Monstera thai constellation, the white-speckled monstera

Monstera thai constellation

Among the types of monsteras that are on the market, one that rivals the variegated species is the Monstera thai constellation. With white spots along the leaves, it is one of the rarest, and also most appreciated, that you can find on the market.

But how is this monstera? What care does she need? We tell you everything below. Check out.

How is the Monstera thai constellation

Detail of the leaves of the plant

Detail of the leaves of the plant

The Monstera thai constellation is one of the collection indoor plants that you can have at home. It is an indoor plant that is characterized by its striking and original leaves.

Originally from Thailand, what you should know about this is that It is not a “natural” plant, but was invented in a laboratory. In fact, the name it has is due to that laboratory (it was created in one of the tissues of Thailand).

To do this, they used Monstera deliciosa and mixed it with other cultivars to obtain the one that we can now find on the market (or at least, those who have money to pay for it, because it is not cheap).

Another thing to keep in mind is that It is also called this way because of the pattern similar to that of a constellation in the sky. Now we tell you.

How are the leaves

Do you remember about the constellation in the sky? Well, this is because the Monstera thai constellation has leaves with scattered white spots around the entire leaf. Unlike the delicious variegated ones, or the variegated adansonii, which are plants that have some spots on parts of the leaf, in this case it is on the entire leaf, hence it is much more appreciated. Of course, remember that it comes from a mutation, so it is known, unlike the variegated ones, that all the leaves will come out with variegation. Hence, many appreciate it.

Is it toxic to animals?

Unfortunately, if you have cats, dogs, babies… you must be very careful with this plant because yes, it is toxic for them. Actually, for people and pets, so, if you have it, we recommend that you place it in a place that is difficult for them to access in order to avoid accidents.

Monstera thai constellation care

Indoor plants in the corner of the home

Indoor plants in the corner of the home

Do you want a Monstera thai constellation? If you can afford it, or you have one and want to give it the best care so that it doesn’t die, then we are going to give you one. practical guide so that you can have it for many years and also that you get leaves and grow quickly. Pay attention.

lighting and temperature

We start with the best location for your Monstera thai. You should know that it is a plant that needs much more light than other monsteras. You must provide at least 6 hours of sunlight, all those hours with direct sun (of course, be careful with the hours you choose to put it, because if it is too sunny and very strong, you risk burning the leaves), so that it can do photosynthesis well and also grow well. If you don’t get it, then the plant will not only not grow, but it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow.

So if you notice that your plant is barely growing, that new leaves are not growing, etc. may be due to this.

Now, inside or outside the house? Well then, normally the Monstera thai constellation is an indoor plant, although, if you can provide it with all the care it needs, there would be no problem keeping it outdoors.

But this is related to the temperature. It is necessary that you keep it at a constant temperature of 18 and 29 degrees, the ideal being 15 degrees minimum.

In fact, if it drops below that temperature, it is normal for it to suffer, which is why outdoors it is somewhat more difficult to care for.


The land of the Monstera thai constellation must be very light, since he doesn’t like anything that sticks to him. In addition, it must be rich in nutrients. We recommend that you use a universal substrate mixed with perlite in equal parts. You can even add pieces of tree bark or sphagnum moss.

What we do not recommend is that you use organic compost because that will only cause the root to rot.

Keep in mind that The pH of the soil should be neutral or a little acid. If you keep it between 6.5 and 7 it will be perfect.


It is not recommended that you water excessively, because that will only cause the roots to rot or fungus to appear. The best thing is that you water it once a week but with rainwater or water without chlorine.

If it is winter, or it is very cold, it is best that you water it once a month. Keep in mind that as long as the soil is kept moist, you should not water it.


plant thai

plant thai

An important aspect to take into account, beyond irrigation, is the humidity of the plant. You need to make sure it’s between 60-80% for it to feel right. In the event that this cannot be achieved at home, the best thing you can do is place it next to a humidifier or spray water on it frequently (more in summer than in winter).

Make sure that the water is without lime or chlorine to avoid health problems in the plant.

Plagues and diseases

This plant is somewhat delicate in terms of pests and diseases. Therefore, you have to watch it so you don’t have any problems with it.

In general, The pests that can affect the plant the most are red spider mites, thrips and mealybugs..

As for diseases, the most serious and common in silver is usually that of the rotten root that appears when there is an excess of water. You can also get sick if you have a light deficit.


When it comes to propagating the Monstera thai constellation, the best method is through stem cuttings. For this you will have to cut a part of the trunk (with leaf) and at least one aerial root to get it to multiply.

Now that you know everything you need about the Monstera thai constellation, do you dare to have one?

Monstera thai constellation, the white-speckled monstera

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