How to fertilize dahlias | Gardening On

Flower of the bulbous plant Dahlia

Our dahlias some beautiful Mexican flowers. Big, showy, colorful and very happy. They come in various forms (simple, double, pom-pom, daisy …). And the most interesting thing still: they are very easy to care for. But as always happens if they are not fertilized … they may not produce as many flower buds as we would like.

That is why I am going to explain to you below how to fertilize dahlias. So you can enjoy its beauty throughout the season.

What types of fertilizers are there?

The Fertilizers They are part of a world that every gardener or gardener must know, since there are several types. For the good care of dahlias it will be necessary to know that there are chemical fertilizers, which are those liquid or sold in granules ready for use, and organic ones, that is, those ecological ones that come from organic matter such as an animal (manure, guano).

Which is the best for dahlias?

Actually, there is no better compost than that which comes from the earththat is, the organic one. But not just for dahlias, but for all plants. It is the most natural thing there is. Now, when we grow flowers in pots we have to choose liquid fertilizers. Why? Because if we didn’t do it like that we could make it difficult for the water to drain, which would end up rotting the roots.

When and how to pay them?

Dahlias are paid in spring and summer which is when they are in full growth and bloom and when they need the most energy. To get healthier potted plants, I recommend fertilizing them with guano in liquid form following the indications specified on the product packaging as it is very rich in nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, amino acids and microelements).

In the case of having them on the ground, we can also use guano (in powder) or some type of manure such as chicken It also contains very important nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese and other micronutrients). You just have to keep in mind that if you choose the latter, you have to let it dry in the sun for at least a week. The dose will be more or less that of a handful per plant.

Pink dahlia

I hope it has served you .

How to fertilize dahlias | Gardening On

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