Characteristics and care of the night maiden (Mirabilis jalapa)

Dondiego by night by day

Today we are going to talk about the nightmare. It is a plant native to tropical America whose scientific name is jalapa mirabilis. It belongs to the Nictagináceas family and arrived in Spain from Peru in 1568. Since then, this plant has been spreading throughout the continent where in addition to ornamental plant, it is used as a purgative.

This plant has acquired a high value as a garden plant due to its high rustic capacity and has become invasive in several places. Do you want to know all the characteristics and care of this plant?

Main characteristics of the nightmare

morning glory flowers

Its scientific name means admirable, wonderfulwhile jalapa means the beginning of the municipality of Mexico where it was discovered. Apart from dondiego at night, it is known by other popular names such as arrebolera, jasmine from Mexico, false jalapa, bella at night, good afternoon and trumpet.

It is an annual herbaceous plant and semi resistant to cold. They are able to tolerate low temperatures without being affected in their growth and health. Its bushy shape is characterized by being tuberous and highly branched. Its branches are very elongated and quite fragile, especially in times when temperatures are lower. It can reach heights between 25 to 130 centimeters. As it grows, it takes on a globose shape similar to the pepper plant.

Its leaves are evergreen and grow ovate-sharp and opposite bright green. It can be kept green all year round despite the low winter temperatures. When it is placed in an area where the cold is very intense, it is capable of losing its greenish color and its aerial part, but he does not die. Once the good temperatures arrive again, the plant sprouts again.

It blooms in the northern hemisphere during the summer and in temperate climates, even into the fall. It has a large number of terminal flowers with great fragrance. The flowers grow together in clusters that are trunk-shaped and have a pentalobulated calyx and a tubular crown that widens at the apex with a more cheerful and attractive coloration. Its colors can vary between yellow, white, pink, red and mottled in various shades. Gardeners combine it perfectly with other more vivacious plants, grasses and shrubs.

The opening of the morning glory flowers begins when dusk begins and they remain open when the sun begins to rise. This is the characteristic that makes it so called and that makes it unique. When the days are cloudy and very dark, it is possible that it can be observed all the time with the flowers open.

In the same plant there can be flowers of different colors, which makes them very varied and showy. They are perfect for decorating gardens and public spaces. These colors can be perfectly combined, giving the plant a plus of beauty.

On some occasions it has been found that the plant can change the color of its flowers when it reaches full maturity.


flower with various colors

This plant It can reproduce by seed and by division of tubers. If we choose to reproduce them for the first time, it has to be sown in spring. The seeds are collected in the autumn month, when they are ripe and take on a more characteristic black color.

On the other hand, if we want to multiply them by tuber division, we have to remove them and let them dry during the winter. Once they are dry, the planting is done in early spring.

Care jalapa mirabilis

all the splendor of the dondiego at night

The night maiden has great interest in gardening, as mentioned before, for its spectacular flowering and rustic value that it adds to the areas where it is grown. It is ideal for increasing the landscape value of a garden or public space and with greater effect when combined with perennial plants, shrubs and grasses.

The plantation requires that always be in full sun. If planted in places with more shade and high relative humidity, it will grow well, but will barely flower. If we want our plant to show all its beauty and splendor, it is better to plant it in sunny places. It is advisable to save a margin of one square meter for each plant to sow a set of them. In this way, they can have their own territory to grow without problems or competition for nutrients.

The soil where it is grown must be fertile and well drained. Since it has a fairly deep and tuberous root system, they are able to withstand periods of drought and adverse conditions. In areas where temperatures are lower and there are usually frosts, its aerial part is lost to save energy and to survive. However, when spring returns and the temperatures are more pleasant, it sprouts again.

One of the advantages of this plant for coastal environments is that supports salinity quite well. For this reason, we can find dondiego at night in gardens near the coast.

Its waterings must be frequent and abundant, especially in the hottest periods and if they are in full sun. You practically have to water it daily, but without letting it flood.

A fertilizer can be added after sprouting or planting taking special care that the fertilizer is richer in potassium than in nitrogen so that there is not an excess of vegetation and its flowering is favored. At all times we have to keep in mind that what we want most from the night maiden are its flowers to give all its characteristics. If the fertilizer contains substances that contain the micronutrients that are necessary for the proper growth of the plant, it will flourish much more vigorously.

Possible pests and conditions

mirabilis jalapa at night with its open flowers

This plant lacks pests that attack it with a high frequency, since they are very rustic. Alone aphids, whiteflies and spider mites They are capable of presenting a problem on this plant, especially in the hottest times. However, they can be easily removed using insecticides and miticides found in garden centers and florists.

With this information you will be able to enjoy the morning glory and its great ornamental power.

Characteristics and care of the night maiden (Mirabilis jalapa)

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