Climbing Plant Pruning | Gardening On

By having climbing plants or vines, we can choose to 4 different ways of pruning: pruning for formation, cleaning, flowering and rejuvenation.

The first type of pruning is formation pruningwhich should be done when planting the vine. Instead of letting the climbing plant grow freely and uncontrollably, by pruning it we can make it grow in any of these ways, fan, trellis or cord.

We can also choose the cleaning pruning, which consists of lightening the bush with dense branches, to eliminate dry branches and stumps, root sprouts, flowers and past fruits or branches that protrude over the bush, etc. In short, by means of this type of pruning, what we want is to suppress everything that does not interest us in the plant. It is important that we carry out this type of pruning annually, and it is carried out on all the species of climbers that we have at home, even if it is only to remove four dry branches.

The other type of pruning that we can carry out, and that is only carried out on climbing plants that have an ornamental flowering, is the flowering pruning. With this type of pruning, what we seek is to renew the flowers that have been born, and those that have withered. This pruning can be done, for example, on plants such as jasmine, bignonia, climbing rose, among others.

And the last form of pruning that exists, is the renewal pruning. When a vine is old or has been abandoned, it generally becomes a very dense mass due to or that it is necessary to prune it for it to be renewed. The idea is to remove old branches and sanitize the entire plant so that new ones can be born.

Climbing Plant Pruning | Gardening On

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