How to remove bamboo | Gardening On



When you want to have a beautiful garden, you often make the mistake of choosing plants that, in addition to having a high ornamental value, adapt too well to our area, to the point that if we do not control their growth we can end up having a big problem, like bamboo.

This is a very beautiful plant, but it can also cause us more than one headache. How to remove bamboo from the garden?

How to permanently eliminate reeds?

Bamboo has long green leaves

Bamboo has long, green leaves.

El bamboo It is a very, very adaptable rhizomatous plant that also grows very quickly. In fact, once a nursery manager told me that it was even capable of breaking the pot, not to mention the damage it can cause to pipes, for example.

Whenever you want to put a certain type of plant in the garden, it is important to know beforehand what its characteristics and needs are, but in the case of bamboo that importance is even greater if possible. If the decision turns out to be wrong, getting rid of it will not be easy.

Therefore, below we are going to tell you what you can do to remove it:

Remove bamboo without chemicals

If you don’t want to use chemical products to remove the bamboo, what you have to do is dig up the stems. The rhizomes of this plant grow to a depth of about 30 centimeters, so you have to dig a little and dig them up and then, once outside, cut them and eliminate them.

Keep in mind that to get rid of the bamboo you must be persistentIt would not be strange that many months and even years have to pass until you achieve our goal. To shorten that time, in addition to digging and digging up the canes, you can starve it, cutting the stems that come out and covering that area with black plastic, securing it with concrete blocks.

Remove it with herbicides

Today we find glyphosatewhich is a powerful herbicide which can help you a lot to have a bamboo-free garden since kills plants with which it has direct contactbut you have to be aware that they are toxic products for the environment. For this reason, you must wear gloves and a mask and follow the instructions that you will find on the product packaging to the letter.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The first thing to do is cut the bamboo stalks with a hand saw.
  • Then, with the help of a brush, apply the herbicide on the stumps.
  • Finally, dig up and extract the rhizomes.

The treatment may have to be repeated several times, but in the end you will achieve your goal.

How to control the growth of bamboo?

Bamboo is a plant that can be controlled

Bamboo is a plant that can be controlled

Today bamboo is a type of plant that has been given a very bad reputation. Of course, as we said before, it grows fast, sprouts almost overnight, and can cause serious problems. But this only happens when it is planted in a site that is not the most suitable.

The reality is that it is perfect for forming screens that give privacy to a garden, as well as serving to cut the wind a bit. In those situations, all you have to do is control their growth. AND, how do you do that? As follows:

  1. First, dig a trench next to the bamboo plant about 70 centimeters deep.
  2. Then, cut the rhizomes that you see that are exposed when making the trench.
  3. Next, put a plastic barrier on the side of the trench.
  4. Finally, you will only have to fill the trench with dirt.

In any case, you may have to cut the stems that come out, but without a doubt you will be able to control it better.

I hope it has been useful to you .

How to remove bamboo | Gardening On

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