The cultivation and care of the precious Foxglove plant


Today we introduce you to a plant whose flowers They are spectacular, the foxglovewhose scientific name is digitalis purpurea. Originally from Europe, it was taken to America, where it has been naturalized without problems.

It is a biennial or perennial plant, depending on how harsh the winter is.

White flowers

The foxglove can reach a height of 130cm. It blooms in spring, as soon as the earth begins to receive the spring rays again. The color of its flowers ranges from pink to white, passing through purple.

It is an ideal plant for gardens, especially for those that are located in temperate climates. Although it does not tolerate intense heat too well, we can also grow it in this type of area if we place it under the shade of trees.


In gardening it is used as a pot plant or planted in groups in the garden. Its flowers, which yawn alarmingly as soon as they are finished developing, they attract bees and other small pollinating insects. It can bloom for three months in a row.

It reproduces by seeds, which will be ripe towards the end of summer.


Foxglove seeds have a high germination percentage. We can let the seeds fall on the ground and germinate in spring, or we can collect them and sow them directly in the seedbed.

It is advisable to place about 3 or 4 seeds per pot, since sometimes it may happen that not all of them germinate. And, apart, it is a plant that in groups it beautifies the garden even moreEven planted surrounded by ferns, it can be spectacular.

Habitat of Digitalis

As for soil, it prefers those loose, fertile, that do not compact. Fear waterloggingwhich causes rotting of the root system.

Foxglove is a poisonous plant if ingested. Avoid planting it where there are small children and / or pets.

What did you think of this beautiful plant? Did you know her?

More information – How to keep flowers longer

The cultivation and care of the precious Foxglove plant

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