Medicinal plants, what they are for and how to grow them

medicinal plants with health benefits

What are the medicinal plants? They are plants that are used to treat any disease or problem, this part of the plant can be used in many ways, either creams, ointments, infusions, elixir and many more ways and it is that these plants were used in the past in the area of ​​medicine, the famous natural medicinebut currently few people are aware of its effectiveness.

Do medicinal plants really work?

medicinal plants can be taken as an infusion

Many experiments have been done to see if medicinal plants are so effective and it has been shown that they can actually cure some conditions so it is ensured that they really are effective. But it is important to know what the plants are for before using them, since medical help is usually requested before starting any treatment with plants and you should never stop consuming any medicine to use a medicinal plant.

How can I use them?

These plants can be used in many ways, one of them is as an infusion and to prepare it you just have to place the plant in a container and add water, after this let it rest and place itIt can even be used for cooking, but for this you only need to boil the plant, strain it and drink it.

Many people usually leave the plant macerating for a day before making the infusion, but this is done with the water in which it was macerated. Another way is through poultices And to do this, it is necessary to wash the plant, grind it and place the mass in the place that is injured. It can also be inhaled, but for this it is necessary to cook the plant and place it in a pot, then it must be covered and inhaled the vapors that it releases.

Clinical uses of medicinal plants

These plants were used to treat diseasesbut these plants were considered drugs, although little by little this was put aside and drugs began to be used, although it has been shown that these plants really they work and help people to relieve pain.

Current uses of medicinal plants

These plants are currently sold in many ways, as over time they are medicinal plants They have been frowned upon by many people, but they are sold as medicinal oils that are usually made with olive and digestive plants, which help the body absorb them easily. On the other hand we can find the aromatic plants which are made with oils dissolved in alcohol and to which a little lemon is placed, later they are left for a month to ferment.

They are usually also use as food and it is that many people are not aware that many plants that we eat have medicinal properties and they help us without realizing it. Another way to take advantage of the properties is by adding a little of these plants to the bathing waters, since these helps us relax and to have healthy skin.

Also in some places they are often used tablets that are made by crushing the plants and putting them into pills. The creams also stand out in health food stores and it is that these creams are made with these plants that can be used to improve our skin and also for burns.

Many medicinal soaps they have extracts and there are countless syrups that are made with honey and extracts from these plants. Also over time the so-called medicinal wines that have many benefits for our body.

What are these medicinal plants?

People who knew nothing about medicinal plants but now they are reading and they were interested in the subject, they must be asking these questions, but the truth is that these plants They are very common and we must have heard them at least once in our life, then I will tell you a little more about them.


chamomile as a medicinal plant

This is some plants belonging to the daisy family they are even very similar.

This plant has many healing qualitiesapart from having many properties among which we can find anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing properties and also help digestive problems and throat problems. They help soothe irritations and they act as a natural tranquilizer, it is perfect at the time of menstruation and also serves as a diuretic.

This plant it is usually used as an infusionIt is also used to add it in the baths, in steam to clean the face, as a natural medicine and as a cosmetic which helps to lighten the hair.


lemon balm as a medicinal plant

It is native to Asia, it is easy to grow and has straight stems with very green leaves, in addition to has a scent very similar to lemon. This plant helps a lot in the digestive process, calms disorders, acts as a sedative that calms anxiety and nervousness.

It works against asthma and helps reduce fever.

Many people come to this plant because it helps clean the blood, that is, helps eliminate toxic substancesThis is why it is also said to help as a natural slimming if taken as an infusion.

Many people usually take Melissa waterThis helps regulate tension, headaches, insomnia, and painful periods. Carmelite water and love filters are also usually made.

Female fern

fern as a medicinal plant

It is perfect for intestinal parasitescan help wound healing, and can stop bleeding. It also helps with cramps, lumbago, rheumatism and sciatica and to use it effectively it is important to have a cup in the morning.

Red currant

currant as a medicinal plant

Serves as a great laxative and helps to decongest the digestive system, stimulating the stomach. It also helps with inflammation of the urinary tract and with all infectious diseases. It is usually used as a tea, which should be consumed three times a day.

Black currant: Helps sweating, favors the digestive process, controls diarrhea, reduces fever and reduces headaches. Help with mouth and throat conditions.

It is a first-class diuretic, it can also help reduce burning that exists after bites. It can be used to make infusions, jellies, tea and can also be used by rubbing the plant on the affected area.

If consumed as a juice it is recommended take it three times a day.


grass as a medicinal plant

It has diuretic properties, helps prevent cystitis and urethritis. It also helps with stones and kidney stones, this can be consumed as an infusion to perform it, it is important to boil the root and leave that water resting, to drink it later.

You can also put a little lemon to make it easier to take. It is suggested to drink four cups a day for three days.


mullein as a medicinal plant

It has a very beneficial flower, helps control all airway conditionshelps control asthma, colic, cramps, heart rate and neuralgia.

An infusion is usually prepared that should be taken four times a day.


geranium as a medicinal plant

Helps act against diarrhea, it is usually taken as an infusion Accompanied by chamomile, this should be taken by tablespoons, with one every four hours during a day diarrhea can be cut.


sunflower as a medicinal plant

We have heard this plant a lot, but we did not know that helps reduce muscle aches and inflammation in the joints. It is very helpful to take them macerated after doing some kind of strong exercise.

Two cups should be taken before eating.


birch as a medicinal plant

This is a very strange plant that must be collected before it blooms in order to remove its medicinal parts.

It is a good diuretic that helps kidneys and urineis usually recommended for cardiovascular diseases and is usually taken as an infusion, it can also be applied directly to the affected area as a cream


cumin as a medicinal plant

It helps the stomach and in women it favors the control of menstruation. It can be used as a condiment, this being the most common use, but it can also be used for make infusions.

Medicinal plants, what they are for and how to grow them

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