Care and characteristics of the Iris Flower

The Iris flower comes from the iridaceae family, its scientific name is Germanic Iris

The Iris flower comes from the iridaceae family, its scientific name is Germanic iris, a name that honors the “rainbow” since the plant produces flowers of various colors (purple, yellow, red, white and mottled).

To this Iris flower, native to the European continent, it is known very well by the name of Lirio and also for the delicious aroma that it emits. The plant is used mainly as an ornament, however, it is known that a liquid can be extracted from the roots that acts as a purgative, which has been used for generations by people.

Key features

The iris flower is often confused with orchids

These plants are often confused with orchidsHowever, when detailing them, we will notice the small differences between the two.

They are large flowers which it is common to see them bloom at the upper end of long and erect stems in groups of up to six, the colors depend on the species. The stems can be simple, have branches, hollow or solid.

Leaves are light green in color, grow upright and ribbon-likeThey can measure up to 40 cm and form a dense mass at the base of it.

How to grow it

The variety of species, more than 200, that we can find require certain specific care Due to the unique details that are in each one of them, it is also advisable to find out if the species you want to cultivate is the one indicated in your area; However, here we indicate some cares that are common to all of them.

The climate is an important factor that you should consider since Iris flower is usually planted in late summerwhen the temperature is still hot enough for it to develop strong and healthy before the low temperatures of winter enter; however, when the planting area is characterized by a longer summer and a milder winter, the indicated month will be April.

When planting it, a part of the bulb must be underground and the other exposed, the reason for doing so, is that a totally buried bulb prevents the development of the flower due to the lack of sunlight. We recommend doing it at about six cm. Of the surface. When you plant Iris flower in gardens, remember to keep a distance of at least 30 cm., So that the roots have enough space to expand without tripping over the other plants and encourage the development of a healthy flower and if you will grow it in a pot, then you place one plant per pot.

characteristics iris flower

You need a well drained soilThis must be kept humid but not excessively so that the plant is not damaged, in the case of pots we recommend that you place a ceramic plate at the base to maintain humidity.

For good growth, watering the plant must be frequent without excessesPay attention to the humidity of the soil around the plant and water it every 5 or 7 days depending on how dry it is when the flower is in full development, the more the plant grows, the less frequent the waterings should be, mainly in seasons of very humid winters where it is unnecessary to do so.

These plants have a life span of between 5 and 20 yearsLogically, the time will depend on the care you provide to the iris flower, we recommend applying special organic fertilizer for bulbous plants after each flowering.


To keep her healthy, this one really needs little care and they are very easy:

Common species

German iris

This species is very resistant, adapts very well to all types of soil and it spreads quite easily. It is very varied so we can find flowers of different colors such as yellow, red, white, blue or purple.

It is preferably grown on sandy soilswith good drainage to avoid waterlogging, plant it in full sun to semi shade. It reaches up to a meter high, the leaves are saber-shaped, occur between 3 and 10 per plant and grow up to 40 cm.

The flowers have a pleasant scent, ideal to keep in pots or gardens.

pale iris

Different types of iris flower

Also known as lily of Florence, it is a beautiful flower that sends a rich perfumewhose characteristic colors are violet and white, as the previous species needs direct sunlight, although it can develop well with indirect light and tolerate very cold climates.

It requires well-drained substrates, which maintain the necessary humidity for its growth without excess water, reproduces through pollination since it is hermaphrodite.

It reaches more than a meter in height and in width it reaches up to 1,5 meters. Medicinal properties are attributed to it to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as vomiting, gastritis or respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.

Siberian iris

Originally from Siberia, it is also known as Siberian lily. This plant is a little smaller than other species since the maximum height it reaches is 60 cm., The tones of the flowers range from purplish blue to light yellow, each plant generates 1 to 3 flowers and requires for cultivation sandy soils, little irrigation and lots of sunlight.

Japanese iris

It is a plant that grows wild in Japanese and other Asian soils, its special bluish-purple color makes it visually very attractive and hence the great demand for home gardens and orchards.

Care and characteristics of the Iris Flower

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