Cabbages: sowing and germination | Gardening On

red cabbage seedling

Red cabbage seedlings ready for transplanting

Fall and winter is season of cabbage. Being one of the vegetables very resistant to cold, its sowing schedule lengthens in time. And now in Novemberbefore the first frosts, it’s a good time for sowing and germination of potted cabbages.

The cabbage or cabbage (Brassica oleraceae) is a vegetable belonging to the Brassicaceae family. If we settle it in the right substrate, and it receives enough water, its cultivation is very simple.

Cabbages are vegetables that reproduce by seeds. Therefore, we will make a seedbed and then transplant them to the chosen container, if we are going to grow them in a urban garden or flowerpot

or to the ground, if we have land for it.

The seedbeds They must have a diameter of 6 to 10 centimeters maximum, since they will be in them for a short time.

We will fill the tray with alveoli or the small pots with seed substrate.

We will place of two to three seeds in each container, placing them in the center of it. We will cover them with a thin layer of the same substrate used and compact the substrate firmly with the palm of the hand.

We will water carefully, soaking the substrate in its entirety. This must be humid during the entire growing time. If it stays dry during the germination period, the seedlings will die.

Within a few days will germinate if temperatures are mild. If it is cold, we must place the pots or trays in a mini greenhouse.

When they germinateWe must put them near windows or outside so that the seedlings are strengthened during their growth.

Nothing else have a couple of leaveswe will leave only one plant per pot or socket. We will do it carefully so as not to harm the chosen one.

When they have the order of three to five pairs of true leaves (the first two are the cotyledons and therefore false leaves), they will already be ready to be planted in the final place.

More information – Cold hardy vegetables, November Crop Calendar, Plant protection against cold

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Cabbages: sowing and germination | Gardening On

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