Gardening Tips

Why are my plants yellow?

Image – Xtreme Horticulture Providing the best care for a certain plant is sometimes not easy. We may put it in a place where it gets too much sun, or we may water it with a type of water that has too much lime. When doing so, what is, without any doubt, the most visible […]

Guide to buy a paellero

Making a good paella and enjoying it with friends and/or family is something you can consider for weekends. In winter this can make us more lazy, but in spring and summer, with good weather, you may want to consider it. And to enjoy your garden and cook at the same time, how about you get […]

Logging: what it is, what it is for and importance

Large natural resources can also be obtained from forests and large forest areas. This activity, which is to bring the natural resources of these places, is known as logging. It is also known by the name of forestry. It is the sister science of agriculture that has some elements in common, but they have different […]

Characteristics, uses and care of Cedrus deodara

El cedar It is a majestic tree and known to be quite large. Today we are going to meet a variety of this species whose growth is very fast and serves to restore some soils more degraded by erosion. Its about himalayan cedar. Its scientific name is deodorized cedar and it is also known by […]

Garden Sets: The Best, Buying Guide And Where To Buy Them

Many people love to enjoy a relaxing moment in their garden or terrace. It is therefore not surprising that there is a wide range of garden sets on the market. These can be made up of tables with chairs, tables with armchairs and a sofa, or tables with loungers. The best thing about these packs […]

How to prune and stalk aubergines?

The whole process must start with the preparation of a seedbed and the eggplant seeds are sown in the winter season and then transplanted to the garden at the end of it or at the beginning of spring. Then it is time to carry out the necessary care of the cultivation of aubergines to ensure […]

All about the Quercus ilex, a very resistant tree

Image – Wikimedia / Paulo together The Quercus ilex It is an evergreen tree, sometimes shrub, that can be grown in large or small gardens. Its growth rate is rather slow, but with time it gives a very pleasant shade. In addition, the fruits it produces are edible. If you want to know how to […]

What is tenancy and what examples are there?

The tenantism it is a relationship between two beings of different species that may or may not obtain some benefit, but also some harm. It is much more common to occur in animals and not so much in plants, but believe me if I tell you that the examples that I am going to mention […]

Why you should NOT put out the cigarette in the pots

I want to go a bit out of the editorial line of this blog to write an article in which, first, I am going to explain why you should not put out the cigarette in the pots, and second, what can be done to protect the plants and dissuade smokers from putting out tobacco on […]

What are the symptoms and treatment of olive tree tuberculosis?

Image – Wikimedia / Luis Fernández García Although plants of Mediterranean origin are usually very resistant to pests and diseases, sometimes they cannot do much against some microorganisms. And it is that, for example, olive tree tuberculosis it is an increasingly frequent problem. But do not worry: Knowing how it develops, the symptoms and of […]

Veneer Grow Guide | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia / Harry Rose Have you ever wanted to try little known legumes? It is often thought that what is easy to grow is what you see in nurseries, and they are not lacking (in most cases), but the truth is that there are many plants that can pleasantly surprise us. One of […]

How to care for a pomegranate in a pot?

The pomegranate is a shrub that tolerates pruning very, very well, but it is also a relatively small plantwhich means that it can always be grown in a pot. As if that were not enough, there is a variety, the Pink Garnet »Nana»which is even more interesting since it does not exceed two meters in […]

How do you take care of the fig bonsai?

Fig tree bonsai project. The fig tree is a tree or small tree that is widely cultivated in gardens and orchards. During the summer it produces some fruits, figs, which have an exquisite sweet flavor. But being deciduous and having invasive roots, it is not always advisable to have it in the ground. Although, fortunately, […]

How to buy a smoker

have you ever tried a smoked food? Or at the barbecue has it occurred to you to smoke the ribs? Is a way to cook foodbut also a device that can be used to produce smoke. For it, a smoker is needed. But which is the best on the market? How to buy one? What […]

How to make a homemade fungicide?

Leaf with mildew. Fungi are microorganisms capable of killing plants in a matter of days, and the worst thing is that when we realize that something is wrong with them, the vast majority of times usually no longer can do anything to save them. Fortunately, at home we surely have some things that will be […]

Origin and characteristics of the Mediterranean forest

Image – Wikimedia / Metanya The Mediterranean forest is a unique landscapein which animal and plant species coexist that have managed to adapt to an environment in which drought and fires are the most serious problems that arise year after year. Walking in it, feeling the song of the birds and the wind moving the […]

The oldest bonsai in the world

If you have ever read or heard that bonsai is a living work that is never finished, you must know that it is totally true. To have a magnificent tree living and staying healthy in a tray takes many years of hard work and dedication. Patience is an important virtue that every bonsaist must have […]

Cucumber Pruning: Characteristics, Advantages and When to Prune

The cucumber, whose scientific name is Cucumber sativabelongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, like the melon, watermelon, zucchini and pumpkin. This is a fruit of a green herbaceous plant, elongated, with soft yellowish tones on its two rounded endswith whitish pulp and tiny seeds in the center, reaching between 15 to 25 centimeters in length and […]

Regenerative agriculture: what is it, characteristics and advantages

Among the different types of agriculture, there is a type that stands out for seeking a joint objective between farmers and ranchers. It’s about the regenerative agriculture. It is a type of agriculture that develops the concept and whose main objective is to establish a relationship between farmers and ranchers to direct these economic activities […]

How to make an olive bonsai step by step with tricks

Bonsai are one of the most appreciated and attractive plants out there. Being able to have a tree inside the house, or on the terrace, has always caught our attention. If what you are looking for is to make one from scratch, then we are going to talk to you about how to make an […]

When to harvest garlic: the best tips and tricks

Garlic is prized in the kitchen for its ability to add intense flavor to a variety of dishes. Garlic has a delicious pungent flavor and wonderful aroma, and it’s also very easy to grow. It’s also great to have your own supply of bulbs for winter storage. A question that arises from very common is […]

What jobs to do in the garden

Throughout the year there are many things to do in the garden, even those that are low or no maintenance. There are always little things, little details that we have to do or add so that the plants that form it continue to grow healthy. In the same way that we say that bonsai are […]

Vegetation: what it is and types

Wherever you go you will find landscapes that can leave you in awe. Whether in a tropical jungle, in a temperate forest or in the desert, the plants that have managed to adapt to each of these environments mean that, today, the planet we live on is inhabited by many types of animals. These living […]

How to sow the fruit of the magnolia?

The magnolia or magnolia is a plant that can grow as a tree or as a bush, depending on the species to which it belongs, which produces spectacular flowers. Delicate, large, softly colored, and very fragrant. When these are pollinated, the fruits and their seeds ripen, which we can then sow. But What exactly is […]

Wild apple tree: Characteristics, cultivation, benefits and pests

Apples and apple trees grow in the landscape without being tended. Some were planted individually or as part of a garden and then abandoned, and others have grown from seeds deposited in bird and mammal droppings. Wild apple trees normally settle in clearings or on the edges of fields. As the forests grow, the apple […]

Care and irrigation in corn cultivation

Corn is the most widely sown plant par excellence, its harvest and types allow us to prepare a huge variety of dishesSince the plant is used almost completely, it does not require so much care and it occurs during most of the year (at least in countries with a tropical climate), the cultivation of corn […]

What are they and what types of fronds exist?

When you enter the world of botany little by little you realize that it is very, very broad. There are many terms that are used, but undoubtedly one of the easiest to learn and remember, especially if you like ferns, is the fronds. Why? Well, because they are the only large leaves that they have, […]

Soil degradation: what is it and how to stop it

When various actions are carried out on the soil of a certain area, an inevitable degradation occurs. Actions such as agriculture, construction, livestock, tree felling, etc. They are degrading activities. The soil degradation It is defined as the change in its health as a result of a decrease in its capacity to generate goods or […]

What are the basic gardening tasks?

To have a well-kept garden there are a series of jobs that the gardener or gardener must perform. Some are better known than others, but all of them are just as important. Getting a paradise at home is not really difficult, but if one or more of them were not done, it could not be […]

What damage does ketone cause to plants?

Image – Flickr / Artur Rydzewski It is highly recommended (and even necessary) that in a garden and, above all, in an orchard there is a great variety of animal species, but the truth is that there are some that can cause some other problem. One of them is the one that belongs to the […]

How and when to prune jasmine: the best tips

Image – Flickr / Jesus Cabrera If you have a garden and you want to take good care of it, you usually have to do some pruning and maintenance. Jasmine is a very critical plant in all gardens and belongs to the group of the most popular climbing and shrub plants for decoration. It is […]

Most common diseases and pests of zucchini cultivation

Today we will talk about the diseases that can affect your zucchini crop And the first thing you have to know is that regardless of whether it is our small orchard or large crops, these will never be 100% immune to contracting pests and diseases so you have to learn to take care of them. […]

How is the cultivation of the robin tomato?

Image – Although at first glance they all seem very similar, depending on the variety and / or cultivar, tomato plants produce fruits with characteristics that make them unique. What’s more, if you want to grow one with an exquisite flavor and very productive, I would definitely recommend the robin tomato. As if that […]

Potho diseases: How to detect them and which are the most common

The poto, also known as pothos, is a climbing vine that is very common in homes. And it is not surprising, because it has very beautiful green leaves, its care is simple and it is easy to reproduce. It is actually a tropical plant that, in the wild, grows under the protection of tree leaves, […]

How to add sulfur to plants and when is the best time

Sulfur is a chemical element that is very present not only on planet Earth but in others in the universe. Here, we find it in volcanoes, hot springs, and also in underground deposits. Despite the fact that if it is handled unknowingly it can do a lot of damage, to the point that it could […]

Why have plants? | Gardening On

Gardening is a fascinating world that allows you not only to get closer to nature learning all its secrets, but also It has many benefits. We live in an increasingly urbanized world, where concrete destroys the green spaces that remain. In order not to get too far from it, there is nothing like having a […]

White strawberry: Characteristics, origin, cultivation and pests

The white strawberry known as white soul or pineberry is a small white berry with green leaves and red achenes of strong aroma and flavor similar to pineappleespecially when it is mature, being very resistant to diseases. This strawberry is the product of the cross between two species of American strawberry, the Fragaria chiloensis and […]

Planting lentils: when to do it, how and what care they need

Surely, when you were little or little, in your school you planted lentils. Usually planting lentils used to be done a few weeks before Mother’s Day, since it was the gift that was offered to them for their celebration. But it does not mean that it is something exclusive to teachers. You yourself can plant […]

What is the best time to make cuttings?

One way to get new copies at zero cost is multiplying them by cuttings; that is, cutting some stems and planting them in pots to root. However, like everything in life, there is a time that is especially suitable for it and, to be successful, it is very important to take it into account. Therefore, […]

All about the Rowan | Gardening On

Sorbus intermediate The plants known as rowan They are trees and shrubs with great ornamental value. Ideal for all types of gardens, be they small, medium or large, their flowers will brighten up the room (and the lives of their owners ) very easily. In addition, their maintenance is not very complicated, since they resist […]

Caring for Verbascum sinuatum, a medicinal herb

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Michel Chauvet There are many herbs that, growing in the garden, are uprooted. And it is logical: they grow very fast, so much so that they invade the land that we want ornamental and / or garden plants to occupy. But there are some species that are interesting to conserve, […]

What are, types and cultivation of vegetables

The world of the gastronomy It is made up of a myriad of elements that today are part of the cultures of many nations. Food can be eaten by cultural, medicinal reasons or for reasons of taste. Whatever the case, food also has multiple categories that allow consumers to choose from a wide range of […]

Characteristics and cultivation of the Guara almond tree

In recent years, almond trees have become a sanctuary for new investors, given the new, more profitable varieties, their hardiness and the new hyper-intensive plantation frameworks. However, despite this, varieties such as the For almond tree they continue to be leaders in cultivated area, and present a very high grain yield, hardiness and rapid entry […]

Red palm weevil: symptoms, prevention and treatment

Whether you have a palm tree in your garden or if you are a collector of these plants and you live in an area with a warm or temperate climate on the Old Continent, it is important that you know everything about it. Red weevilone of the most harmful pests we have today. In its […]

Disinfects the soil naturally through solarization

Image – When a soil has been worked a lot for several years, in the end what you end up with is a field where fungi and bacteria proliferate and also a large number of wild herbs could grow, many more than usual. An ecological way to disinfect the soil is with a method […]

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