Month: January 2023

Plant nurseries: characteristics and requirements

The plant nurseries They are a set of agronomic facilities where the great variety of plants and flowers that can be distributed and sold are grown. By being able to house a large number of plants and flowers that are not sold, the main function is to ensure that the species can grow properly. In […]

How to eliminate green worms in plants: the best tricks

The green worms on plants are the larvae of lepidopteran insects that include butterflies and moths. In the first stage of its life cycle, the butterfly or moth lays eggs on the plant, and a few days later the worm or caterpillar is born, which is characterized by an appetite that requires constant feeding to […]

Why aren’t my plants growing?

Taking care of the plants is very nice, but if the days and weeks go by you see that they continue practically the same as always, you can get to worry. When they stop their growth, you always have to wonder why, since it is not usually normal for them to do so and less […]

Bacterial diseases in plants. Everything you need to know

Plants are also attacked by bacteria as we humans. There are numerous bacterial diseases in plants which are a real headache. Unlike some pests that are easier to control, these diseases spread quickly and easily. They are difficult to control when they are already present in crops and are capable of killing full crops. In […]

How often to water outdoor plants?

The frequency of irrigation is not the same whether the plants are indoors or outdoors, since the conditions of light, air and humidity are very different. For this reason, it is one of the tasks to which more attention must be paid so that we can get to control it as soon as possible, avoiding […]

What is vine tinder and how is it controlled?

Image – As much as we want to avoid it, unfortunately our plants throughout their lives will be affected by various pests and will have to overcome the odd disease. While many of these problems can be solved, there are others that will give us more of a headache, such as the tender comes. […]

Aphids: characteristics, life cycle and treatment of the pest

The aphids They are a fairly broad group of insects in which we can include the aphids, The white flies and mealybugs. These insects are part of the vast majority of pests of both crops and garden plants. They belong to the order of the Hemiptera and the suborder Homoptera. Among the aphids that most […]

What is photosynthesis? | Gardening On

Photosynthesis is a process through which life, as we know it, can exist. Not only the plants benefit, but also the animals since we breathe oxygen, a gas that the leaves expel. It is very interesting to know in depth photosynthesis, since there are several phases, and there are even some plants that, due to […]

Why do bonsai leaves drop?

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Why do bonsai leaves drop? There can be several reasons, some being more serious than others. But what is certain is that when we see that our plant begins to run out of them, we tend to worry. And it is that, of course, being a relatively small tree, […]

What natural products to treat pests to use?

Are you fond of organic farming? Even if you are not, if you grow your food or part of it it is interesting to use natural products to treat pests whenever necessary. But which ones to use and how? Potassium soap, neem oil,… there are many! And, no, not all of them are used to […]

Which watering can is ideal for the garden?

The garden is that space of the house or an open space In general, it is intended for nature and is that for nature lovers, this area of ​​the house is very important and they work daily to make it look good. There are those who make an art of this habit, because the way […]

Gardening basics | Gardening On

Humans have a very close relationship with nature; not in vain, our existence depends to a great extent on it. Fortunately, although we do not all live in the country, we can all have one or more plants. Some of them can be for example for consumption, such as lettuce or tomato plants, and others […]

How to maintain a dwarf lemon tree?

When you don’t have much room to plant trees, one way to get fruit without having to go to the supermarket is to buy dwarf varieties. These, unlike conventional ones, are much smaller in size so they take up less space. In fact, it is even possible to grow them in pots, as is the […]

How to drive away pigeons in your garden or orchard

Pigeons can become a problem for your garden or vegetable garden. Nevertheless, we must not do any kind of harm to them, since they only look for food and more natural environments. The big problem is how much pigeons make nests near your house or in the same house. That is when you should call […]

Chloroplasts: what are they, morphology and functions in plants

Animal and plant cells differ in some ways. The main difference is that the plant cell possesses chloroplasts and the animal does not. Chloroplasts are generally large organelles that are present in plant cells. Generally, a leaf cell is capable of harboring between 20 and 100 chloroplasts. These organelles have a special function that we […]

Ercolina pear: A small fruit but great flavor

Maybe like many people around the world, you have always wanted to have a plant in your garden (if there is enough space) that is fruitful. The good news is that in the case of pear trees, it is possible that with a little space, it can be had in a garden. Of course, not […]

Rock wool, a very interesting ” substrate ” for plants

We are used to seeing and talking about conventional substrates, that is, about peat, coconut fiber, mulch, perlite and others, but What if I told you that there is a type of material that can also be used for plants to grow and that, in addition, it has a very interesting price? Yes, yes, this […]

Everything you need to know about growing oats

Today we are going to talk about the oats. It is a genus of plants that belongs to the Poaceae family and whose scientific name is Avena sativa. It is used as food and as fodder. Although in earlier times it was not as important as wheat or barley, in Central Asia it was cultivated […]

Is squash a fruit or a vegetable?

When we see something that looks so good and we also know that with it we can make many culinary recipes, it is normal that we have many doubts about whether or not it is what it seems to be. An example of this is the squashalso known as pumpkin. It is very common to […]

Grafiosis: what is it, what are its symptoms and how to eliminate it

There are diseases that, in general, attack a series of crops that have in common that they are family, that require some similar conditions, etc. However, there are some diseases that are more exact and only attack certain species. This is what happens with the graphiosis. It is a disease that is seriously affecting elm […]

How to grow lamb’s lettuce, properties and benefits

The possibility of power grow lamb’s lettucefor people who have gardens in their homes it can represent a great difficulty. In this way it can be said that if the plants are capable of being in the best climatic conditions, they will be able to provide us with a large number of leaves and of […]

How to buy an outdoor wooden floor

There is no doubt that An outdoor wooden floor is one of the most luxurious and perfect decorations for your garden. But in order not to have to be changing it every so often and for it to last a long time, you have to know how to choose and know the keys to buying […]

How to Plant a Holly: Top Tips and Tricks

The holly is a protected species today than most of Europe. It is a large shrub that requires cooler regions to grow properly. One of its most attractive features is its evergreen foliage and in winter it gives beautiful red fences. many people wonder how to plant a holly For this reason, in this article […]

File of the Magnolia soulangeana, a shrub with beautiful flowers

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Piotr Kuczynski I love magnolias. They have a very elegant bearing, and flowers … very, very beautiful. But most species are quite large trees, which cannot be grown in small gardens, much less in pots, except for one, which is not actually a species but a hybrid: the Magnolia x […]

The Uses of Baking Soda in Plants

Are you looking for a natural insecticide or fungicide to combat pests and diseases this season? If so, you can stop looking, because I know for sure that you already have it. Sodium bicarbonate has enormous potential and use in the world of gardening. So much is its effectiveness that it has already been proven […]

Is rust and how to eliminate it

Try as we might, unfortunately we cannot protect our beloved plants 100%. There will always be something that we cannot control, such as the temperature, the wind or, perhaps, the irrigation. For this reason, we often have to do treatments, whether preventive or curative, because plant beings have a multitude of enemies that are always […]

Pyrus pyraster, a very rustic and adaptable pear tree

Image – Flickr / Ettore Balocchi The Pyrus pyraster It is a large tree, which with some basic care can be really beautiful. And the best thing is that it does not matter if you live in an area where intense or weak frosts occur, since it is a very rustic and adaptable species. It […]

What is apical pruning? | Gardening On

Sometimes to get a plant to branch more and where we are interested it is interesting to prune it, since this not only forces it to produce more branches, but also and as a result of this we can achieve a more compact size. Although it can be pruned in several different ways, apical pruning […]

What is the Scoville Scale?

The peppers known as chili peppers, chillies or chili peppers have one characteristic in common: At the first bite, you immediately notice that particular itch which can be more or less intense depending on the variety of food we are eating. Well, to find out how hot each pepper is, the Scoville Organoleptic Exam was […]

Everything you need to know about growing barley

Today we are going to talk about the cultivation of barley. Its scientific name is common barley and its cultivation is known to all since ancient times. The origin of this crop is from both Southeast Asia and North Africa. It is thought to be one of the first plants that began to be used […]

What is nitrophoska and what is it used for?

So that the plants can grow strong and a little faster than they usually do, they can be given some type of fertilizer such as Nitrofoska. However, it is important to make good use of them, since if they were not done, the risk of overdose would be greater. With this in mind, We are […]

Discover Erwinia amylovora, the cause of the blight blight

The Erwinia amylovora is a bacterium that causes one of the most serious infectious diseases and dangerous that affects all types of plants, shrubs and trees, especially plants belonging to the Rosaceae family. At present there are at least 150 species distributed in 37 genera that are affected by this plague, although it must also […]

How to remove mold from the terrace wall

Wet conditions and heavy rains are the enemies of the surface, especially outside. Due to the formation of mold, as well as the formation of algae and moss, it is inevitable that sooner or later green spots or blackening will appear on the walls most exposed to rain and humidity. Mold is made up of […]

Do you know what the best edible roots are?

Many times we are eating vegetables and we do not realize that they are really the roots of the plants and that they are the ones that absorb the nutrients from the soil to incorporate them. We are used to the fact that plants normally have their edible fruits and it is not the root […]

Characteristics, uses and care of Ligustrum ovalifolium

Today we are going to talk about a very popular plant that is valued for its rusticity and makes it perfect for climates where drought abounds. Its about Ligustrum ovalifolium. It is also known by other common names such as ligustrina, California privet, and troanilla. This species is found naturally in forests with a milder […]

Verticillium: characteristics, symptoms and treatments

Today we are going to talk about a type of disease that attacks various crops and that is quite complex to eliminate since it requires being very curious. Its about Verticillium. It is a fungus that attacks the pistachio crop, among others, and has a very great facility to spread and infect other crops. Its […]

The best products to eliminate snails and slugs

When you have a garden or orchard, the least you want is for insects to take over your plants, or for them to appear with their leaves bitten off. If you run into this problem, you’re going to want to eliminate snails and slugs, as well as ants and any other insects that threaten your […]

How to recover a withered money plant?

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The money plant is not that it is a difficult herb to care for, but since it has fleshy leaves, you must be very careful with watering. Why? Because the fact that they are like this already tells us that they have a lot of water inside. But in […]

What types of carob are there?

The carob tree, whose scientific name is Ceratonia siliquais a fruit tree native to the Mediterranean region capable of growing in places where other plants would have many difficulties. It produces fruits even in poor soils, with a tendency to erosion due mainly to the lack of rainfall, and if this seems little to you, […]

Characteristics and medicinal properties of mucilage

Today we are going to talk about a botanical topic that is quite useful for food. Its about mucilage. Surely you have ever heard of mucilage. It is a type of soluble fiber that has a slimy form. Some plants produce mucilages naturally. It has various positive functions for people’s health and has certain utilities. […]

Deciduous forest: what it is, types and flora

A deciduous forest is a place where all life, both plant and animal, must fight to survive in a more intense way than in a humid tropical forest for example. And, as temperatures can change over the months, and the rains are generally seasonal, to get ahead they have to make the most of the […]

Liquid manure and its characteristics

This is a type of substance that is used by farmers or farmers as a fertilizer for the soil of your plantsTwo types of liquid manure can also be known, such as animal urine and manure water. This is used as a solution or also in suspension that is added to the water with which […]

How to recover a dry bonsai?

Is it possible to recover a dry bonsai? When we find it like this, we have to act fast, since it is possible that it has some really serious problem, such as a fungal disease as a result of excessive watering. For this reason, it is important to know why it is dry, and also […]

What are the bonsai tools needed to care for it?

Nobody ever said that caring for a bonsai was easy, but it is not easy at first to know the function of each of the bonsai. bonsai tools that any teacher will recommend you acquire. There are usually nine … not counting the watering can, the substrate or the flowerpot. So if you want to […]

How and when is the pruning of the almond tree?

Pruning the almond tree is a very important task, as it is a way to guarantee a good harvest and that it is also easy to pick.. If this were not done, the plant would grow uncontrollably and there would come a time when it would be difficult for us to pick the fruits from […]

When and how is the banana harvested?

When is the banana harvested? This delicious and satisfying fruit comes from a very fast growing herbaceous plant that only needs sun, plenty of water and protection against frost. It is so easy to care for and so beautiful that it can be kept in a pot as an ornamental plant for many years. However, […]

Everything you need to know about growing alfalfa

Today we are going to talk about the cultivation of alfalfa around the world. Its origin takes place in Asia Minor and the southern Caucasus. It covers countries such as Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The diffusion of this crop was carried out by the Arabs through North Africa and, thus, it was […]

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