as the fig tree, is a fruit tree that, if allowed to grow freely, can reach dimensions that have nothing to envy those of its sisters, although it is shorter: 4-5 meters in height, with a cup diameter of 6-7 meters.

Elastic fig

Elastic fig

Elastic fig

We love its shiny, dark green leaves, right? But this beauty reaches a height of about 40 meters (although specimens that have reached 60m have been found), with a crown diameter of 8-10m.


As we can see, Ficus are very decorative and really impressive trees. But it is important that we plant them in the ground only if we have enough land for them. The F.load It is, by far, the species that could best be adapted to living in small-medium gardens, as it resists pruning very well and, in fact, it is a plant widely used as bonsai.

If you have the necessary land, do not forget to always plant them away -at least 20 meters- from pipes, cables, swimming pools, and any construction.

Enjoy the Ficus, but from the right place.

Ficus, imposing trees for large gardens

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