How to grow annual asters? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

  • Asters – beautiful autumn flowers
  • Landing and care
  • Popular varieties


Favorite flowers of gardeners. For more than a decade they have been leaders in flower beds. The plant is an annual, blooms for a long time and plentifully. flowers simple and terry, various colors.

Asta can be pink, purple, red, crimson, even bluish, there are white flowers, peach and many other beautiful colors.

Also, there are perennial astersthey are the closest relatives of the annual.

Aster flowers can decorate every flower bed, very often they are associated with autumn, because it is in September that most varieties bloom.

Asters bouquet:

Landing and care

Asters landing. Growing them is not difficult at all. They are quite cold-resistant, withstand short-term frosts down to minus 5 °C. Grow flowers can be seedling method or sowing seeds directly into open ground.

seedling method more successful, as flowering occurs faster. Seedlings of asters can be planted in open ground already in early May, since return frosts do not harm plantings.

Asters seedling land as well as seedlings of vegetable crops. On the site prepared in the fall, make holes. Add a little mineral fertilizer, or compost, to each hole.

Plant seedlings into holes 2 cm deeper than they grew in seedling boxes. After planting, water thoroughly. Distance between rows – 40 cm, distance between plants in a row – 20 cm, from each other.

Spud a few times as the asters grow, so that the plants form additional roots. Hilling makes the plants strong (due to the many roots), and they do not need to be tied up.

What care do these beautiful flowers need? All care consists in loosening, weeding and watering in drought. It is very important to inspect the bushes from time to time in order to identify diseases and pests in time.

Young seedlings are often affected by a fungal diseaseblackleg. Water seedlings for preventive purposes ash solution. This disease often appears in thickened crops and in moist soil. To prevent infection, thin out the crops, water moderately and ventilate the seedlings. With moderate watering, plants will never get sick.

Asters get sick often in rainy and damp summers. Due to the fact that the roots do not receive enough air, development stops. Excess moisture becomes cause of many diseases.

The most dangerous for asters are such disease like powdery mildew, rust and fusarium. For preventive purposes, especially in wet and cloudy weather, spray bushes antifungal solutions.

Tall varieties of asters need to be stepchildren. Remove all lateral stepchildren so that the flowers are large. On one bush, leave 3 – 4 side shoots.

Break out stepchildren when they reach 2–4 cm. Low-growing, dwarf varieties of asters cannot be stepchildren.

Of the pests most often settle on the bushes aphids and spider mites. A big threat to the inflorescences is the moth. This butterfly lays its eggs in inflorescences, and the larvae, after hatching, eat away the inflorescence.

For destruction all these pests use insecticide ‘Actophyte. It effectively fights pests, while not poisoning beneficial insects (bees, bugs).

Popular varieties of asters

Exist many varieties annual asters, they are all beautiful and original. Most popular and beautiful varieties style=”font-weight: 400″>: The Dragon – beautiful flowers of large size and very unusual blue, as well as white and purple; Galaxy – bright double flowers that bloom in July and August; Pom Pom — an amazing variety, because the flowers have a very unusual shape, bright colors, collected in inflorescences of 30 pieces on one bush!-

Asters Dragon:

Asters Galaxy:

Astri Pompon:

Buy aster seeds style=”font-weight: 400″> you can in the store “Florium

Published: 09.11.2016

How to grow annual asters? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

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