Characteristics of English gardens | Gardening On

The English garden is an imitation of nature

English gardens, which have always been characterized by their elegance and beauty, have been elaborated in Great Britain since the XNUMXth century by the wealthiest classes, the British nobles and kings. The aims that were sought with the creation of this type of gardens was the imitation and the establishment of the characteristics of naturetrying to modify a little the spaces that surround them and adapt them to the intentions of their owners.

This search consisted of gradually adapting the gardens to the buildings, trying to achieve an imitation, as far as possible real, of nature, working with all possible natural elements, such as lakes or areas of water, statues, stones, among others. .

Origin and history of the English garden

English gardens must be natural

From the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries and until the XNUMXth, that is, from the Renaissance to the Baroque, in Western Europe, and more specifically in France, a model had been established in which the garden was the one that accompanied an architecture more and more perfected. This ‘perfection’ for English landscapers was synonymous with artificiality, excessive formality, a sign of human control over nature.

Them they fled from the geometric plants, from the straight pathsof what seemed to be an ‘obsession’ to have all the details that make up the garden controlled.

But no, there were not only personal and therefore subjective reasons to create one’s own design, but also political ones: at that time, England was against the absolutism that reigned in Francecradle of this type of garden, let’s call it, formal.

Plants of a French garden

Related article:

What does a French garden have to be like?

The English gardeners received influences in different fields: Virgilio and Ovodio, two classics of Roman literature; and also of the drawings and representations of the Antiquity.

Characteristics of English gardens

Surely if at some point in your life you have had the privilege of visiting England, you will know what I am talking about. English gardens allow the natural elements that are used to grow freelybut at the same time they combine and balance each other in a perfect way, making the places and buildings look modern but very natural and full of life.

Among the natural elements that stand out in the English garden, there are weeds, shrubs, natural features of the terrainwhich are used to achieve designs and add some architectural elements, among others. In addition, the irregularity of nature in these gardens occurs in paths and paths where the vegetation is wild and not domesticated.

The main characteristic of these beautiful gardens is that nature does not change, that is, natural elements remain unchangedallowing weeds and irregular bushes, since what is sought is respect for them and the freedom of their growth.

What elements cannot be missing?

The English garden is a natural wonder

Image – Flickr / Dominic Alves

If you would like to design an English garden you must bear in mind that nature should be kept more or less as it is; that is, if you have a few fruit or ornamental trees growing close together, you can remove some to create a path that passes through that area, but avoid being a straight path; it better have some curves .

In addition, apart from paths that are as natural as possible, it is important that you plant shrubs, flowers, and of course more trees that will provide shade during the summer. All these decorative elements must be combined with other architecturalsuch as rocks, fountains, benches or statues, in such a way that they blend into the landscape with elegance.

Another point that you should take into account is the environment of your garden. Obviously, if it is a garden in a city this is not important, but if you live near the field or a forest it is interesting that you observe how the plants are distributed around you, and that you try to imitate it. This way, it will be easier for you to get an authentic English garden.

What is the symbolism of English gardens?

English gardens are intended to be something like the landscape that we can see in some paintings. Because everything is ‘messy’ (which is not really so, since all the elements are arranged in a natural way, without trying to take the place away from others) became a symbol of the emancipation of monarchical absolutismof that system of government whose king had all the power over the State.

Even the French revolutionaries admired this new way of designing gardens; not in vain, they too were against the imposed orders, and that symmetry that predominates in French gardens.

Main English gardens of Europe

Image – Flickr / Laura Nolte // Kew Royal Botanic Gardens

Finally, if you would like to see an English garden, we recommend visiting the following:

  • Spain:
  • United Kingdom:
    • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (more information)
    • Buckingham Palace Gardens (London)
  • France:
    • Garden of the Little Trianon (Versailles)
    • English garden of the castle of Compiègne
  • Germany:
    • Munich English Garden.
    • Dessau-Woerlitz Garden Kingdom (Woerlitz)

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Characteristics of English gardens | Gardening On

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