How to have and plant lavender cuttings

Lavender fields

I think that lavender essence
it is not a difficult plant to grow. It is enough to have an open and sunny space where to locate it and to water it abundantly, preventing the thin leaves and a dry green tone from beginning to fall.

Under these conditions, it is likely that the plant will grow without problems, this until the harvest season arrives, when the flowers begin to fall and it is time to harvest them in order to take advantage of the fresh scent of fresh lavender flowers. You can even collect the leaves and take advantage of the fact that they also have an intense smell.

Now, my biggest questions occur before this happy stage, that is, when a new cycle begins. That is why today I will take care of the lavender multiplicationsomething you can do taking advantage of previous copies.

Collect cuttings

Lavender flowers

We know that lavender is a very interesting plant to have in the garden because, in addition to giving away its characteristic aroma, it is very beautiful to look at, with its small spiky purple flowers. That is why you can have several plants in the same place just by having a few semi-hard cuttings.

The cuttings must be collected at a precise moment, which happens after the growth of the shoots but before they mature. The time in which this occurs during the summer, that is, once the flowers have fallen.

Study all the stems and choose those that are between 6 and 8 cm long and that have soft ends, but not the base that should be hard. Once the stems have been selected, it is time to make the cut, always below the knots as it is an area of ​​the stem that concentrates a large amount of nutrients that will be favorable for the subsequent rooting of the cutting.

Once the stem is cut, it must be cleaned and the lower leaves removed as this will be the area of ​​the stem to be buried for subsequent planting. Prior to planting the lavender cuttingSome gardeners

apply a product called rooting hormone to the stem, which promotes rooting.



Then it is time to do the usual: dig a small hole in the ground and plant the cutting to finally water in abundance. For them to develop, it is important that the cuttings are not exposed to the sun, although they are in a place with a warm climate so you will have to protect them from direct sun if you plant them outdoors.

Remember that watering is essential at this stage, so make sure that the substrate is always humid, although not flooded.

Finally, it is recommended cut the lavender cuttings early in the morning because then they have a higher concentration of water.

How to have and plant lavender cuttings

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