
In nature, trees reproduce most of the time by seedssome by cuttings (branches broken by a gale, for example, which have fallen to the ground).

However, over many years we humans have not only perfected the method of planting trees, but also through cause and error, we have realized that they can also reproduce in other ways.

Sowing method

There are six different ways to sow seeds.

  • Direct sowing. It consists of collecting the seeds, and sowing them directly in a seedbed.
  • Previous soaking. We will introduce the seeds in a glass of water for a day before sowing them.
  • Cold stratification. It is about the seeds being cold for two or three months in the refrigerator, at about six degrees, and then sowing them in a seedbed. It is used in cases where the species in question has its origin in places where winter is cold.
  • Hot stratification. Similar to cold stratification, with the difference that the seeds have to pass heat in order to germinate.
  • Thermal shock. It consists of introducing the seeds in boiling water for a second, and immediately afterwards transfer them to a glass of water at room temperature, and leave them inside for twenty-four hours. Then, we will proceed to sow the seeds in a seedbed. The idea is that with the thermal shock micro-cuts are produced in the shell, so that the embryo can hydrate and germinate. It can only be used on seeds that are generally small, round or oval, and hard. As for example those of Acacia sp..
  • Scarification. With sandpaper, proceed to sand the shell of the seed. Thus we manage to make micro-cuts and facilitate hydration.

Cutting method

It is one of the fastest methods of obtaining new trees. It consists of cutting a branch, adding a thin layer of rooting hormones, and placing it in a pot in a shady place. Depending on the species, it can take two to eight months to root.


It consists of cutting a branch of a tree (the graft itself), to join it to a branch or to the trunk of another (to what would be the graft foot), in such a way that they grow as if they were a single organism. It is widely used in fruit trees, to obtain different fruits from the same plant, or to improve their quality, instead of having to buy different trees.

Picture – Pixabay

More information – Birth of a tree, part I