
Types of Aquatic Plants: Floating Plants

Aquatic plants, in addition to being used to decorate and beautify our ponds and gardens, have other functions, diverse and important in ponds: they reduce algae, since they constantly oxygenate the water, prevent the water from overheating, that is, they allow They maintain the temperature and serve as a shelter for small fish. These types […]

Types of Aquatic Plants: Oxygenating Plants

Aquatic plants, also called hydrophytic or hydrophytic plants or also called hydrophilic or hygrophytes, are plants that, as we already know, are adapted to very humid or aquatic environments. They are plants that need a large amount of it in their roots to live, so we generally find these plants living in ponds and water […]

Indoor Gardening | Gardening On

If we want to have a garden inside our houseIt is important to know which indoor plant is most suitable for each of the places in our home. Some plants, for example, may require more light than others, so placing it in its proper place will receive adequate light, heat and humidity so that it […]

Plagues of the Rosales | Gardening On

The rose busheslike other types of plants are very sensitive to diseases and pests. For this reason, many people who have grown rose bushes in their gardens must spray their roses quite frequently. Below we will show you some of the most frequent pests that can be found in the rose bushes: Aphid: aphids are […]

Plagues of the Rosales II

Others will most common types of pests and diseases that can be found in the rose bushes are the following: Snails and Slugs: it is important to learn to distinguish between these two types of pests, snails differ from slugs by their shell or shell, slugs have naked bodies. These types of pests feed on […]

Bulbs that are Planted in Spring and Bloom in Summer

As we saw earlier, the bulbous plants are those that are grown, as the name implies, using bulbous plants that can be bulbs, corms, tuberous roots and rhizomes. Both bulbs, corms, tuberous roots and rhizomes grow underground and serve to accumulate the necessary nutrients to later manufacture the leaves and help the development of the […]

Cultivation of Cactus and Succulents: Light and Temperature

To cultivate this type of succulent plants It is important to take into account certain factors such as light and temperature, so that the plant develops and flourishes (if it is the case) correctly. Today we bring you two of the most important factors to consider when growing cacti and succulents: The light: Succulent plants […]

Recommended plants for vertical gardens

Vertical gardens are generous when it comes to giving beauty. They are increasingly present in cities, transforming the urban landscape thanks to the high visual impact they bring with their green tones. There are specific plants for vertical gardens that are chosen for various reasons, from the ability to generate contrasts to their colors and […]

Change of Pots and Cactus Transplant

Like any plant, succulents and cacti can be planted in pots and transplanted from the ground to the pot or vice versa. The reasons why we make this change can be diverse, for example: if the plant is very large and no longer fits in that pot or container, if the roots have begun to […]

Pot Change and Cactus Transplant II

As we saw previously, like any plant, the succulents and cacti They can be planted in pots and transplanted from the ground to the pot or vice versa. The reason why we make this change can be due to various factors, such as if the plant is very large and no longer fits in that […]

Multiplication of Succulents and Cacti

Opt for the multiplication of succulent plantswhere we include cacti, it is not only important to have a garden full of these wonderful and beautiful plants but also because it is a way to do it easier and cheaper. To do so we must take into account that there are 5 possible methods. These are […]

How to care for an African violet

The african violet (Saintpaulia) is the most cultivated indoor plant in the world, and it is not surprising, since it adapts almost without difficulty to the conditions of our homes. It is also easy to produce, therefore easy to find. In spite of everything, the African violet is not exactly a plant for beginners since […]

Planting fennel and melon seeds

In April, with the arrival of warm temperatures, it is also time to plant new crops: This month we have the fennel and melonamong others, although we are going to focus on these two. Here are some tips so that everything goes as well as possible. Fennel It is a plant that interferes with the […]

Planting Cosmos and Amaranthus paniculatus seeds

Yesterday we saw some details about the fennel and melon seed plantingtoday we will continue to see more, but this time it is about some beautiful flowers that will happily adorn our garden. Before starting you should know that these seeds are planted from the beginning to the middle of April. Amaranthus paniculatus It is […]

Cactus and Succulents Multiplication By Cuttings

As we have seen previously, opt for the multiplication of succulent plantswhere we include cacti, it is not only important to have a garden full of these wonderful and beautiful plants but also because it is a way to do it easier and cheaper. To do so we must take into account that there are […]

The Korean maple, a small tree full of charm

The leaves of the korean maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) are rounded and have a texture very similar to that of the Japanese maple (Acer nipponicum). During spring, its large buds and young branches are covered with a slightly sticky white flower. As it grows, it goes through different stages. After the white flower appear leaves covered […]

This spring fill your garden with exotic flowers

Although it is still cold we have almost nothing left to get back to spring, and what better way to start it than by planting plants whose flowers are colorful and exotic? Today we show you 4 exotic flowers that you can incorporate into your garden this spring. catharanthus roseus (Also known as Pink vinca) […]

Cactus Graft Multiplication | Gardening On

We have already seen some methods of multiplication of succulent plants and cacti such as the seed method and cuttings method. Today, we will talk about another of the most used methods when it comes to multiplying succulents, I am talking about cactus graft. But, first of all, what is a graft? Grafting consists of […]

Cactus II Graft Multiplication | Gardening On

As we saw previously, there are different methods of multiplication of succulent plants and cacti such as the seed method and cuttings method. Another of the most used methods is the cactus graft. Yesterday, we mentioned some of the characteristics of grafting and why we use it as a way to multiply our succulent plants […]

Steps to Graft a Cactus

As we have seen in previous posts, the graft It is one of the most used forms for multiplication of succulent plants and cacti. It is for this reason that today we have brought you the steps we must follow to perform a cactus graft. Step 1: one week before grafting, it is important that […]

Advantages and Uses of Trees

As many of you know, trees have been with us since long before we were born, and many of them will still be alive the day we die. The advantages and benefits of trees they are known to many and used by large numbers of people. We can find fruit trees, ornamental trees, in nature, […]

What we did not know about evergreens

As we mentioned before, trees have been with us since long before we were born, and many of them will even be alive the day we die. These living beings, in addition to being beautiful and setting the gardens very well, offer us various benefits and advantages. We can find fruit trees, ornamental trees in […]

Tree Fertilizer | Gardening On

As we have seen previously, there are some factors that we must take into account when planting a tree in our garden. In addition to taking care of the irrigation and avoiding generating puddles so that the rotting of the roots and later the death of the plant does not occur, we have to make […]

An indoor plant for every space in your home

Our inside plants they always give a pleasant, decorative and unique touch in our home, however, their needs for light and humidity make it difficult for us to choose the most suitable place for them. Today we recommend an indoor plant for each space in your home. Ficus: For the living room We can find […]

Exceptional Pruning | Gardening On

As we have seen in other posts, pruning It is a practice that we should not stop doing at any time in the life of our tree. From the beginning of its days, we must start practicing training pruning, while once it is developed we must prune it to keep its branches and crown in […]

Tree Transplantation | Gardening On

When we talk about transplant a treeWe are talking about extracting a tree or shrub from the ground and planting it in another place, be it a pot or another place such as a garden to a park, or from a pot to the ground. But, before talking about the transplant process, let’s see some […]

Tree Root Problems | Gardening On

As we have seen previously, though the trees offer us a million benefits, from the shade they produce to the production of food for daily consumption, they can also generate some problems that require immediate attention and care. This is why today we bring you some problems that can occur with tree rootsPay close attention […]

Ideal Soil for Growing Plants

To be successful in the plant growingvegetables and vegetables in our garden it is important that we know and improve the soil. It is for this reason that today we bring you the ideal characteristics that the soil should have for the cultivation of our plants. Deep: to improve the deep soil, perhaps due to […]

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