Care and irrigation in corn cultivation

grow corn

grow corn

Corn is the most widely sown plant par excellence, its harvest and types allow us to prepare a huge variety of dishesSince the plant is used almost completely, it does not require so much care and it occurs during most of the year (at least in countries with a tropical climate), the cultivation of corn dates from before the colony and its propagation by the rest of the world was due to its delicious taste.

Care when growing and watering corn

corn kernels

corn kernels

Corn is from hot soil, requires a lot of water And when it is ready, it offers an incomparable flavor, its shape makes it easy to pick and plant as well as to eat, that is why this delicious vegetable has captivated us with its various ways of preparation.

Corn mostly it was exploited in the American continentThis, due to its easy way of preparation, made it very practical for the settlers who came to these lands, it was not until a matter of time that this delicious delicacy of nature reached the European continent and then the rest of the world.

Because it has a humid climate, corn is very prone to drying out and constant watering is necessary for the maintenance of this plant, the elimination of weeds and other impurities and constant sunlight to ensure a sweet milky ears. During the maturity of the corn, it acquires its natural yellow tone and its natural coverage takes on a “fur”Brown color that indicates the maturity of the piece.

In some places and depending on the state of the cornit can have certain preparations, although it all boils down to the diner’s taste, a corn that is no longer tender is more likely to be used for popcorn or to grind and prepare as a fiber to complement dishes.

Growing corn can be done at homesince this is a plant that does not require much space and is not very tall, to do so, you only need some grains from the cob that are placed in holes in the ground that are not very deep and then you just have to wait and water a lot and something you should know is that generally these plants emerge together with the weeds, being it is important to have weeds under control.

This issue is important, since it represents a large part of our work as plant caretakers and it is when it comes to the surface is capable of dying from excess weeds.

But over-handling due to the best of intentions can also be a tragedy for our plants, these should not be manipulated recklessly and its shape must always be oriented to that of a “stepped” box that has the particularity of supporting our plant, since its stem is weak.

insects that eat corn

corn-eating insects

No matter how many skills you have, you must pay the utmost care, since many reside on this plant parasites and small animals that feed on the barkThat is why by not taking early forecasts, the harvest can be lost almost completely without the opportunity to recover it.

Another way to encourage the size and sweet taste is to leave the plants relatively close with the help of a Grid.

Today’s corn is a product that offers a characteristic taste but thanks to new technologies it has been possible to graft it onto a plant that offers great ears with little care and a lot of wateringsince the benefit that this vegetable brings to our health is wide thanks to the fact that it is high in fiber and in yeasts that oxygenate the body and help us to better perform our duties without feeling hungry and leaving a delicious sensation of flavor in the palate after eating several.

Care and irrigation in corn cultivation

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