Characteristics, care and cultivation of Limonium sinuatum

Limonium sinuateum flowers

Flores del Limonium sinuatum

One of the most common plants that you can find in areas that are not very populated in the Mediterranean arc is the Limonium sinuatum. It is also called statice. It is an autochthonous plant whose genetics have been improved to be able to introduce it into the commercial circuit of all the fresh flowers that are sold we enter and that have been quite successful.

In this article we will explain what the characteristics are and how you should take care of the Limonium sinuatum.

Key features

Avoid lemon curds

Cuidados del Limonium sinuatum

This type of plant has several common names such as Limonium, Statice always alive, among others, since it is quite well known. It belongs to the Plumbaginaceae family and is native to the entire Mediterranean region. It can also be found in the area of ​​Africa that has contact with the Mediterranean Sea.

It is a type of herbaceous perennial plant that rarely has a bushy shape. There are different varieties and its final form depends on the conditions in which it has been developed. The most normal thing is that it has a height between 25 centimeters and almost one meter. It has oblong, lobed and pennate shaped leaves. The main value of the flowers of this plant is its ornamental use. And it is that they are flowers that grow together forming spikes arranged almost horizontally.

These flowers are quite small in size and are trumpet-shaped. They are hermaphrodite flowers and have free petals with five welded carpels and five styles. As we have mentioned before, it is a plant whose genes have been improved for its cultivation in nurseries and its commercialization. In nature we can find specimens that have flowers with different colors. However, thanks to this genetic modification we can find these flowers with a greater spectrum of colors.

Until now the flowers of the Limonium sinuatum that have a greater acceptance are those that are white, red, yellow, pink and blue. One of the botanical characteristics for which this plant stands out is that they allow natural tinting of its own flowers. In this way, you can get almost the tonality you want.

Cultivation in greenhouses of the Limonium sinuatum

Cultivation of statice

Cultivo del statice

If we cultivate and use appropriate cultivation techniques for this species we can have flowering throughout the year. The natural state only has its flowering period from late winter to well into summer. Another use that this plant can have thanks to the characteristics of its leaves and flowers is to obtain dried flowers. It also serves as an ornamental potted plant although its flowers can be cut to form bouquets.

If we want to grow these plants at a professional level we will need a greenhouse. This is how we achieve maximum production. If this plant is in its natural habitat needs optimum growth temperatures ranging between 22 and 27 degrees during the day and between 12 and 16 degrees at night. This optimal temperature range means that the plant has a smaller distribution area. However, all these problems due to temperatures disappear if we sow it in greenhouses.

One of the advantages of Limonium sinuatum is that it can develop very well in saline soils. If we have a sandy texture soil, as long as it has good drainage and is permeable, it can also grow in good conditions. The most suitable pH for the development of this crop is around values ​​of 6.5.

We will have to cultivate the statice in winter. To do this, we will generally place one meter wide boards and on it we will place double rows. Ideally, between each and there is a distance of 30 to 40 centimeters. These dimensions give us a planting frame of between 3 and 4 plants per square meter. In this way, we manage to optimize the territory. If we choose to plant more specimens per square meter, we will have the handicap that the quality of the stem will decrease. In addition, if we plant more plants we will have an excess of humidity and, with total security, problems of diseases and pests will appear.

As for watering, during the first weeks after planting it should be more frequent. Among the most recommended types of irrigation are: sprinkling and dripping. It needs little flow but enough to avoid dehydration of the plant.

Caring for the Limonium sinuatum in the garden

Limonium sinuatum

Limonium sinuatum

In a naturalized way the Limonium sinuatum it is quite an interesting plant to be grown in gardens. Its cultivation care is quite simple. It is a fairly rustic plant that has hardly any complications in its care. The first thing to consider is the location. This plant needs to be in full sun. One of the problems that this plant has is that it does not survive frost (therefore, it is more common for them to be planted in greenhouses).If we want temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees during the day and around 15 degrees at night, will develop in good condition.

As if we sow it in greenhouses, when Limonium sinuatum excess moisture is not good for it. Therefore, we must take this aspect into account when watering. They will grow quite well in somewhat compact, clayey soils with a universal substrate and silica sand. Thanks to this combination, we are able to provide a greater amount of organic matter and porosity to the soil. Let’s not forget that porosity is the characteristic of the soil that makes us have good drainage.

Irrigation should be more frequent during the first month of planting. Once the specimens have already adapted to the environment, we will distance them significantly from the risks. Although we should not abuse it, it is true that, from time to time, it is good to use nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation. This will help the plants to be more vigorous. If we go over with the fertilizer we will reduce the flowering.

If we take good care of the hours of sunshine to which the plant is exposed during the day it can also be used indoors in a pot.

I hope that with this information you can know more about the Limonium sinuatum.

Characteristics, care and cultivation of Limonium sinuatum

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