Wolf spider: characteristics. habitat and importance for crops

predatory wolf spider

predatory wolf spider

The wolf spider It is a very useful insect to take care of the pests of our crops. It is an animal with a short life cycle and has quite interesting qualities and abilities. They tend to run at high speeds and are very agile. Contrary to popular belief, they can help take care of our crops.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you all the characteristics, habitat, behavior and diet of the wolf spider and how it can help us to protect our harvest.

Key features

This arachnid looks quite imposing at first glance. Its legs are thick and strong and it has an appearance that resembles that of a wolf, hence its common name. Its body is covered with small hairs and it usually has a variable size and hue. The color is usually brown and different types of brown. Depending on the habitat where the spider develops naturally, it will vary between the different shades of color to be able to camouflage itself better.

With its 8 eyes arranged in 3 rows it is able to visualize its prey quite accurately. The size of the eyes varies according to their disposition. In the top row it has two medium-sized eyes. The rest of the eyes are smaller. His sense of touch is also extraordinary as is that of his vision. This makes it a great predator.

Habitat and behavior of the wolf spider

Wolf spider

wolf spider

We can find this spider naturally with a distribution area that extends across North Carolina, which is where there are the most number of specimens. In addition, the largest individuals are also found in this area.

Its natural habitat can vary between wooded areas, grasslands, mountains and deserts. They can withstand climates ranging from humid to hot. Depending on the type of ecosystem where it lives, it will have one color or another to be able to camouflage itself from possible predators and to surprise its prey.

It is common to find these spiders in windows, basements, and in home garages. Here they also try to search for food. Therefore, it is important not to expel them from our home if we have crops or plants in the garden. This is because it can help us to control some insect pests.

Regarding their behavior, we see that they are solitary spiders. They only seek company when it comes to mating. Their habits are mainly nocturnal as they have a highly developed sense of sight. This gives you an advantage against other animals. They usually inhabit burrows that they build about 25 centimeters deep in the ground.

Feeding and reproduction

Wolf spiders are carnivores. They tend to attract their prey such as grasshoppers, ants, cockroaches, lizards, and other insects.

The wolf spider is also known as the wolf tarantula and will seek out their mate when they are ready to mate. When courtship takes place the females will choose the most suitable males. After procreation is complete, these usually kill the males. Something similar happens with the praying mantis. It is then when the Mother will be in charge of protecting the eggs until they hatch. One of the hatchlings came out of the eggs, they must be totally independent.

In order to hunt, these spiders use a kind of poison to immobilize their prey. This poison is deadly for humans. A person who gets to experience the bite of this spider You will only feel a strong pain accompanied by burning and ulceration of the skin. You may feel nauseous and dizzy. A curiosity of this species of spiders is that it emits a sound that can be heard up to 10 meters away when they feel in danger. This can reveal the position of the spider.

Importance of the wolf spider agriculture

wolf spider features

wolf spider characteristics

Spiders play important roles in balancing ecosystems. They not only help the natural environment but also have various functions in the ecological and agricultural field. It can be said that they are insect killer animals. The poison and silk they have are used to medical research in the treatment of strokes. They also help in pest control for various insects. Finally, this spider is also used for fiber technology in the production of transgenic biosilk.

As natural habitats are rapidly being destroyed, many wolf spider populations are being endangered. The bushes are degrading and they are causing poor habitat conservation. Not only for the spider in particular, but also for all the fauna associated with these bushes. Habitat conservation is a fundamental element in the maintenance of sustainable ecosystems. These thickets have become important habitats for these animals, so that the rural areas where there is greater human activity and grazing, it is destroyed by trampling and compacting the soil, seriously damaging the vegetation.

The prey of these animals are attached and mixed in the cobwebs. Since they are unable to swallow their prey in one go, they keep them paralyzed with venom. They introduce directive juices so that they originate an external digestion of the animal. This generates a kind of mass that is given by the arachnid.

The importance of the wolf spider in agriculture is that it is capable of consuming different kinds of insects and makes them excellent pest eliminators. They usually eliminate those insects that tend to damage our crops and our garden plants. While other spiders such as the weaver do it by passive hunting, the wolf spider does it by active hunting. Because many groups overwinter, it can help us reduce the number of harmful insects early in the farming season. This can help horticulturists, farmers and gardeners this season against harmful insects.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the wolf spider and its usefulness.

Wolf spider: characteristics. habitat and importance for crops

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