How to decorate a large terrace with plants

Terrace with shrubs

If you have a terrace you can have a beautiful green corner full of plants that combine wonderfully with other elements, such as furniture. Getting something like this is much easier than it seems, since you just have to take into account some things that I am going to tell you so that you have an idyllic place where you can rest and disconnect a bit.

And if you don’t believe me, I recommend that you continue reading because I’m going to explain how to decorate a large terrace with plantsso that it seems that you actually have a garden and not a terrace.

Step 1 – Calculate the space you have


This is the first, the most basic. Knowing how many square meters your terrace has, It will be even easier to find out how much furniture you can put, how many plants, and where you can locate each thing so that it looks goodsince it is important that, although the space is large, that it does not look cluttered.

Step 2 – Make a draft


In it you have to draw the terrace of your dreams taking into account the meters you have. To help you with this task, you can use any design program, like the Sketch Up.

Step 3 – Choose the plants

Potted petunia

Now that you know how you want to have your terrace, it is time to start deciding what plants you want to put up. I do not mean shrubs, flowers, or palm trees, but rather the names of those plantssince there are many that can be potted, but there are others that are not. Therefore, it is important here to do a little research – on this blog, for example – of plants that may be useful to you. Here are some:

Step 4 – Include some furniture

Terrace furniture

Since the terrace is large, take advantage and put some furniture. A set of sofas with a table with a small plant in its center, a smaller and higher table in the corners, perhaps a fountain to help relax the atmosphere even more, … Take your imagination, and you will surely have a corner special.

Step 5 – Save space by putting plants on the walls

Terrace with plants

If, like me, you like many plants and you are one of those who buy many because it is impossible for you to decide only on the ones you had listed on the shopping list, I recommend put a support so you can have hanging pots. They will be very original, and you can continue with your hobby without problems.

Another option is to make a vertical garden, as we explain in this article.

More ideas to decorate terraces

Here are some more ideas:

What do you think of these ideas? You have others?

How to decorate a large terrace with plants

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