Characteristics, uses and care of Cedrus deodara

Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar

El cedar It is a majestic tree and known to be quite large. Today we are going to meet a variety of this species whose growth is very fast and serves to restore some soils more degraded by erosion. Its about himalayan cedar. Its scientific name is deodorized cedar and it is also known by common names like weeping cedar or deodara cedar. It has some characteristics that make it unique among all cedar species. It also serves to have them in parks and gardens.

Do you want to know the characteristics and the care that the Himalayan cedar requires? If you keep reading you will know everything.

Key features

Himalayan cedar characteristics

Himalayan cedar characteristics

This tree belongs to the Pinaceae family and has been known throughout history as the tree of the gods. This is due to the connections that its shape has with that of sacred objects. The majesty it has is enough for people to think that it was a tree worthy of gods. In addition, its wood is of great quality. It is easy to spread since it can be crossed with other species of cedars.

Generally, reaches heights of between 40 and 50 metersso it imposes nothing else to see it. Its shape is conical and the glass slopes as it reaches a certain age. The largest branches are horizontal and have hanging stems. Thanks to the large number of branches and leaves, it has quite dense foliage and, as they fall to the ground, it nourishes the soil with decomposing organic matter. It is perfect because, being perennial, it provides nutrients throughout the year and helps the soil to be healthy and recover from possible erosion.

Detailed description of the deodorized cedar

Fruit and leaves of Cedrus deodara

Fruit and leaves of the Cedrus deodara

The trunk is quite branched as we have mentioned and as it grows and matures, it branches out through the glass. The bark is smooth and ashen in color when the tree is young. These are indications that are used to determine more or less how old the tree can be. Another indicator of maturity is the way the rind is presented. We can see it more cracked and flaky and the color turns dark brown.

The leaves are light green and yellowish. They are grouped together and constantly renewed. Each leaf usually lasts on the tree for approximately 2 to 4 years. The flowers are grouped in cones and have separate sexes within the same tree. That is, they are monoecious. Flowering takes place at the end of September to November.

As for the fruits, they are barrel-shaped and rounded at the ends. When they are fresh they have a green color. Later, when they have matured, they turn brown. Its time of maturation takes place in the autumn of the second year. Inside the scales that cover the fruit is where the winged seeds are found.

Himalayan cedar has a fairly rapid growth if we compare it with other trees and it has the advantage of keeping the soil where it is in good condition and with great grip. It is one of the oldest trees in the world, reaching almost a millennium. Hence, they were also considered as trees of the gods, since it was thought that they were immortal like them.

Distribution area and uses

Ornamental variety of Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar ornamental variety

Its area of ​​distribution is found in the northwestern Himalayasat heights ranging between 1.200 and 3.900 meters of altitude. As you can see, it is capable of withstanding quite high altitudes despite the environmental conditions that exist there. If we want to have such a cedar in our climate, it is better to bring those found in Afghanistan who live at lower altitudes.

Regarding its uses, the wood it has is of high quality and can be easily carved. In ancient times it was used to make idols and sacred objects. As mentioned before, it also has ornamental value, which is why it is used for the decoration of parks and gardens. Although having this enormous size, some varieties suitable for the world of gardening have been adapted.

In some countries its hard wood is used for the manufacture of houses with insulating properties. It is one that does not let the cold pass and is perfect for those winter days where you can protect yourself from the cold and snow.

Himalayan cedar requirements and care

Cedrus deodara plantations

Cedrus deodara plantations

Is able to live exposure to full sun, shade and semi-shadesince it is able to withstand the cold and some frosts. In its natural range we have seen that it can survive heights of up to 3.900 meters, so it is prepared for the adverse conditions that we may find in our climate.

They are not demanding with the soil, since they are the ones who provide it with quality. However, it needs to be well drained to avoid flooding and that it is not calcareous. If we want to plant it, the best time of the year is during the fall.

Once we have it planted, we will need to know some basic care that we have to provide. The first thing is irrigation. Since they have great ability to withstand drought, the waterings will be moderate all the yearregardless of the rainfall and the heat in summer. The best indicator to know that we have to water is to see that the land has become dry. That’s when it needs another watering.

You need a fertilizer with some organic matter only once a year in autumn. If we want to keep it healthy, It is necessary to carry out a pruning to eliminate the damaged branches. They are quite resistant to all kinds of pests. We just have to be careful with excess watering. There is no need to worry because it will not die dry.

Finally, we can multiply it from seeds in early spring or acquire the varieties in nurseries. If we sow it by seeds, we will have to wait two years to be able to place it in its final place.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Himalayan cedar.

Characteristics, uses and care of Cedrus deodara

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