Dianthus japonicus

It usually happens that, at the time of design a garden, we have land only for plants that can be in the sun all day like the vivacious plants like the carnations (top photo) or the dimorfoteca; and hopefully we have a little corner for shade plants. Then the question arises as to »what plants do I put in? There are so many! ». Yes it’s correct. There’s a lot. But to make the best choice of plants, it will be highly recommended to ask the professionals of the nursery any doubts we have, as the climatic conditions may vary from one place to another.

Still, this article is intended to be a guide for those undecided to choose the best plants for their garden.

Cacti and succulents

Echinocactus grussonii

How could it be otherwise, this list is headed by the cactus and other succulents. In addition, they are ideal for low or no maintenance gardens. The most appropriate genres are:


  • echinocactus
  • Ferocactus
  • Mammillaria
  • Coryphanta
  • copiapoa

-Other succulents

  • Aeonium
  • Forever living
  • Apthenia
  • Lampranthus
  • Caudiciform plants such as Adenium or Pachypodium (only for hot climates)


higher ash

Usually all trees they need to be in full sun. The exceptions are more influenced by the weather than by anything else. For example: the conifer sequoia sempervirens In its natural habitat it grows exposed to the sun, but it is very possible that it will have great difficulty growing in a warm climate.

That is why when choosing trees or conifers we choose native species or species with a similar climateto avoid future problems and incidentally not to lose money.


Bignonia capreolata

Our creepers they are generally sun lovers. In fact, this is why they climb trees. The most appropriate genres to cover walls or use in gardens are:

  • bignonia
  • Bougainvillea
  • Hypomea
  • clematis
  • Parthenocissus



To many palms They love the sun, however it must be borne in mind that there are others who prefer to be in semi-shade, even as adults. The most appropriate genres are:

  • Phoenix (except rupicola and robellini, two species that do not like direct sun too much)
  • Raphia (only for large, warm gardens)
  • Livistone
  • Brahea
  • Bismarckia (although it grows best in semi-shade when young, as an adult it will look spectacular in full sun if it has enough humidity)

Enjoy your garden!