Garden plants: what are they and main care

urban garden

urban garden

If we are one of those who want to have a home garden, we must know very well what type of plantations we can have depending on the season and the care it needs. Today we are going to talk about the different garden plants that we can have and what are its main cares. If you have decided to grow plants to eat or other useful crops, this is possibly one of the most necessary post for you.

In this article we are going to tell you which are the main garden plants that you can have and how to care for them.

Types of garden plants

garden plants

garden plants

There are different types of garden plants, although they are mainly divided into leafy vegetables and aromatic plants. Horticultural crops have this name because they are those that are cultivated in the orchards. Many times we identify as garden plants only vegetables and greens. However, we know that there are numerous other species that can serve as well.

We are going to see what are the main vegetables to plant in a dead plant and what are other plants that can take advantage of the benefits, such as flowers or aromatic plants.


This type of division does not have any botanical foundation. It is simply a group of plants that is popularly known and that includes vegetables, legumes and fruits or roots of some herbaceous plants. Here we include tomatoes, cauliflower, carrot, pepper, etc.

Let’s see what are the main vegetables that serve as garden plants:

  • Liliaceae: garlic, onion, leek …
  • Cruciferous: cabbage, cauliflower, radish, cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli …
  • Solanaceae: tomato, pepper, sweet potato, eggplant, potato …
  • Cucurbits: zucchini, pumpkin, melon, cucumber …
  • Composite: artichoke, endive, endive, lettuce …
  • Legumes: broad beans, green beans, chickpeas, peas …
  • Chenopodiaceae:Swiss chard, spinach, beet …
  • Umbellate: celery, parsnip, fennel, parsley, carrot …

Aromatic plants

As we have mentioned before, not only garden plants are those considered as vegetables or edible plants. The aromatics are also quite typical in these crops and are a perfect complement that helps to have many health benefits of the rest of the vegetables. The advantage is that these plants are quite easy to grow, even in pots. They take up a little space and are very useful in the kitchen. In addition, it not only has benefits for the other garden plants, but also the garden in general. And is that this type of aromatic plants helps promote pollination and attracts various beneficial insects.

They are the ones that are most often grown to ward off pests or bring beneficial insects. These are basil, lavender, mint, rosemary, among others.

Flowers in the orchard

garden plant association

garden plant association

We can also have some flower plantations in the garden. Some of them are Tajetes, nasturtiums or marigolds, although there are many more. They are flowers that give a touch of color to this space and, as with aromatic plants, they have numerous benefits for the development of other garden plants.

Garden Plants: Hedges and Other Beneficial Plants

It should also limit the garden, the hedges give a touch of style to our garden. They help to maintain biodiversity and act as a barrier for the many possible lengths. In addition, they help to attract beneficial insects. Another advantage that it has is that if you have hedges such as bushes of wild fruits such as blackberries or blueberries, you can make delicious jams or preserves or have small freshly picked fruits to be able to consume fresh.

There are some plants that are not grown for eating, but that are very useful for the health of the garden. Here we have horsetail, nettle or sorrel and calendula. All of them use as plants to attract aphids and I make it possible to capture them to eliminate the pest.

Plants for green manures

In this case, we are talking about various plants that are not grown to eat us, but serve as compost for other garden plants. It can be said that they are garden plants that serve as food for others. It is grown as green manure and they are small plants of fast and easy growth with a high content of nutrients. Here we have clovers, alfalfa, mustard, etc. They are usually plants that belong to the group of legumes, grasses or crucifers.

In addition to being a cheap way to fertilize our garden, these plants also have other benefits for the garden such as weed control and the conservation of humidity or soil temperature.

Garden plant care

home garden tips

home garden tips

We are going to see some of the main plants that are grown and their care.


It is a plant that is widely cultivated in home gardens. They are grown from seed or plant. It can germinate in several days and it begins to harvest more or less to the 50-70 days. It usually reaches a considerable size that requires a separation between plants. This separation is more or less about 60 cm, since it develops an extensive root system.


It has good digestive properties as it stimulates the appetite and prevents flatulence. It can be taken in infusions. To cultivate the seed is used at the quality time of the year, either spring or summer. It is grateful that you give it constant watering and good compost. It is enough to capture direct sunlight. The leaves are not usually kept very dry, so it is usually recommended to consume them immediately or make a vinaigrette or sauce to be able to preserve better. Another option is to freeze the leaves.


It’s a plant very rich in essential oils and gives a characteristic aroma. It is grown in the spring time. Withstands the lowest temperatures and can also be grown in autumn. However, if we grow it in winter it can induce the formation of flowers prematurely. It is usually started in a seedbed since its germination is quite slow and can be conditioned to adverse environmental conditions. It is a fairly demanding plant in terms of humidity. It is important not to forget watering.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about garden plants and their characteristics.

Garden plants: what are they and main care

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