
How to make a lemon tree bonsai

Photo image How to make a lemon tree bonsai: Tiendabonsai Bonsai are one of the most attractive plants that exist in the plant kingdom. There are many fans who on occasion try to take care of one. Nevertheless, What if we suggest you make one yourself? For example, you could learn how to make a […]

Alocasia macrorrhiza variegata, the most exotic elephant ear

Surely you know the Alocasia macrorrhiza. However, Have you ever seen this alocasia with green leaves with white spots? It is the Alocasia macrorrhiza variegata and it is one of the collection plants that most people seek for their home. So we are going to tell you all the characteristics that you find in this […]

How to care for white camellias: most important care

White camellias are one of the most beautiful flowering plants in the plant kingdom. But for you to have one and enjoy it, you need to know everything you need to provide it so that its health is as adequate as possible. That’s why, How about we give you a hand and give you the […]

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