Gardening Tips

How to care for Japanese cherry bonsai?

Image – Japanese cherry bonsai is wonderfulas much or more than the garden tree. It produces a large number of flowers almost effortlessly, and its maintenance is quite simple when you consider its basic needs. Therefore, if you have been given one or are planning to acquire it, do not miss this article in […]

Characteristics of Polygonum aviculare, a medicinal herb

Image – Wikimedia Commons / GFDL The Polygon’s aviary It is an herb that grows almost everywhere in the world and also has quite interesting medicinal properties. Do you want to know what they are? Well, do not hesitate: continue with us that we are going to tell you everything about this species. And it […]

What is amensalism? | Gardening On

Have you ever put a potted plant under, for example, a eucalyptus and it just started to dry out? And it is that, although it is true that these trees have roots that compete fiercely with those of the others for water and nutrients, the main responsible for the death of the plant that is […]

Mower: The best, buying guide, and where to buy it

Image – Wikimedia Commons / BCS SpA With the arrival of the heat, it is time to get our gardens ready to enjoy them comfortably. In the case of having a large garden or a plot of land, a motor mower will be great to get rid of weeds. It is a motorized machine that […]

Discover how to plant a tree step by step

Image – Do you know how to plant a tree? Whether in the garden or in the orchard, it can be a very entertaining experience, but also exhausting if it is of a good size. But so that unexpected problems do not arise it is important to know some things that I am going […]

When to prune rosemary | Gardening On

One of the usual plants in gardens is rosemary. Being able to be used at a culinary level, and also giving off a very pleasant aroma, it is in almost all gardens. But This plant grows up to 2 meters. That is why knowing when to prune rosemary is so important, firstly, so that it […]

All about the subscriber of the almond tree

Our protagonist is a deciduous tree that can be very useful: it gives good shade, in spring it brightens our day with its wonderful flowers and towards summer it produces fruits, almonds, which are delicious. But for that to happen, we have to know everything about the almond tree subscriber. We often think that only […]

Intensive agriculture: what is it, characteristics and advantages

The increase in large-scale crop production has taken place thanks to the development of the intensive agriculture. This type of agriculture has allowed all farmers to be able to produce food in greater quantity in order to offer safe food to society. There are aspects that are in favor of this type of agriculture and […]

What and what are hybrid plants?

Do you know what a hybrid is? A hybrid, in general, is a living being that has genes from two specimens so different that they belong to a different species. It can be natural, that is, it can occur in nature without human intervention, but it can also create one. In fact, currently it is […]

How is Allium ampeloprasum grown?

The garlic ampeloprasus It is a plant that, despite the fact that the scientific name does not sound familiar to us, it is most likely that we have seen it or even cooked it more than once, well it or one of its varieties. Its cultivation is also very simple, to the point that it […]

When to Copper Tomatoes: Tips and Tricks

We know that in home gardens in general agriculture crops can be attacked by pests and diseases that decrease crop yields. One of the ways to protect plants against diseases is to use copper. However, many people do not know when to copper tomatoes. Tomatoes are plants that are attacked by numerous pests and diseases […]

Everything you need to know about the pine processionary

Today we are going to talk about a topic that concerns the Pine and all of us. Is about the pine processionary. It is considered the most important pest in the pine areas of the Mediterranean. They are a set of caterpillars that move in a line as if it were a procession. That’s where […]

What is commensalism? | Gardening On

Both animals and plants relate to each other in many different ways, whether for example by taking advantage of each other, fighting for the same benefits, or simply sharing resources without harming either party. One of the most interesting biological interactions that occurs is the commensalism. And, although at first it is hard to believe, […]

How is aphid like and is it eliminated?

The aphid it is one of the parasites that most frequently causes damage to plants (if not the most). He loves warm environments, and if the crops are thirsty … they will go without think about it twice. Its multiplication is also very fastto the point that one day you see a single specimen, and […]

Ficus diseases: symptoms and treatment

Image – Wikimedia / Channer Ficus appear to be very resistant, and also tend to have very strong roots, something that contributes to fueling the suspicion that they are all-terrain plants. Although this is not entirely true, since depending on the climate we can grow some varieties or others. And that’s not to mention that […]

Discover everything about the agate potato: The queen of kitchens

The world of potatoes has many different specimens, each of which shows its special characteristics, for which they are often used for this or that thing within the culinary world. Today we will talk about the agate potato, which is widely used because, according to specialists, it is one of the types of potato indicated […]

Melilotus indicus: characteristics, care and utilities

One of the herbs that you can find in nature, and that is part of the species that populate the Mediterranean, as well as North Africa, Europe and Macaronesia, is Melilotus indicus. This plant, which is also present in America, Australia and Asia, is not very well known. But if you want to know a […]

Characteristics, uses and types of mulch

Surely you have ever worked or seen the mulch. From a young age they teach you that mulch is essential for the organic matter in the soil and that it serves as a compost. Nothing is further from reality, mulch is a type of organic fertilizer that offers exceptional characteristics to the soil on which […]

Characteristics, cultivation and properties of the arracacha

Within the tuber family we find the earring. It is also known by other common names such as celery criollo, racacha, virraca, mandioquinha or white carrot. Its scientific name is Arracacia xanthorrhiza. It is a perennial plant that is capable of living up to two years and belongs to the Apiaceae family where celery and […]

How to buy quality universal substrate

If you like plants and you have them at home, you will know that, after a while, you need to change the pot or fill them with soil. For this, you can use a universal substrate mixed with perlite or some different drainage. But Do you know how to buy a quality universal substrate? And […]

Pears: Characteristics and cultivation of different pears that exist today

The pear is characterized by being a typical fruit of the Mediterranean, whose cultivation tends to focus on temperate areas and originates from regions located in Southeast Asia and Europe. This fruit is available throughout the year, since it is produced in various regions worldwide, not only in the northern hemisphere, but also in the […]

Helical mower: The best models and buying guide

If you have ever wondered how some people manage to have such a beautiful lawn, with precise and very low cuts, the answer is very simple. They will most likely use a helical mower. It is a lawn mower that uses a very precise and high quality type of cut. In this article we are […]

Properties and benefits of Solanaceae

There are many people who ask if nightshades they are poisonous or not and if they are edible. It is a group of flowering plants that are both deciduous and perennial. In this family of plants there are different types of trees, shrubs and even aromatic herbs. The doubt of many people is that when […]

What is and how is the English graft done

The english graft It is a method of artificial vegetative propagation of plants in which part of the plant tissue joins another already established so that both grow as a single organism. Grafting is used in the propagation of ornamental and fruit vegetables for various reasons, both in commercial nurseries and by small gardeners who […]

How to treat gummosis? | Gardening On

When we have trees we would like them to always be healthy, but based on my experience I can tell you that they are, after horticultural plants, the most vulnerable plants to pests and diseases that exist. During the first months of life both fungi and insects can kill them in a matter of days; […]

Learn all about the Saint Lucia cherry tree (Prunus mahaleb)

Today we are going to talk about a rather curious and beautiful shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is close to the cherry trees that are usually grown in the fields and is found in many areas of Europe and North Africa. Is called cherry tree of Saint Lucia. His scientific name is […]

Oak Bonsai Care Guide | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Hutch1 When you start in the world of tray-worked trees, you do it with great enthusiasm and a desire to learn, but you don’t always choose the right species. So so that you do not get discouraged, I am going to recommend purchasing a oak bonsaibecause after the Ficus and […]

Pistachio cultivation: advice, requirements and maintenance

Today we are going to talk about the planting of a highly demanded and valued dried fruit. Its about pistachio cultivation. One needs some unique care and you have to know very well how to sow to get profitability from this crop. It cannot be grown anywhere in the world since they need some special […]

Meet the Pueraria lobata, a medicinal but very invasive climber

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Forest & Kim Starr The pueraria lobata It is a plant that has two faces: on the one hand, it has very interesting medicinal properties, but on the other … it is one of the most invasive that exists. Its rapid growth means that the native flora cannot do anything […]

Cultivation of Cucumis metuliferum or kiwano

Image – Flickr / woodleywonderworks The Cucumber melanogaster It is an ideal herbaceous plant for gardening. It loves the sun, and also with minimal care you can use it as an ingredient in various recipes. And it is that the flavor of its fruit is pleasant although exotic, and as if that were not enough […]

Prunus cerasus, a beautiful fruit tree for garden

The Prunus It is one of those fruit trees that, in addition to being very useful to human beings, is very decorative. In spring it is covered with beautiful white flowers, even before the leaves sprout, which gives the garden an incredible appearance. Do you want to know more about him? If so, don’t hesitate […]

Types of lemon trees: 9 examples of the most popular

Among the most popular fruit trees is without a doubt the lemon tree. This is because it is relatively easy to grow and gives us acidic and tasty fruits that are ideal for many culinary recipes, for baking and for making lemonade. Also, lemons are used on many occasions as a home remedy for various […]

Fig tree: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and more

Image – Wikimedia / H. Zell The fig tree, known by the scientific name loaded with figsIt is a deciduous tree that produces delicious fruits, with an exquisite sweet flavor. But despite this, we have to think carefully if we are really interested in having one in the gardenas it has some features that we […]

How to care for a potted fig tree

The fig tree is a very popular plant in orchards, since it is very productive and also does not require any special care. For this reason, it is normal to wonder if it is possible to grow it in a pot, since if so, it could be very interesting to have it in a patio, […]

How to treat almond monilia?

Image – Wikimedia / Jerzy Opioła The almond tree is a very decorative and useful fruit tree, but also very sensitive to certain pests and diseases, such as moniliosis. Also known as brown rot, it is caused by three fungi that love humid and warm environments, although unlike the vast majority of species they can […]

Electric Shepherd: The best, buying guide and where to buy it

Many people have trouble keeping their grounds safe from intruding animals. These can eat our crop, step on it or destroy it. Also for farmers, the appearance of certain animals near their livestock can be problematic. They can drive you away or even kill you. But these setbacks have a very simple solution thanks to […]

We raffle a set of garden accessories

We have just reached no more and no less than 20 thousand followers on Facebook and that is why at Jardería On we wanted to make a very special gift, a raffle of a fantastic set of garden accessories perfect both for those who want to debut in this world and for those who have […]

Meet the Erysimum, spectacular flowers

Erysimo of alliumImage – Wikimedia Commons / Christmas The Very very They are a series of very special plants: some of their species are endemic to the region of the Teide volcano, in Tenerife, and to Sierra Nevada (Spain). They produce a large number of flowers of various colors. In addition, they can be grown […]

Everything you need to know about pavia and its benefits

The Prunus It is the scientific name for the peach tree. It is a species of tree in the genus Prunus of the Rosaceae family. It is also often called a peach tree and its peach fruit in American countries. This tree can produce fruits such as the peach but there are also other varieties […]

Useful homemade inventions in agriculture

It is common to see how farmers use their creativity to make Homemade inventions that aim to protect your plants and achieve harvests, a number of objects emerge that are very useful in the cultivation stage and that have different uses. In the spring time it is observed how this series of objects designed for […]

Do you know how persimmon bonsai is cared for?

Image – Persimmon is a fruit tree that many of us – myself included – are in love with. It is one of those that looks beautiful all year round, perhaps less in winter when it has lost its leaves, but it also looks good in any garden. In addition, it tolerates pruning, so […]

Water pear: what variety is it, properties and season

One of the seasonal fruits that we like the most are, without a doubt, the water pears. However, today in greengrocers and supermarkets many varieties have been appearing with the tagline ‘water pears’ without actually being considered as such. Do you know which one is the real one? Do you want to know more about […]

Myriophyllum aquaticum, a very invasive aquatic plant

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Marie-Lan Nguyen The world of aquatic or semi-aquatic plants is very broad: there are some that are very decorative and easy to grow, and there are others that are tremendously invasive. One of the latter is the species Myriophyllum aquaticuma grass of a beautiful green color. Its growth rate is […]

Do plants feel pain? We will tell you!

Plants and animals are living beings that function in very different ways: while the former transform the sun’s energy into food, the others cannot do that but we do have the ability to move from one place to another. Our lifestyle differs so much from that of plant beings, that it is logical that we […]

How to choose the bonsai pot?

A bonsai is a great little work of art where both the worked plant and its pot combine so well that they make any of us want to have such a jewel at home. But we do not always give the importance of the complement that protects the roots of our project. When we go […]

How to buy large outdoor planters

When spring arrives, it is normal for those who love the garden to get down to work to check the plants, see those that are already in bloom, check if they need transplants and, also, buy large outdoor planters to change them. If you are looking for this product, it is possible that the price […]

What are the main invasive plants in Spain?

Humans tend to take a clone or seeds of plants that we liked, often without thinking about the possible consequences that this seemingly innocent gesture can have in our area. Thus, it is not surprising that there are many, and more and more, invasive plants that inhabit territories that do not belong to them. All […]

Why do plant leaves turn red?

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Jorge Franganillo How come some plants turn red when fall comes? And why are there others who do it at other times of the year? The truth is that the reason will depend a lot on the season in which we find ourselves, and on the state of health of […]

How is the texture of a soil determined?

To grow certain plants we usually worry a lot about the weather. “Will they endure the high summer temperatures? Will they endure frosts? Will they be able to live only with the rain?” This is something completely normal, not in vain, plant beings depend a lot on the climate to be able to adapt or […]

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