Gardening Tips

Discover how to take care of and multiply the pineapple plant

Many times when we think of pineapple what usually comes to mind is what is sold in supermarkets, that is, the pineapple itself. But have you ever wondered which plant it comes from and how to get one? Well, you won’t have to ask yourself that question anymore. Next we will tell you what is […]

Why decorate with water lilies?

The Lily They are highly decorative aquatic plants: their large, fragrant, brightly colored flowers not only attract pollinating insects, but also attract the glances of humans who pass by. But why include them in the garden design? What makes them so special? Water lilies, much more than “simple” plants These plants are extraordinary, so much […]

American Oak Profile | Gardening On

Image – Deciduous trees are a real marvel, and those who dress in their best clothes during the fall … those are even more beautiful if possible. It is very difficult to decide on one or the other when you are immersed in the design of your garden, but I am going to make […]

Characteristics and care of Aloe pillansii

Young specimen of Aloe pills Originally from the African continent, specifically from Namibia and South Africa, the Aloe pillansii it is one of the most beautiful species of aloe. It grows to 5-6 meters in height, with a thick trunk of a spectacular grayish color. It is one of the most beautiful plants in all […]

How do you care for Snakeskin Maple?

The Snakeskin Maplewhose scientific name is sharp DavidIt is a deciduous tree that loses its leaves in autumn that has a very, very decorative trunk. In fact, the vertical stripes seen on its bark are spectacular. With a maximum height of 15 meters, it is one of the most recommended maples for medium-large gardens, since […]

Dorstenia foetida, a most curious succulent plant

The Dorstenia foetida it is one of the most amazing collection plants. Unlike the others, its flower is very curious, green in color and with petals that do not resemble those of daisies, for example. It is a small, caudiciform succulent plant that lives well in a pot, as long as it is given some […]

What to use to fertilize the palm trees?

Palm trees are plants that look great in any corner, whether in the garden or planted in pots to decorate the terrace or patio. And it is that, of the more than 3 species that there are, there are many that can be cultivated in every climatic zone of the world, except in the poles […]

Diphylleia grayi, the crystal flower that amazes everyone

Few plants surprise us more than the ones that we are going to introduce you to on this occasion. Its scientific name is Diphylleia grayialthough that name probably doesn’t tell you anything. However, if I tell you that the flower looks as if it is made of glass when it rains, you may not believe […]

How to germinate acorns? | Gardening On

How to get a magnificent specimen of oak without spending a lot of money? That is a very interesting question, because normally the seedlings that are sold in nurseries tend to have a high price … for good reason, since the growth rate of this tree is quite slow. However, he has a wonderful answer […]

What are carnivorous plants? | Gardening On

Dionaea muscipula We know that there are trees, palms, conifers, and so on. All of them can become very decorative, having flowers and / or a very unique bearing, but they do not have what carnivorous plants do: traps, more or less perfected, of different shapes and colors that trap insects. They are so curious, […]

Complete data sheet of cumin

Cumin is a herbaceous plant Not only is it very easy to grow, but it also has interesting medicinal properties that we cannot ignore. It is used a lot in the kitchen, but I also recommend that you reserve a space for it in your garden since it will attract pollinating insects such as bees, […]

What is the care of bromeliad?

Aechmea fasciata Talk of the bromeliad is talking about a tropical plant whose leaves and inflorescences are so decorative that you like to have it at home. However, being native to the hot and humid jungles of the planet, taking care of it correctly can be a very complicated task. Drafts, as well as low […]

Dicksonia, the quintessential tree fern

The dicksonia It is by far the best known tree fern or tree fern. It can grow up to 15 meters in height, although it usually exceeds 5m. Its fronds (leaves) have a beautiful green color and can measure from 2 to 6 meters. As it has a trunk that is 40cm thick in diameter, […]

Maguey de mezcal care | Gardening On

We are very used to seeing agaves with long leaves growing a bit messy on the shores or even in the gardens. However, there is one species that is actually very pretty and can be grown in all kinds of places, even in tires turned into containers for plants. Its common name is maguey mezcalalso […]

Characteristics and care of Catalpa

Catalpa is a magnificent tree: it can be had as a shade plant as a shrubsince there are different varieties. In addition, it recovers well from pruning, so that even if it grows from 6 to 25 meters in height, you can always trim its branches to control its development. Its beautiful white flowers are […]

Complete data sheet of the Desert Rose

It is probably the most popular caudiciform succulent plant. The Desert Rose is a shrub native to Africa that produces trumpet-shaped flowers of very lively and cheerful flowers.. Although its growth rate is very slow, this makes it an ideal plant to have in a pot for many years, even throughout its life. However, its […]

How to prune climbing roses in your garden in a simple way

Pruning roses ensures that plants grow vigorously and flourish well every year, since if left unattended, the climbing roses can become a tangled mess of branches with very few flowers and although often considered complicated, pruning roses is not difficult if you follow this guide. This method is suitable for climbing roses, sometimes being difficult […]

How is the Kalanchoe cared for?

Kalanchoe daigremontiana Kalanchoe are non-cactaceous succulent plants widely cultivated in all warm-temperate regions of the world.. They have an incalculable ornamental value, due to the shape and size they acquire, as well as the beauty of their flowers. Its cultivation and maintenance is relatively simple, so much so that if you do not have much […]

7 outdoor plants you didn’t know bloom all year round

You probably want to do that your garden look much more colorfulbut you don’t know how to start so what you need are plants that add life to your garden. However, the plants you plant in your garden may not flower during certain times of the year. That is why in this article we are […]

Thanks to Kokedamas you can grow plants without a pot

Decorating a house may seem like a complicated task for many, as they believe that expensive furniture and ornaments are needed and the having to hire a professional decorator to achieve an incredible finish on your property. However this is not entirely truesince there are many alternatives and techniques you can use to make your […]

Varieties of Japanese maples | Gardening On

Native to East Asia, Japanese maples are trees that have made millions of people fall in love. The elegance of their leaves, dyed red or orange during autumn, as well as the bearing they acquire as they grow, have made them the plants of the moment. But which one to choose? There are different varieties […]

Moon planting calendar to know what to plant in each phase

The cycles of the moon have been influencing farmers that are part of different cultures and that have been developing around the world for centuries. And while science has not yet fully understood how sowing works according to a lunar calendaranecdotal evidence has shown this to be true and offers excellent results. The study of […]

The best aromatic plants to grow indoors

Aromatic plants, as their name suggests, give off a very pleasant aroma through the pores of their leaves. They are often used to season, and they grow so fast that you can remove the stems you need without having to wait long for it to produce new ones. Because of its smell and easy cultivation, […]

Know everything about Aloe ferox

The aloe ferox It is such a beautiful plant and so easy to care for that having it in the garden or on the patio is a real pleasure for the eyes. It reaches two meters in height, so that can be had in any corner. But not only that, but it, like the rest […]

6 Common Toxic Plants in Homes

Nature is magnificent. Overflowing with life, with color, and emitting wonderful sounds that transport you to a very distant past, when human beings had not yet colonized the planet. Plants, those beings that allow us to breathe that have been living here for millions of years, have developed different survival strategies, some of which are […]

Socratea exorrhiza, a curious tropical palm tree

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang The palm family is very large: there are more than 3000 accepted species distributed, mainly in the temperate and tropical regions of the world. Most consist of a single stem or stipe and a crown of leaves, but there are some, like the Socrates exorrhizawhich also has […]

Borage Growing Guide | Gardening On

Borage is one of those herbaceous plants that are worth having in the garden: its cultivation is very simplebut not only that, but with very little maintenance we can take advantage of its interesting properties throughout the season. To achieve this, the first thing to do is acquire seeds in spring, which is the best […]

Gorse, a shrub that gives color to the garden

If you are looking for a plant that gives color to the garden and also does not need much care, get one or more specimens of gorse. This is a beautiful little shrub that does not exceed 2 meters in height and produces such a quantity of flowers that its stems remain hidden throughout the […]

Know the secrets of sarsaparilla

In the fields and wastelands of Europe we can find a plant that looks so much like the blackberry, that it is known as sarsaparilla or Moorish bramble. It is a very fast growing climbing shrub which is often seen growing and developing on the trunks of trees and other plant beings. It produces cylindrical […]

Characteristics and care of the Pteris fern

Ferns are plants with very peculiar characteristics: some look like palm trees with their trunk and fronds, and others, most of them, grow to a height of no more than 40cm. There are some, the Pteris, that are very decorative, since they develop in such a way that it can be said that they are […]

Ideal care and some types of indoor flowers

There are people who like to have flowers indoors or in work offices. This practice of introducing plants indoors is something that is being seen more and more. This is because plants improve our quality of life. They offer us better air, cleaner, fresher, they offer us some stability in the midst of our busy […]

Native plants versus non-native plants for your garden

Plants of all kinds exist in the environment. Native species They are those that grow, develop and reproduce in a territory. That is to say, they originate from the place where they develop or grow, which have not been introduced by man from parts other than the place where they are found. It is sometimes […]

Lesser maple, an easy-growing tree

The minor maple it is one of the few maples that grow naturally in the Iberian Peninsula and in the north of the Balearic Islands. Unlike the vast majority of species in the genus, it is not very demanding on the soil, and it resists high temperatures quite well. For all these reasons, we consider […]

Origin of the Venus flytrap

Dionaea muscipula As if it were a whim of nature, one day certain plants undertook a path that would end up turning them into carnivores. Yes, yes, in plant beings that feed on insects and protozoa. No other types of plants do that, so it is very interesting to know the origin of the Venus […]

Campsis radicans, a very easy-care climber

The Campsis radicansknown by the common name Trumpet Creeper, It is a very fast growing plant with such beautiful flowers that it can be used to cover pergolas, walls or walls. But not only that, but it also supports pruning very well, so it can also be potted and placed next to a small lattice […]

What environmental conditions are favorable for lichens?

In ecosystems there are numerous relationships between plants and animals. There are also interactions between themselves, with bacteria, fungi and other living things. Everything is related through a complex balance. Lichens also need these relationships in order to live. In fact, lichens are organisms that are the result of the symbiosis between a fungus and […]

What are the properties of rosemary?

Rosemary is a plant of Mediterranean origin that adapts to almost everything: in the pot or in the garden; in the sun or semi-shadow. It is also very resistant to pests and diseases, so taking care of it is a real wonder. But it must also be said that it can take care of us, […]

Selection of plants for fences

One of the most important parts of the garden is the hedge. Without it, we could not have privacy nor could we divide the different sections of our green space. And for this, shrubs, especially evergreen ones, are essential. But What are the most suitable fence plants? trees Normally the trees are recommended to be […]

Yeast, algae and fungus, together for the survival of lichens

As we saw in a previous post about lichens, they need certain environmental conditions to be able to survive well and reproduce properly until colonizing the territory. A lichen is the result of a symbiotic relationship between an alga and a fungus. However, scientists, after so many years studying lichens, have found a new discovery: […]

What care does hornbeam require?

Hornbeam is a deciduous tree that, at 30 meters high, is perfect to have in large gardens and enjoy its shade during the summer. But, What care does this beautiful plant require to look healthy? If you want to know everything you need to become a majestic specimen, then I am going to tell you […]

Decorate your low-maintenance garden with Dasylirion

Dasylirion acrotriche var. parryanum Do you live in an area where rainfall is very low? If so, this plant interests you. It belongs to the genus Dasylirion and is very resistant to drought and intense sun. In fact, in order to grow well, it must be planted in an area where it is directly exposed […]

Tricks to germinate seeds | Gardening On

Seeing plants begin their life is a wonderful experience that no one should miss. But, even before germinating, plant beings have to break a barrier: that of the seed itself. Just as a chick has to be strong to create a hatch that protected and nurtured it while it was a developing bird, plants must […]

Pruning of aromatic plants | Gardening On

One of the most important care that we must provide to our aromatic plants is pruning. If we didn’t, they would end up growing very ungainly, and they wouldn’t produce as many leaves as we would be interested in. With this in mind, when you finish reading this article you will know everything about the […]

Cretan Ebony, a precious garden shrub

If you plan to have a garden that you have to take care of the least, you may be interested in having plants that resist drought and high summer temperatures. One of the best options are those that live in the Mediterranean region, such as the Cretan Ebony. This is an ideal shrub for xero-gardens: […]

Know which are the ornamental trees that can grow in shade

You don’t need to have a garden that needs to be heated during the course of the day in the sun, just to manage to grow some ornamental treessince choosing to choose small ornamental trees that grow in a shady area is one of the best options and the best thing is that there is […]

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