Month: December 2022

Four types of maples to have in the garden

The castles They are plants that grow as trees or as shrubs in all the cool climates of the world. Its leaves and its bearing are very elegant, something that has always attracted numerous garden designers and plant lovers. The Japanese maple (Maple palmate) or the silver mapleSugar syrup) are two of the species that we […]

Plants that withstand extreme cold

Previously we saw the plant known as Desert spring, which supports very high warm temperatures and where the drought is prolonged. Well, today we are going to introduce you to three plants that support very extreme climates … but not hot, but cold. Every winter its habitat is covered with snowand the temperatures the rest of […]

Information on the cultivation and uses of bamboo

The bamboo It is a plant that could be considered a living fossil, since it was one of the first types of plants to appear on Earth, after mosses and algae did. It is very useful for the manufacture of fishing rods to furniture, including bags even covered. It has been distributed practically throughout the […]

Ajuga, a generous plant | Gardening On

A few days ago we were talking about covering trails and roads with resistant species that can remain in good condition throughout the year and then the ajuga emerged as a successful option. It is a ideal plant to decorate the garden due to the characteristics of its leaves as well as its strength in […]

Plants to sow in seedbeds in summer

Sometimes we wonder if it can be sown in summer. The temperature is usually high, but incredible as it may seem, you can grow seedlings all year round, including now in the warmest season. There are many plants that need to feel warm in order to germinate and grow. Numerous horticultural plants, perennial or annual […]

An Option for Hot Climates: Iron Tree

The Iron treewhose scientific name is peach parrotsIt is a majestic tree that can measure about 12 meters high, with a crown of up to 6 meters. It tolerates pruning quite well, being able to form it as a shrub or let it grow in height. This makes it an ideal plant for both large […]

Selection of sun loving plants

It usually happens that, at the time of design a garden, we have land only for plants that can be in the sun all day like the vivacious plants like the carnations (top photo) or the dimorfoteca; and hopefully we have a little corner for shade plants. Then the question arises as to »what plants […]

Guide to know if a plant is indoor

In the nurseries we can find great variety of plantsboth indoors and outdoors. But how can we know where to place them? Although in these garden centers there is usually a greenhouse for tropical plants (indoor) and the others are outside, sometimes we can find some that have it protected and it should not be; […]

Grasses, an important family of plants

If you live in a very windy place or have a large garden you can think about cultivate grasses. It is an ideal family of plants in these cases as they cover large surfaces and thus offer a great frame to the garden, differentiating spaces and areas. This family is one of the most important […]

Evergreen Tree Categories | Gardening On

The ficus has become one of the most popular trees on the market, perhaps because it is so undemanding. It can be seen in gardens, balconies and terraces, it develops and extends during the spring and summer but in the autumn and winter it is noble because its leaves remain almost intact to withstand inclement […]

Tips for Growing Jasmine | Gardening On

When summer looms, it is common for grooms to give jasmine to their girlfriends, something very common considering that the flowers are romantic and have a soft but penetrating aroma. The jasmine is one of the most popular plants in the world Although it is not easy to have it at home because the flowers […]

Cultivation and care of Chinese Cedar

Have you ever heard of the China cedar? Its scientific name is Toona sinensis (or also Cedrela sinensis). It is a magnificent tree native to Asia (China, Korea, Japan) that grows to an approximate height of about 8 meters. And, although we can only enjoy its magnificent autumn colors (top photo) in cold climatic zones […]

Annual and biennial plants | Gardening On

They are beautiful and showy plants that have only one point against them: it is seasonal plants that are reborn every year and then wait for the sunset until the following season. Our annual plants They are those plants that only last a few months and when the cold season approaches they die so they […]

Selection of plants for the garden by the sea

When design a garden facing the sea We often have doubts about which plants can live in these conditions, that is, which ones can withstand saline winds, sandy soil and warm temperatures in the case of living in a tropical climate. We will solve all these doubts today, in this article, by making a selection […]

Knowing the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

Although the title may be wrong, since the Kalanchoe They are very popular plants in gardens and collections around the world, their medicinal properties are not so well known. Most of us see these crass plants, which have no thorns, as very decorative little plants that are very easy to care for regardless of the […]

Three palm trees that can be potted

We are used to seeing soaring palm trees that adorn our parks and gardens. Although they are very ornamental, we can hardly keep them in a pot for many years. However, there are species that are suitable to live in these conditions due to their slow growth or their thin trunk. Unfortunately, there are not […]

Selection of Brachychiton for your garden

The genus of trees brachychiton It is increasingly used in gardening due to its great ornamental beauty and its drought resistance. It comprises about 30 species native to the Australian continent. Although most are evergreen, we can also find some deciduous. They can grow to a height of 10m, have a trunk thickness of up […]

Step by step of planting trees in seedbeds

Have you ever been in the situation where you had too many seeds to sow and you didn’t have enough pots, but yes seedbeds? Yes? Well look, there are already two of us. Although tree seeds are ideally sown in forest seedbeds or in individual pots, horticultural seedbeds can also serve us. In addition to […]

Plants that help each other

Today we will talk about something very curious: how plants can recover on their ownand with what. It will surely surprise you, as it is a drug that is usually present in many homes. And it is that, we must not forget that all medicines (or practically all) are extracted from plants. They are our […]

How to care for azaleas

Have you ever wondered how these gorgeous showy flower bushes are cared for popularly known as azalea? If you would like to have one in your garden, but you do not know what care it needs, we will tell you everything in this article. They are very ornamental shrubs that tolerate pruning well, and therefore […]

Cultivation and care of the Coral Tree

The Coral Treewhose scientific name is Erythrina caffraIt is an ideal tree to give a tropical touch to gardens with frosts down to -4º. With its beautiful orange flowers, in addition to its usefulness as plant for shade, make this species a very good option to have in your home. So if you want to […]

Have autumn flowers in the garden or pot

In August-September there are many plants that begin to prepare for the autumn that is to come. However, there are many other plants that choose to flourish precisely on these dates and in autumn. They are known as late flowering plants. If you are going to celebrate a special event, or simply would like to […]

How carnivorous plants are watered

sarracenia rubra Our carnivorous plants They are a type of plants that more easily attract attention, both adults and children. Some, like the Dionea, have mouth-shaped traps with “teeth”; others, such as Sarracenia, have modified leaves that grow in a “tube” shape; others, like the Nepenthes, have nevertheless chosen to grow a jug on the […]

The most beautiful and wonderful trees in the world

Some trees stand out for their color, others for their morphology and there are also those specimens that become the focus of attention at some time of the year, when they bloom and transform the landscape with their hues, the color of their fruits and their magnificent flowers. Nature has been generous and that is […]

How to have lotuses in pots

The lotuswhose scientific name is Nelumbo nucifera, is an aquatic plant whose flowers are of extraordinary beauty. And the mere fact that they can be kept in pots (buckets, ponds, …) only increases the ornamentality of this plant, don’t you think? If you want to know how to germinate and later have a lotus in […]

Interesting things about plants | Gardening On

Plants and humans have always been closely linked. In fact, without the fruit they bear, the human species would not have been able to get to where it is today. But neither do the plants. In fact, there are those who say that in a way they use us so that their seeds reach other […]

Trees to remember | Gardening On

Furious orange maple trees that form a dreamlike tunnel, oriental cherry trees that transform the landscape of Japan with their magic, Jacaranda trees that stain the streets of South Africa in violet, historical and ancient ancient trees … Many of them are unique in the world and that is why they are the most beautiful […]

Aloe vera, a plant with great health benefits

The aloe vera is one of world’s most popular healing plants, used for heal wounds, reduce inflammation and many other things. This plant is also known as Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera, Barbados Aloe, or Curacao Aloe and it is common to find it in parts of Africa, Asia and also in Spain. It grows wild […]

Knowing the black bamboo | Gardening On

Our protagonist today is the black bambooa beautiful plant native to the Asian continent whose stems are black. Its scientific name is Phyllostachys nigra. It can grow to an approximate height of eight meters, and its canes a thickness of 20cm. And, like all bamboos, it grows very fast as long as conditions are favorable. […]

How to grow verbena? | Gardening On

El Verbena aroma is rich and smooth, which is why it is widely used in the cosmetic industry. The verbena is a herbaceous plant very common that you can grow in your urban garden Well, it is not demanding. Do you dare to do it? More about the verbena This aromatic plant is woody and […]

Cyathea Growing and Care | Gardening On

Bush ferns are ideal plants for shady, damp gardensbecause they give a very original touch to the place, they even transport us to past seasons. These plants coexisted with dinosaurs, in fact they were one of the first to appear on the planet, along with other primitive plants: the Cycas. They have a rather slow […]

The best climbers for hot climates

For those lucky enough to live in hot climates, it is sometimes not easy to find that one. ideal climbing plant for your garden. If you find yourself in this situation, we will give you a hand. We have selected for you some of the climbing plants that, due to their beauty, will know how […]

Buy grown trees … or seeds?

Trees are extraordinary plants. Tremendously ornamental, rustic, and with an infinity of different species to be able to choose the one that we like the most, taking into account our climate, of course, because not all will grow equally well in all climates. Sowing tree seeds is a wonderful experience, because you see the whole […]

Tradescantia, an easy plant to care for

You may not know her name but it is likely that you have seen her on occasion. Is that the tradescantia It is a very common plant in Spanish homes as it is not only beautiful but also very easy to care for. It is a versatile hanging plant that is suitable for interiors and […]

All about the False Banana Tree

In the temperate forests of central and southern Europe, where winters are cold with freezing temperatures, we can find a great variety of deciduous trees. Among them, one of the most spectacular is the Fake bananawhose scientific name is Acer pseudoplatanus. This deciduous tree can reach 30 meters in height, with a very wide crown […]

Shrub Selection for Dry Climates

For those of us who live in dry climates, in principle we can believe that it will cost us a lot to find shrubs that can decorate our garden. That thought is not wrong, since most plants in this type of climate have small, inconspicuous leaves and / or flowers. And that is why we […]

The flowers of the Tree of Jupiter

From China our protagonist of today was introduced in Europe back in the XNUMXth century. A shrub or small deciduous tree that blooms in summer … and how it does it !! It is undoubtedly a very good option if you want to have a plant that, in addition to having leaves and a very […]

Growing and caring for Washingtonia

Our Washington They are a genus of palm trees composed of two unique species: Robust Washingtonia y Washingtonia will spin. Although your last name may create confusion, Robust Wasghintonia has a thinner trunk, while the Washingtonia will spin it is wider. Between them they tend to hybridize very easily, creating the filibuster Washington which present […]

The Best Deciduous Trees for Clay Soils

It is not easy to find deciduous trees for clay and / or calcareous soils, since evergreen trees such as olive, carob, or pine trees predominate. That is why to facilitate your task in finding the ideal tree to decorate your garden in a spectacular way, we will tell you some of the arboreal species […]

Care and uses of the Sebum Tree

Today’s protagonist is a tree that is very difficult to find far from its place of origin: Japan. But nevertheless it can be a great option if you want to have a tree that gives way to autumn but you live in a slightly warm climate. It is about the commonly called Tallow treewhose scientific […]

Rose of Jericho, desert plant

The Rose of jericho it is dry-looking plant, the kind you can often find in the desert, ideal for a bare or Mexican-style garden, where the plants grow almost just for their own sake and the gardening tasks are not too demanding. Is that this species is originally from Afghanistan as well as places like […]

Uses of the precious virgin vine

Our protagonist today is a magnificent climber: the virgin vine. Drought resistant already frost, rustic, and last but not least, produces fruits of a very beautiful bluish color. These begin to ripen towards the end of autumn, but the fruiting period can last until well into December, even until Christmas. Of course, they are not […]

How to do the stratification of the seeds

There are many seeds that due to their origin they need to be cold to be able to germinate. They do this naturally in habitat, since winters are harsh with snowfalls, and with the arrival of spring and high temperatures the seed knows that it must germinate on those days and that is something it […]

All about Kalanchoe blossfeldiana | Gardening On

With the arrival of autumn one of the most popular plants in gardens and homes is undoubtedly the Kalanchoe blossfeldianasince it blooms on these dates. In addition to its rusticity and its great ornamental value, it is a perfect plant to give color to the Halloween day which is getting closer and closer. With the […]

Selection of medicinal plants for your garden

Our medicinal plants They have been used by humans for millennia. Already the ancient inhabitants of the jungle consumed them to prevent and cure various pathologies. Today, with the rise of modern medicine, we are seeing how more and more of us are returning a little to that natural past to which only our beloved […]

List of climbers to decorate the well

If you have a water well in your garden and you want to give it a different touch, make it a very decorative center of attention, there are many climbing plants that you can use. Also, as all tolerate pruning, you can control its growth very easily and quickly, thus also avoiding uncontrolled growth. Some […]

Attracting bees to the garden with plants

Bees are essential insects to ensure pollination and subsequent fruiting of plants. That is why it is recommended to put plants that attract them and thus be able to achieve an even better quality and quantity of fruits. The species that we are going to tell you next they are especially interesting to accompany the […]

Identify Palm Tree Problems | Gardening On

Palm trees are a ideal plants to give that exotic touch and / or tropical that you like so much in the gardens. There are more than three thousand different species distributed mainly in warm or temperate climates, but there are also those that support severe frosts of up to 20 degrees below zero, such […]

Sowing the acorns | Gardening On

Yes, gentlemen, yes, the holm oaks are finishing their fruits ripening and it is time to collect them, either for consumption or for sow them. Would you like to take advantage and try your luck with some? The planting a tree It is a fantastic experience that we should all have, at least once in […]

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