Decoration with hanging plants

The hanging plants give a very different life to stay, either within the home and the outside. Hanging plants will add a touch of elegance and color to your home as an excellent decorative element. Decorating with hanging plants inside your home is something that would be great since you would be in direct contact with nature, something that gives everyone strength and vitality.

But it is also an excellent option for the exterior of your homes such as your terrace, your porch, or your balcony. Hanging plants are also used to create different visual effects in rooms such as the curtain effect by hanging a few from the ceiling (one next to the other at a suitable distance so that the decoration is correct).

For home and terrace

Hanging plants are ideal for both indoors and outdoors, being able to place them both indoors and on your terrace as I mentioned before. In addition, you can choose to choose hanging plants that grow downwards to enhance the light of the place and not create too many shadows.

Most of these plants are strong and easy to grow which makes them even more perfect to make a good decorative decision.

Decoration with hanging plants - For home and terrace

How to keep hanging plants in good condition

So that your plants remain in good condition without having to water them very abundantly is to spray water a couple of times a week.

Likewise, the container you choose for your hanging plants must be adequate and capable of supporting the weight of the plant and its weight when it is freshly watered, which will be much greater. Of course, it is essential that the hanging plants are held by ropes or chains that are strong and resistant enough to hold them well and that of course they are aesthetic and look good both in decoration and in combination with the plant pot.

I advise you that when choosing the container you choose one that is quite large because in this way you will avoid making transplants in the future even if the plant seems too small at first.

Hanging Plant Decor - How To Keep Hanging Plants In Good Condition

Suitable hanging plants

There are many varieties of plants that can be used for hanging plants but it is possible that you feel lost within so much variety so below we will try to guide you so that you choose the one that you like the most, although remember that you can always go to your store nearest gardening center to show you more classes.

  • The poto. The poto is a very common plant, it grows vertically because it is a climber and seeks light. The more light you find the better because your leaves will get bigger. This plant needs a lot of humidity in the air.
  • Scindapsus pictus. This plant is very similar to the previous one but its leaves are smaller and the tips of the leaves are usually greener in color.
  • Tape. The tape is a hanging indoor plant and it is very beautiful since it can have abundant leaves. It shows off green and white colored leaves that makes it very elegant for any room.
  • Other plants that are also very good and that you will surely know because they are very common are geranium, calisia, ivy or phytonia.

Do you already know what hanging plants you will put in your home? Do you prefer them to be hanging plants for indoors or outdoors? Once you decide which one to put and where, remember that they must be well hung and attached.

Hanging Plant Decoration - Suitable Hanging Plants
Decoration with hanging plants

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