Orchards and gardens on the roofs of the buses

garden by bus

And let the green flood the city! And I wish it were fulfilled. For now, we have some examples in vertical gardens, on our own flowerpots and in the green roofs (we will talk about them one of these days), but this new idea comes out: orchards and gardens on the roofs of the buseswith carrots, beets and more edible roots.

It’s a real project, it’s called Bus Roots and is part of the New York municipal bus fleet.

The people in charge of the urban buses of New York have come up with the idea of ​​creating a garden on the roof of the vehicle. Is he Bus Roots. The idea comes from the local designer Marco Antonio Castro Cosio, who was looking for a way to increase green spaces in the city. The bus thus becomes a mobile vegetable garden. It has taken five months to create this small garden, as it was done while the vehicle made its daily trips.

Cosio thought bus roofs were a perfect place to create gardens. There are 4.500 moving through New York City every day. If each of them had a garden, they would add up to an extension of 13.736 hectares of green area. (Central Park has 320 hectares, the Retiro Park, in Madrid, 118 hectares).

Cosio, in fact, wants to go further and proposes to extend the experience to trucks and trains. Defines it as urban nomadic agriculture.

Bus Roots is part of a pilot project called Wake up world. Most New Yorkers live and work high up, from where you can see this walking garden. When leaning out of the window, instead of concrete, they will see landscaped areas.

In addition, the quality of life is improved, carbon dioxide is absorbed and the environment is thermally regulated.

Source: ecologismos.com

Further information: Vertical gardens, the miracle of Patrick Blanc, The flowerpot

Orchards and gardens on the roofs of the buses

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